trump Crashes the Eonomy

The stock market is not the economy. It used to be an indicator of the future economy, but now it is just a casino where the wealthy can filter money from the economy. Trump did not create its upward trajectory. It just kept on the same slope it was on when he came in. We will see Trumps impact eventually. the inflation index is scaring investors.

The only reason it gets so much attention is because Daffy Donald made it such a big deal and took credit.
The point you're trying to fudge around is the fact that Trump is crashing the economy lot of presidents before that but he's the one that's crashing it
The point you're trying to fudge around is the fact that Trump is crashing the economy lot of presidents before that but he's the one that's crashing it

Umm no you laughable faggot your article clearly said that the Stock market had a ten month up streak; the longest since 1959.
The stock market is not the economy. It used to be an indicator of the future economy, but now it is just a casino where the wealthy can filter money from the economy. Trump did not create its upward trajectory. It just kept on the same slope it was on when he came in. We will see Trumps impact eventually. the inflation index is scaring investors.

The only reason it gets so much attention is because Daffy Donald made it such a big deal and took credit.

Bullshit, Obama didn't have a two quarter 3% growth rate during his entire term, the growth of the economy is due completely to Trump's deregulation and the Republican tax cuts.
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From your own fucking headline:

The Dow and S&P 500 snapped 10-month winning streaks, their longest since 1959.

It closed lower after the longest upstreak in 60 years, you're a laughably transparent propagandist.
Dumbass was hoping readers would somehow take that as a negative.

In a way it is a negative.... for fucking Marxists.
This drop has a direct connection to Trumps saying he wants to put tariffs in place., on steel and aluminum. So in this case, trump is completely responsible.
This drop has a direct connection to Trumps saying he wants to put tariffs in place., on steel and aluminum. So in this case, trump is completely responsible.

I agree with your statement about tariffs. However, the market will bounce back and the American iron and steel industries will benefit.
The point you're trying to fudge around is the fact that Trump is crashing the economy lot of presidents before that but he's the one that's crashing it

Wait till his new tariff scheme kicks in. Wait till we all start paying 25% more for the goods that are made from that steel and aluminum that is imported. Yuge tax, greatest tax ever!

I'm pretty tired of all this winning. How about you?

LMAO, when it goes up you don't give Trump credit...

My favorite part of your pathetic thread is the title of your news article :

... longest monthly win streak since 1959...

And all you do is bitch.

Maybe the previous crash wasn't due to him, but this one was a direct response to his steel and aluminum tariffs.
I agree with your statement about tariffs. However, the market will bounce back and the American iron and steel industries will benefit.

There's a reason many Congressional Democrats and union leaders are cheering this and it's not because they are backers of free markets.
I agree with your statement about tariffs. However, the market will bounce back and the American iron and steel industries will benefit.

Nope. Companies are international now. They anticipate other nations retaliating. Damn aren't the Repubs pro free trade. Can you understand how this is exactly the opposite? How far can you bend things to defend Trump. this should be good.