trump Crashes the Eonomy

So who else has enjoyed Trump's stock market this week?:palm:
The soup lines are longer, people jumping off buildings...

I guess this is what happens when you elect a 6 time bankrupt leader of the free world
Wait till his new tariff scheme kicks in. Wait till we all start paying 25% more for the goods that are made from that steel and aluminum that is imported. Yuge tax, greatest tax ever!

I'm pretty tired of all this winning. How about you?


Imported steel and aluminum is inferior to American made materials.
You're trying to compare economic growth rates in developed countries to those of developing countries, and you assert that the economy is a zero sum game and that the government committing less theft from the private sector is somehow a give away, in short you're a fucking idiot and an economic illiterate.

Then why didn't fuk head plumpie trumpie give the 85% of the tax break to the average guy instead the rich if it doesn't matter, you are a complete idiot dreamer
Fake manipulated statistic, people who were paying exponentially higher taxes of course will be getting a larger tax cut (in real dollar amounts) compared to those who were paying little to no taxes.

Tell me again how comparing economic growth rates in developed western nations to those of developing nations is valid. God you're fucking dumb.

I'm not comparing anything to developing nations that's some shit you came up with go back to the drawing board dick wad
Obviously, you are a dumb fuk, to stupid to discuss the stock market. go back in the dark corner of mommies basement and suck on your toes huh

This is an argument? Dear idiot, he clearly stated facts. What do we get out of you? A bunch of whiny insults. STFU already.
It’s a FACT that these tax cuts will add at the least 1.5 trillion to our debt. You must love debt and more debt on top of that.

Wrong; it's a FALSE statement and narrative primarily promoted by the FAKE media and idiots like Pelosi who were just fine with the $10 trillion in debt Obama racked up in his record breaking debt ridden 8 years in office.

You're an idiot on steroids. Every tax cut ever passed by congress did not lead to lower revenue or higher debt. Post tax cuts, revenue continued to increase....HOWEVER, Congress managed to SPEND far more than what they were taking can thank the Democratic Party of the Jackass for most of that.

That's a historic FACT shit-for-brains.
Show me an example of when tax cuts resulted in a decrease in tax revenue. Under both Reagan's Tax Reform Act of 1986 and Bush's Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, the tax revenue not only didn't decrease but it actually increased and tax revenue under Bush did not fall until the subprime mortgage crisis which had nothing to do with the tax cuts whatsoever.


Why are we expecting trillion dollar deficits, Einstein? You ain’t the brightest crayon in the box.

it should be relatively easy to make your case without the stupidity....why not show it using historic revenue tables? That was rhetorical; you're too stupid to some some easy basic fact gathering.

The market is up about 20% since plumpie... markets around the world are up almost 30% nit wit so plumps run is less than average jerk off.
Even when you consider plumpie gave the rich trillions of dollars that aren't paid for so the taxpayer will have to pay for trillions given to the
rich fool..con man plumpie orange head that paints his eyes white

Nothing says irony better than brain dead leftist retards arguing that THEIR guy Obama helped the uber rich far better than Trump has. Not to mention that Obama was in office 8 years and Trump for barely a year.

It's hard to imagine the inbred stupidity that is required to be a leftist these days.
Bullshit, Obama didn't have a two quarter 3% growth rate during his entire term, the growth of the economy is due completely to Trump's deregulation and the Republican tax cuts.

Most liberals would cut their arm off before they ever admitted that Trump did something right. It's called Trump derangement syndrome. It's pretty sad. They start foaming at the mouth, spouting DNC talking points and insulting anyone who dares to disagree with them. It can also result in violence if enough of them are concentrated in the same area as a Trump supporter. There is no know cure. So sad.

you're either to stupid to understand or have no idea and no brains to use in your empty space in your head
85% of the tax break went to the rich ass hole fool... real facts not reboobcon fake news jag

You do understand that the poor pay little or no taxes so it would be hard for them to benefit as opposed to the rich who pay the lions share of the taxes paid in this country.

I find it rather ironic when you insult others for not having brains when you illustrate a stunning level of ignorance.
it should be relatively easy to make your case without the stupidity....why not show it using historic revenue tables? That was rhetorical; you're too stupid to some some easy basic fact gathering.

The love that liberals have for taxing the rich can be compared to the ancient practice of using leeches to treat the ill. They are both based on false information, and also detrimental to the ones they are intended to help.