Trump chickened out! I love it.

Again, time for another legal lesson ...

We are talking about the Grand Jury in NYS.

Read that again and try to comprehend it.

In NYS the defendant CAN and DOES get to present to the Grand Jury and Trump and his legal team did.

So you saying NYS '...grand juries hear only the evidence that the prosecutor presents..." is factually incorrect.

But knowing you got your law degree from failed law school Valpo explains why you cannot read the statute i provided.
Remember a while back when the Gropingfuehrer was struggling to find a bond company to provide the $$ to allow him to file an appeal of the half a billion dollar judgment? I was shocked that PIMP seemed unable to comprehend that Trump couldn't use his heavily-mortgaged properties as surety so no one wanted to front him the appeal funds.
Remember a while back when the Gropingfuehrer was struggling to find a bond company to provide the $$ to allow him to file an appeal of the half a billion dollar judgment? I was shocked that PIMP seemed unable to comprehend that Trump couldn't use his heavily-mortgaged properties as surety so no one wanted to front him the appeal funds.

There simply is not a matter of law that comes up that the slum lord lawyer gets correct. He is wrong 100% of the time.
Like 99% of his promises made to the Cult, this one turned out to be broken as well. Doesn't matter why. All that matters is the orange shitgibbon will say anything for approval, and the Cultists gulp it down like a DQ frosty, then defends it when the truth is revealed.

The MAGATs have even fewer principles and morals than their #MalignantMessiah.
I cant believe how stupid they are.
This is dynamite stuff by the looks of things, even Jarhead won't be able to defend Joe.

In 2019, Ashley Biden, the then 37-year-old daughter of President Biden and his wife Jill, wrote in her journal about showering with her father at an inappropriate age as well as her fears that, as a child, she was sexually abused.

Explosive stuff. Not that you would have heard about it, thanks to a near-complete, years-long media blackout. via
This is dynamite stuff by the looks of things, even Jarhead won't be able to defend Joe.

In 2019, Ashley Biden, the then 37-year-old daughter of President Biden and his wife Jill, wrote in her journal about showering with her father at an inappropriate age as well as her fears that, as a child, she was sexually abused.

Explosive stuff. Not that you would have heard about it, thanks to a near-complete, years-long media blackout. via
And you support Trump who brags about sexually assaulting women.
This is dynamite stuff by the looks of things, even Jarhead won't be able to defend Joe.

In 2019, Ashley Biden, the then 37-year-old daughter of President Biden and his wife Jill, wrote in her journal about showering with her father at an inappropriate age as well as her fears that, as a child, she was sexually abused.

Explosive stuff. Not that you would have heard about it, thanks to a near-complete, years-long media blackout. via
Heard about it many times. It is not covered much because it is not true,
Among the many lies that Trump told was that the judge would not allow him to testify due to the gag order. I hope Trump was smart enough to know that was not true. If he believed that, he is crazier than I thought. I know many Trumpys here echoed his lie and believed it.
The Judge took time in court to explain it clearly. We should have had cameras in court. That would have cut the number of lies Trump told.
We will see.

Yes we will - you remain convinced that your party will be able to cheat their way to retaining power. I am skeptical. IF you retain power, there will never again be a legitimate election - I'll grant you that. BUT you have failed to completely end elections so far - despite everything your party has done to corrupt the concept of democratic elections.

Trump will win the election per the Constitution. Your party will once again use fake electors - as you did in 2016 - in an attempt to steal the election - and will again fail.
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Why is everyone trying so hard to make a big deal out of it when it's not... I didn't.
Who started the wretched excess outrage? Not I... ;) There are much bigger fish to fry...

Because they are panicking. Calling Trump a "convicted felon" was the last ace the Marxists had up their sleeve. Even in this absurd lynching - that became highly unlikely after the failure of Cohen. The Stalinist drones are lashing out in desperation, hoping to find ANYTHING to slander and defame Trump with.
Heard about it many times. It is not covered much because it is not true,

The diary has been confirmed...

A Marxist drone will not only lie for the party - but sincerely believe any lie - even in the face of proof - as to blindly and mindlessly serve the party.
Where did marchon go to law school?
Because they are panicking. Calling Trump a "convicted felon" was the last ace the Marxists had up their sleeve. Even in this absurd lynching - that became highly unlikely after the failure of Cohen. The Stalinist drones are lashing out in desperation, hoping to find ANYTHING to slander and defame Trump with.

Because they are panicking. Calling Trump a "convicted felon" was the last ace the Marxists had up their sleeve. Even in this absurd lynching - that became highly unlikely after the failure of Cohen. The Stalinist drones are lashing out in desperation, hoping to find ANYTHING to slander and defame Trump with.
Rage and panic is Not a good look...
No return on that investment. Maranello's School of Beauty has just as high academic standards - though may be lacking in DEI programs.
The average starting salary for a Harvard Law School graduate $201,250. That is a bit better than what a graduate of Maranello's School of Beauty can expect.