trump Crashes the Eonomy

Wait till his new tariff scheme kicks in. Wait till we all start paying 25% more for the goods that are made from that steel and aluminum that is imported. Yuge tax, greatest tax ever!

I'm pretty tired of all this winning. How about you?


60 year record 10 month up streak is not an economic crash you laughably dumb cunt.
The situation is the longest up streak in the Stock market in 60 years and you call it an economic crash. Laughable faggot.

Obviously, you are a dumb fuk, to stupid to discuss the stock market. go back in the dark corner of mommies basement and suck on your toes huh
I get a kick out of the reboobcons on their knees begging for trump to tell them what to say knowing that the world knows plumpie is a con man
in fact his whole family is a gaggle of con men and reboobcons are so dumb stupid... plumpie falls back on the idea he's directly connected to the red neck south and west that practice
incest, it's like old home week for plumps been fukin his daughter since she was a child.

The headline of his own article said this single day of loss ended a 60 year record 10 month up streak you nigger dick taking faggot.
Obviously, you are a dumb fuk, to stupid to discuss the stock market. go back in the dark corner of mommies basement and suck on your toes huh

From his own article you retarded fuck:

The Dow and S&P 500 snapped 10-month winning streaks, their longest since 1959.

On your planet a single day loss after a 60 year record 10 month up streak is an economic crash. You are literally retarded.
You must also be a big fan of Trump tax cuts which will only add about 1.5 trillion to our debt.

Tax cuts do not decrease tax revenue and they never have you ignorant faggot. The only thing that will increase the national debt is the continued exponential increased non-discretionary spending that has been going unabated for almost a century.
I see the ignorant uneducated trumptards on here are foaming at their mouth

From your own article faggot:

The Dow and S&P 500 snapped 10-month winning streaks, their longest since 1959.

On your planet a single day loss after a 60 year record 10 month up streak is an economic crash. You are literally retarded.
It’s a FACT that these tax cuts will add at the least 1.5 trillion to our debt. You must love debt and more debt on top of that.
It’s a FACT that these tax cuts will add at the least 1.5 trillion to our debt. You must love debt and more debt on top of that.

No it's a fact that tax cuts do not and never have decreased tax revenue in the history of this country you dumb fuck, you fucking morons refuse to support cutting non-discretionary spending and then laughably blame an increase in the debt on stealing less from the citizenry, god you're fucking dumb.
Just how many government agencies have to tell you that this tax cut will add trillions to our debt, before it will sink in. Not only will these cuts disappear in a few years, but we will all wind up with higher taxes to boot.
Just how many government agencies have to tell you that this tax cut will add trillions to our debt, before it will sink in. Not only will these cuts disappear in a few years, but we will all wind up with higher taxes to boot.

Show me an example of when tax cuts resulted in a decrease in tax revenue. Under both Reagan's Tax Reform Act of 1986 and Bush's Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, the tax revenue not only didn't decrease but it actually increased and tax revenue under Bush did not fall until the subprime mortgage crisis which had nothing to do with the tax cuts whatsoever.

From his own article you retarded fuck:

The Dow and S&P 500 snapped 10-month winning streaks, their longest since 1959.

On your planet a single day loss after a 60 year record 10 month up streak is an economic crash. You are literally retarded.

The market is up about 20% since plumpie... markets around the world are up almost 30% nit wit so plumps run is less than average jerk off.
Even when you consider plumpie gave the rich trillions of dollars that aren't paid for so the taxpayer will have to pay for trillions given to the
rich fool..con man plumpie orange head that paints his eyes white