trump Crashes the Eonomy

Short and sweet article on these protectionist tariffs.

The Swamp Is Alive! It Is Alive!

The beauty of the modern age is that you can just turn on your TV and witness live how cronyism works.

Just a few hours ago, President Trump hosted a “listening session” with steel and aluminum executives, whom he had summoned to the White House. Right there, on live TV, we witnessed these CEOs pleading for government support that will inevitably result in higher prices for consumers of steel and aluminum. And, as we all sat there, stunned, we watched the president grant their demand and make policy on live TV.

Import taxes on steel and aluminum are coming to America, people.

It was surreal. In one instance, we saw David Burritt, executive vice president and CEO of United States Steel Corp., say in one breath that this is not protectionism, and then, in the next breath, ask for protectionism.

We also saw the head of Nucor saying how his 25,000 employees will really benefit from these import taxes. But what about the other 5.4 million workers in downstream industries? I guess no one cares about them because they weren’t privileged enough to be invited to give their perspective.

Talking about perspective, where was Trump’s economic adviser, Gary Cohn, making the case for workers in steel- and aluminum-consuming industries? Where was Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchinm explaining that tariffs don’t bring jobs back but can force manufacturing production abroad? Where was national security adviser H. R. McMaster explaining that, contrary to what the Department of Commerce says, this is not a national-security issue for the military?

Maybe they weren’t invited to the big-government-handout party.
Evening out the playing field.

Thanks. Exactly. This is protectionism. Anything that reduces trade is by definition protectionism. How do you think this is going to create higher wages? Do you know what happens when we get higher wages? Inflation. Who is harmed the most by inflation? Trump's base and everyone else who is not wealthy. I'm not sure how you think that paying more for the products used to create durable goods is going to lead to more jobs. Certainly it is not going to cause our steel and aluminum plants to hire more ppl -- most of that process is automated now.

BTW, the country we purchase the most imported steel from is Canada. China's at the very bottom of the list.
Thanks. Exactly. This is protectionism. Anything that reduces trade is by definition protectionism. How do you think this is going to create higher wages? Do you know what happens when we get higher wages? Inflation. Who is harmed the most by inflation? Trump's base and everyone else who is not wealthy. I'm not sure how you think that paying more for the products used to create durable goods is going to lead to more jobs. Certainly it is not going to cause our steel and aluminum plants to hire more ppl -- most of that process is automated now.

BTW, the country we purchase the most imported steel from is Canada. China's at the very bottom of the list.

It is going to create higher wages because the American consumer is going to have to pay more money for things. You know, give their neighbors a better living also. Seriously, that is all I have been hearing from the left for years now. Here is everyones chance to put their money where there mouth is. Unions are not going to allow that much automation as long as they still have political clout. This just helps them also.
It is going to create higher wages because the American consumer is going to have to pay more money for things. You know, give their neighbors a better living also. Seriously, that is all I have been hearing from the left for years now. Here is everyones chance to put their money where there mouth is. Unions are not going to allow that much automation as long as they still have political clout. This just helps them also.

Tarifs are protectionism.3
It is going to create higher wages because the American consumer is going to have to pay more money for things. You know, give their neighbors a better living also. Seriously, that is all I have been hearing from the left for years now. Here is everyones chance to put their money where there mouth is. Unions are not going to allow that much automation as long as they still have political clout. This just helps them also.

And foreigners aren't going to have to pay more for things. They'll buy their cars from elsewhere.
Protectionism only makes economic sense when you are protecting infant industries that need to grow to maturity. Protecting an already mature industry that's dying anyway is foolishness. Just clinging to the past. You are a protectionist, I have no need to show how ignorant you are.

Educate yourself. Steel on America is not doing well for precisely the reasons Trump raised tariffs. We don't have 1 dollar an hour laborers.

Why do you think we no longer have e a strong steel industry here?
And foreigners aren't going to have to pay more for things. They'll buy their cars from elsewhere.

People will pay for quality generally. To be quite frank, our vehicles are not shit compared to what you can buy around the world for much less money. Automakers will either get more efficient or develop better materials than steel for vehicles.
This situation requires understanding several concepts at the same time and the right-wingers just don't have the mental capacity to do that.
That depends on what economic model you are following. Did they reference that in the Wiki article you copy and pasted? How about your own input.

Economic protectionism is simple... Tarifs are a form of protectionism.
This situation requires understanding several concepts at the same time and the right-wingers just don't have the mental capacity to do that.

The situation is the longest up streak in the Stock market in 60 years and you call it an economic crash. Laughable faggot.
I get a kick out of the reboobcons on their knees begging for trump to tell them what to say knowing that the world knows plumpie is a con man
in fact his whole family is a gaggle of con men and reboobcons are so dumb stupid... plumpie falls back on the idea he's directly connected to the red neck south and west that practice
incest, it's like old home week for plumps been fukin his daughter since she was a child.