trump Crashes the Eonomy

The headline of his own article said this single day of loss ended a 60 year record 10 month up streak you nigger dick taking faggot.

I just got a email about you from mike he says you're queer boy living in the red neck world of fukin your sisters and brothers "incest runs rampant there..
check to see if your mother is your sister will ya huh
The market is up about 20% since plumpie... markets around the world are up almost 30% nit wit so plumps run is less than average jerk off.

That includes developing countries who naturally have higher growth rates than developed western nations you ignorant faggot. In reality the US is well outpacing the GDP growth of most comparable western developed nations for example the GDP growth rate for Germany in 2017 was less than 1%, France's was less than 2%, Italy's less than 2%, Japan less than .5%, whereas the US growth rate was appx. 2.5%, in fact the U.S. is number 2 im economic growth of all G7 countries behind only Canada, god you're fucking dumb.


Even when you consider plumpie gave the rich trillions of dollars that aren't paid for

Less theft is not a giveaway.

so the taxpayer will have to pay for trillions given to the
rich fool..con man plumpie orange head that paints his eyes white

Did that make sense in your little primate brain? Stealing less from one group does not mean you have to steal more from another and FYI the Republicans and Trump cut taxes across the board, again you're too fucking stupid to breathe.
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I just got a email about you from mike he says you're queer boy living in the red neck world of fukin your sisters and brothers "incest runs rampant there..
check to see if your mother is your sister will ya huh

The failed nigger Obama presidency could only dream of an economic "crash," consisting of a 60 year record ten month up streak.

Yep......thousands of left wing regulations...gone, 3 point GDP, best economy in 49 years, millions of new jobs.....How dare he crash the economy in such a fashion, how dare he lower the taxes and give the people their own money back, that's some nerve. How dare he make the bankers on wall st. nervous as they fear their days on the gravy train are nearing an end. :laugh:

I especially enjoy it the people sure do thank you for stopping your protests against wall st., and are now in fear for those you were marching against just months ago.

We are stupid......we did not see the 180 or your FEIGNED concern that you hope will make the President look bad. Just how stupid are you to follow marching orders such as these.....your bosses are making you look STUPID like a chicken in the middle of the road darting back and forth. :palm:
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One phrase.....THE STEELE DOSSIER. Run away little coackroaches into the darkness when the light of truth blinds you.
Short and sweet article on these protectionist tariffs.

The Swamp Is Alive! It Is Alive!

The beauty of the modern age is that you can just turn on your TV and witness live how cronyism works.

Just a few hours ago, President Trump hosted a “listening session” with steel and aluminum executives, whom he had summoned to the White House. Right there, on live TV, we witnessed these CEOs pleading for government support that will inevitably result in higher prices for consumers of steel and aluminum. And, as we all sat there, stunned, we watched the president grant their demand and make policy on live TV.

Import taxes on steel and aluminum are coming to America, people.

It was surreal. In one instance, we saw David Burritt, executive vice president and CEO of United States Steel Corp., say in one breath that this is not protectionism, and then, in the next breath, ask for protectionism.

We also saw the head of Nucor saying how his 25,000 employees will really benefit from these import taxes. But what about the other 5.4 million workers in downstream industries? I guess no one cares about them because they weren’t privileged enough to be invited to give their perspective.

Talking about perspective, where was Trump’s economic adviser, Gary Cohn, making the case for workers in steel- and aluminum-consuming industries? Where was Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchinm explaining that tariffs don’t bring jobs back but can force manufacturing production abroad? Where was national security adviser H. R. McMaster explaining that, contrary to what the Department of Commerce says, this is not a national-security issue for the military?

Maybe they weren’t invited to the big-government-handout party.

???? think Trump invited the steel and aluminum businesses to the meeting and THEN decided to announce tariffs?.......
Short and sweet article on these protectionist tariffs.

The Swamp Is Alive! It Is Alive!

The beauty of the modern age is that you can just turn on your TV and witness live how cronyism works.

