trump Crashes the Eonomy

So who else has enjoyed Trump's stock market this week?:palm:
The soup lines are longer, people jumping off buildings...

More lies eh leftist dumbfuck? Please provide a link to all these soup lines and people jumping off of buildings....or admit you're just a low information lying leftist dumbfuck.

I guess this is what happens when you elect a 6 time bankrupt leader of the free world

It is apparent you are clueless about running a business and risk taking. No surprise; the Party of the Jackass needs low information lying losers like you in order to even have the slightest chance to hold onto political power.
Most liberals would cut their arm off before they ever admitted that Trump did something right. It's called Trump derangement syndrome. It's pretty sad. They start foaming at the mouth, spouting DNC talking points and insulting anyone who dares to disagree with them. It can also result in violence if enough of them are concentrated in the same area as a Trump supporter. There is no know cure. So sad.

You like Trump, you are a loser. End....
I don't foresee anything but a rocky ride for another 3 years.

Another stupid prediction from the gullible twit who never gets much of anything right.

Trump is really a mess. Who thinks this is leadership?

...because you say so. There, I made your laughably ignorant post slightly more credible. Of course, if you are a gullible unthinking dunce on steroids who believes everything the FAKE media prints, you might have missed all the successes this Presidency has already had. Dunce.
The love that liberals have for taxing the rich can be compared to the ancient practice of using leeches to treat the ill. They are both based on false information, and also detrimental to the ones they are intended to help.

Perfect analogy.
Nothing more laughable than an Obama supporter whining about debt. STFU already.

Few things are more hilarious than rightys and their etch a sketch history. Bush left Obama a potential; second great depression. Obama had to do some real presidential actions to save the economy. He fixed it. Trump takes credit. Obama spent money to get us righted again. Then he addressed the debt, which is something Trump is doing the opposite. However you shake the game and all Obama had to do is gone.
All that is left is a clean and vibrant economy for Trump to claim. But his tax bill is cranking the debt up bigly. His tariffs will supercharge economic problems. And you will blame Clinton, Obama and Truman. It is amazing how revisionist rightys can be.
Few things are more hilarious than rightys and their etch a sketch history. Bush left Obama a potential; second great depression. Obama had to do some real presidential actions to save the economy. He fixed it. Trump takes credit. Obama spent money to get us righted again. Then he addressed the debt, which is something Trump is doing the opposite. However you shake the game and all Obama had to do is gone.
All that is left is a clean and vibrant economy for Trump to claim. But his tax bill is cranking the debt up bigly. His tariffs will supercharge economic problems. And you will blame Clinton, Obama and Truman. It is amazing how revisionist rightys can be.

Obama addressed the debt, all right. He DOUBLED it!
Lerts educate you since you are just looking at the end . Obamas total includes the damage that Bush created. Try and remember the state of the economy Bush left and the one Obama left Daffy Donald.

Obama had EIGHT YEARS to fix things. Instead, he did nothing. You cannot shift the blame. You know where the buck stops. The Oval Office. The simple fact is that Obama was the worst President this country ever had.
Obama had EIGHT YEARS to fix things. Instead, he did nothing. You cannot shift the blame. You know where the buck stops. The Oval Office. The simple fact is that Obama was the worst President this country ever had.

the simple fact is that you are a liar
Obama had EIGHT YEARS to fix things. Instead, he did nothing. You cannot shift the blame. You know where the buck stops. The Oval Office. The simple fact is that Obama was the worst President this country ever had.

Nothing? What the fuck is wrong with you? Were you in grade school when we were losing 800,000 jobs a month? How about when the market crashed. It was under 8000. Were you in a coma when we had the voting to try and fix Bush's/Republican mess? Did you hear the economists say we had to do incredible things to save the economy? Or have you just gobbled every syllable of Fox Gnus revisionist history. Try and understand this.
It is too soon to say Trump crashed the economy. The impact of his stupid tax cut has not been felt yet. His tariffs are brand new. But economists, other than Steven Moore, are predicting a real mess. Trump shows no understanding of how an economy functions. Much like the rightys on this board.
It is too soon to say Trump crashed the economy. The impact of his stupid tax cut has not been felt yet. His tariffs are brand new. But economists, other than Steven Moore, are predicting a real mess. Trump shows no understanding of how an economy functions. Much like the rightys on this board.

I repeat. The economy is doing just fine. It will continue to do so. Employment is up. GDP is up. Stock market is ticking right along. All the economic indicators are looking great. Just relax and enjoy the ride.
Few things are more hilarious than rightys and their etch a sketch history. Bush left Obama a potential; second great depression.

It was nothing close to a great depression and that rhetoric merely points out what an ignorant dumbass you are and how you merely parrot the asinine talking points you are fed by the media and DNC.

Obama had to do some real presidential actions to save the economy.

So what did he do? He spent us into $10 trillion additional debt and gave us an anemic recovery where we had the lowest labor participation rate in 30 years. An aneimic economy where we were being propagandized that malaise was the new norm and we should all get used to just having less.

It was stupid and moronic; like you are.

He fixed it.

Wrong; he turned it into malaise. Meanwhgile, the ME was blowing up, he falsley claimed Isis was JV and gave us the failures like Benghazi.

Trump takes credit.

No one is taking credit for Obama's malaise you idiot.

Obama spent money to get us righted again.

He spent us into $10 trillion extra debt with NOTHING to show for it but more malaise.

Then he addressed the debt, which is something Trump is doing the opposite. However you shake the game and all Obama had to do is gone.

How did he address the debt other than outspending every other President in the history of our once great Republic? This claim is not merely stupid, it is borderline lunacy.

All that is left is a clean and vibrant economy for Trump to claim.

The economy was far from clean and vibrant you moron. If anything, it is only NOW beginning to look bright. Workers are re-entering the workforce, have more money to spend and have better paying job opportunities.

But his tax bill is cranking the debt up bigly.

This is nothing more than speculative bullshit. But let's give it three years and see where we are by then. I will predict that this kind of stupid speculation is just that, stupid and moronic. Bigly? :rofl2:

His tariffs will supercharge economic problems.


And you will blame Clinton, Obama and Truman.


It is amazing how revisionist rightys can be.

It's amazing how stupid and what big liars lefty's can be.