trump Crashes the Eonomy

Wait till his new tariff scheme kicks in. Wait till we all start paying 25% more for the goods that are made from that steel and aluminum that is imported. Yuge tax, greatest tax ever!

I'm pretty tired of all this winning. How about you?


they are too stupid to understand the difference between a tariff and a free market
The fact you think steel is a dinosaur industry really shows how ignorant you are.

Protectionism only makes economic sense when you are protecting infant industries that need to grow to maturity. Protecting an already mature industry that's dying anyway is foolishness. Just clinging to the past. You are a protectionist, I have no need to show how ignorant you are.
Is there going to be some point in time where the steel industry does not require these interventions and subsidies in order to sustain itself? Will they ever be able to go on without their crutches that they purchase at tremendous cost to the rest of the nation? I don't think so. Without permanent subsidies and market intervention, the steel industry will continue its slide. It deserve no support.
And the rest of our industry which relies on building products from steel will crash. A dinosaur industry like steel doesn't need protections.

Almost everything in our steel and aluminum-producing plants is automated, so this is going to create very few jobs. Well, maybe we'll need to hire some more ppl at the country's unemployment offices when the car makers and other durable good producers start losing sales and laying ppl off.

Stupidest fucking move ever.
WM, you can't want to rid the world of rightists then be upset by protectionism. Communists aren't free traders.
Interesting. So what are they?

Evening out the playing field. This country cannot support itself and continue to grow giving all our industries to other nations. As a liberal you should be happy about this. Higher wages, jobs etc. Of course liberals are going to actually have to pay the cost increase to do that, but hey, it is what you all want right?
We can't continue to grow with high priced steel either... the automobile sector employs a lot more than the steel sector, and they're going to be devastated by this.