Just a few hours ago, President Trump hosted a “listening session” with steel and aluminum executives, whom he had summoned to the White House. Right there, on live TV, we witnessed these CEOs pleading for government support that will inevitably result in higher prices for consumers of steel and aluminum. And, as we all sat there, stunned, we watched the president grant their demand and make policy on live TV.

Import taxes on steel and aluminum are coming to America, people.

It was surreal. In one instance, we saw David Burritt, executive vice president and CEO of United States Steel Corp., say in one breath that this is not protectionism, and then, in the next breath, ask for protectionism.

We also saw the head of Nucor saying how his 25,000 employees will really benefit from these import taxes. But what about the other 5.4 million workers in downstream industries? I guess no one cares about them because they weren’t privileged enough to be invited to give their perspective.

Talking about perspective, where was Trump’s economic adviser, Gary Cohn, making the case for workers in steel- and aluminum-consuming industries? Where was Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchinm explaining that tariffs don’t bring jobs back but can force manufacturing production abroad? Where was national security adviser H. R. McMaster explaining that, contrary to what the Department of Commerce says, this is not a national-security issue for the military?

Maybe they weren’t invited to the big-government-handout party.

Economic nationalism is not antithetical to a free market, we can have a free market domestically and protect it from unfair trade practices from abroad, the problem is that on the global market we aren't competing against other free markets we are dealing with third world (but rapidly industrializing) command economies like China using veritable slave labor and who use currency manipulation to increase exports and decrease imports.
Economic nationalism is not antithetical to a free market, we can have a free market domestically and protect it from unfair trade practices from abroad, the problem is that on the global market we aren't competing against other free markets we are dealing with third world (but rapidly industrializing) command economies like China using veritable slave labor and who use currency manipulation to increase exports and decrease imports.

In other news.. China has just shortened their work week.
That includes developing countries who naturally have higher growth rates than developed western nations you ignorant faggot. In reality the US is well outpacing the GDP growth of most comparable western developed nations for example the GDP growth rate for Germany in 2017 was less than 1%, France's was less than 2%, Italy's less than 2%, Japan less than .5%, whereas the US growth rate was appx. 2.5%, in fact the U.S. is number 2 im economic growth of all G7 countries behind only Canada, god you're fucking dumb.


Less theft is not a giveaway.

Did that make sense in your little primate brain? Stealing less from one group does not mean you have to steal more from another and FYI the Republicans and Trump cut taxes across the board, again you're too fucking stupid to breathe.

you're either to stupid to understand or have no idea and no brains to use in your empty space in your head
85% of the tax break went to the rich ass hole fool... real facts not reboobcon fake news jag
That includes developing countries who naturally have higher growth rates than developed western nations you ignorant faggot. In reality the US is well outpacing the GDP growth of most comparable western developed nations for example the GDP growth rate for Germany in 2017 was less than 1%, France's was less than 2%, Italy's less than 2%, Japan less than .5%, whereas the US growth rate was appx. 2.5%, in fact the U.S. is number 2 im economic growth of all G7 countries behind only Canada, god you're fucking dumb.


Less theft is not a giveaway.

Did that make sense in your little primate brain? Stealing less from one group does not mean you have to steal more from another and FYI the Republicans and Trump cut taxes across the board, again you're too fucking stupid to breathe.

you need to pay attention to whats being discussed ass hole, your posts have nothing to do with the facts, go away jack off
and go around in your circle argument with someone else. fuk off.

you're either to stupid to understand or have no idea and no brains to use in your empty space in your head
85% of the tax break went to the rich ass hole fool.

Fake manipulated statistic, people who were paying exponentially higher taxes of course will be getting a larger tax cut (in real dollar amounts) compared to those who were paying little to no taxes.

.. real facts not reboobcon fake news jag

Tell me again how comparing economic growth rates in developed western nations to those of developing nations is valid. God you're fucking dumb.

you need to pay attention to whats being discussed ass hole, your posts have nothing to do with the facts, go away jack off
and go around in your circle argument with someone else. fuk off.

You're trying to compare economic growth rates in developed countries to those of developing countries, and you assert that the economy is a zero sum game and that the government committing less theft from the private sector is somehow a give away, in short you're a fucking idiot and an economic illiterate.