trump Crashes the Eonomy

It was nothing close to a great depression and that rhetoric merely points out what an ignorant dumbass you are and how you merely parrot the asinine talking points you are fed by the media and DNC.

So what did he do? He spent us into $10 trillion additional debt and gave us an anemic recovery where we had the lowest labor participation rate in 30 years. An aneimic economy where we were being propagandized that malaise was the new norm and we should all get used to just having less.

It was stupid and moronic; like you are.

Wrong; he turned it into malaise. Meanwhgile, the ME was blowing up, he falsley claimed Isis was JV and gave us the failures like Benghazi.

No one is taking credit for Obama's malaise you idiot.

He spent us into $10 trillion extra debt with NOTHING to show for it but more malaise.

How did he address the debt other than outspending every other President in the history of our once great Republic? This claim is not merely stupid, it is borderline lunacy.

The economy was far from clean and vibrant you moron. If anything, it is only NOW beginning to look bright. Workers are re-entering the workforce, have more money to spend and have better paying job opportunities.

This is nothing more than speculative bullshit. But let's give it three years and see where we are by then. I will predict that this kind of stupid speculation is just that, stupid and moronic. Bigly? :rofl2:



It's amazing how stupid and what big liars lefty's can be.

The only way to sum up all this crap is your one of the dumbest people on the planet
I repeat. The economy is doing just fine. It will continue to do so. Employment is up. GDP is up. Stock market is ticking right along. All the economic indicators are looking great. Just relax and enjoy the ride.

I repeat. You don't have a fucking clue what the economy is going to do. I take no solace from your uninformed posts.
Lerts educate you since you are just looking at the end . Obamas total includes the damage that Bush created. Try and remember the state of the economy Bush left and the one Obama left Daffy Donald.

I am calling bullshit on those numbers. You couldn't educate a wet paper sack and are mathematically challenged.

Assuming inaugurals are from January 20th:
Total debt on January 20th 2009 = $10,626,877,048,913.08
Total debt on January 19th 2017= $19,947,304,555,212.49

Increase = $9,320,427,506,299.41 or 87.7% or 10.96% a year

January 20th 2001= $5,727,776,738,304.64
January 19th 2009 = $10,628,881,485,510.23

Increase = $4,901,104,747,205.59 or 85.56% or 10.695% a year.

Bush's increase paled in comparison to Obama's and let's remember that Bush had the devastation of 911, the Iraq War and Afghanistan War to pay for. We never fight wars without deficits. With Obama it was closing out the wars and spending trillions on pork laden make work projects that didn't do what was promised.

Obama spent nearly DOUBLE what Bush did!!
Nothing? What the fuck is wrong with you? Were you in grade school when we were losing 800,000 jobs a month? How about when the market crashed. It was under 8000. Were you in a coma when we had the voting to try and fix Bush's/Republican mess? Did you hear the economists say we had to do incredible things to save the economy? Or have you just gobbled every syllable of Fox Gnus revisionist history. Try and understand this.

The market hit 8,249.50 in February 2009. Bush takes office and the market at the time was at 15,416.50 and shortly after dropped in a recession to 10,393.35 in September 2002; a 48.5% drop. Bush didn't bitch about the fact that Clinton handed him a recession; he passed tax cuts and reforms and the market went back up to a peak of 16,244.15 before crashing due to a housing mortgage scheme that Democrats were entirely responsible for.

Obama took over and the market continued to crash to a low of 8,249.50 in February 2009. Nothing in that scenario spells depression era crash. By 2013 the market had regained all that was lost and then some. From the Bush low to the Obama low was a mere 2,143.85 points over a span of seven years.

If Obama had done NOTHING, the market would possibly have recovered even faster and without the malaise of the next six years. The claims that spending $10 trillion is what lifted us is not merely false, but lunatic.
So you're trying to avoid the fact that Trump is crashing the economy huh

No; I am pointing out that you are a lunatic and a liar on steroids because the economy isn't crashing, in fact, it is doing better than at any time during the Obama years. Moron.
Reading tough for you? I did not predict it because I do not know. If i say anything about it, it will because nearly all economists predict the results. Can you see the difference? Oh, I'm sorry, of course you cannot.

Nearly all economists? Now you're being a dishonest dumbfuck. Yes, you are predicting so don't lampoon others predictions you moron.

PS; the historic tables after all previous tax reductions indicate that revenues did go UP and that the only reason there were higher deficits was due to SPENDING. My predictions are based on historic precedence, any others that contradict are pure hyperbolic speculation lacking in historic reality.
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Steel and aluminum are used in many products like cars, refrigerators, skyscrapers, bridges, washing machines and many ,many others. The head of Millers said "Like most brewers, we are using an increasing amount of aluminum for our cans. This action would cause prices to rise.It is likely to lead to job losses in the beer industry. " The costs will be passed on to consumers. Great idea Trump.,
Nearly all economists? Now you're being a dishonest dumbfuck. Yes, you are predicting so don't lampoon others predictions you moron.

PS; the historic tables after all previous tax reductions indicate that revenues did go UP and that the only reason there were higher deficits was due to SPENDING. My predictions are based on historic precedence, any others that contradict are pure hyperbolic speculation lacking in historic reality.

You are joking. This is Laffler curve shit. I know no economists who are not employed by Fox Gnus, who say that. Bush did it a few years ago. How did that work out. This is not speculation. There is plenty of data on the impact of tax cuts. And Trumps claim of more jobs and more revenue are not what they concluded.

Can you make a post without calling a person a name? It is so childish and immature.
You are joking. This is Laffler curve shit. I know no economists who are not employed by Fox Gnus, who say that. Bush did it a few years ago. How did that work out.

Beautifully if it were not for the DNC bringing affirmative action to the housing market we wouldn't have had the recession.

Here's How The Community Reinvestment Act Led To The Housing Bubble's Lax Lending
John Carney Jun. 27, 2009, 9:33 AM

This is not speculation. There is plenty of data on the impact of tax cuts.

Yes thereis, tax cuts do not and have never decreased tax revenue.

And Trumps claim of more jobs and more revenue are not what they concluded.

Can you make a post without calling a person a name? It is so childish and immature.

Here's your crash fucktard:

Dow closes 336 points higher as trade-war worries ease
Fred Imbert | Alexandra Gibbs
Published 16 Hours Ago Updated 5 Hours Ago

And you're done.
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Steel and aluminum are used in many products like cars, refrigerators, skyscrapers, bridges, washing machines and many ,many others. The head of Millers said "Like most brewers, we are using an increasing amount of aluminum for our cans. This action would cause prices to rise.It is likely to lead to job losses in the beer industry. " The costs will be passed on to consumers. Great idea Trump.,

You do realize that an increase in steel prices has nothing to do with aluminum prices. But let's say these execs had the slightest clue of what they are erupting about, it would be tantamount to increasing the cost of a can by less than a penny. It won't break anyone.

As for steel prices, well the cost of a car might be increased by $50? But here in California the leftists in Sacramento raised gas taxes by 12 cents per gallon, bringing it to 30 cents a gallon; the excise tax on diesel fuel jumped 20 cents per gallon and the sale tax on diesel would go up four percentage points.

Yet, not a cry from the leftist snowflakes and FAKE media. Who do you think these taxes hurt the most? The rich? Dunce.

You idiots on the left will rant and scream about tariffs that, wait for it, most leftists always loved, but because it is Trump you stomp and screech about it. At the same moment, the leftists members of the Party of the Jackass jack up gas taxes which absolutely hit the poor the hardest and you morons eat crow on it. STFU already!!