Trump defends order: ‘It’s not a Muslim ban’


President Trump on Saturday denied that his sweeping executive order barring refugees and individuals from several predominantly Muslim nations amounted to a ban on Muslims.

“It’s not a Muslim ban,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office after he signed three new directives.

The order, handed down Friday evening, sowed chaos as government agencies scrambled to implement the broad new policy.

But Trump insisted his administration was “totally prepared” to carry out the refugee and travel ban, which affects more than 100 million people around the world.

“It’s working out very nicely,” he said. “You see it at the airports, you see it all over.”

It's America first, baby, and who doesn't love that? I mean besides the jihad-joining democrats? ;)
the left says that minorities are targeted with bigotry. Trump grants a special exception for minorities in the Middle East and the left freaks out. Time to admit you just dont like christians.
It's a muslim ban and a poorly implemented one. How do you keep Saudi Arabia off of that list and then claim this is about safety? Pakistan should be on that list too.
It's a muslim ban and a poorly implemented one. How do you keep Saudi Arabia off of that list and then claim this is about safety? Pakistan should be on that list too.
It's a ban on terrorism. And give it some time, good policy needs to have a chance to evolve.
the left says that minorities are targeted with bigotry. Trump grants a special exception for minorities in the Middle East and the left freaks out. Time to admit you just dont like christians.

If Middle East Muslims have good reason to flee, Middle East Christians have even better reason to. A Christian stands zero chance in the hands of ISIS.

The facts are what they are and the policy reflects it.
Give it some time, good policy needs to have a chance to evolve.

A good policy would have dealt with the biggest offender by far from the beginning. If you have cancer you don't kick your treatment off by using nasal spray. Admit it, this was just poorly thought out.
A good policy would have dealt with the biggest offender by far from the beginning. If you have cancer you don't kick your treatment off by using nasal spray. Admit it, this was just poorly thought out.

Nothing says irony or hypocrisy than a Liberal who supported the bad policies of the last eight years lecturing Republicans about what is bad policy.

But alas, you lack the basic intelligence it takes to comprehend the obvious asshat.

Nothing says irony or hypocrisy than a Liberal who supported the bad policies of the last eight years lecturing Republicans about what is bad policy.

But alas, you lack the basic intelligence it takes to comprehend the obvious asshat.


If you think I supported the policies of the last eight years then you're the king of dumbshits.
A good policy would have dealt with the biggest offender by far from the beginning. If you have cancer you don't kick your treatment off by using nasal spray. Admit it, this was just poorly thought out.

the answer is nations get special treatment when we need them for something. Saudi Arabia is relatively stable and rich so we can use them in the region and Turkey is nato. So even if they are islamic they get a pass. The other countries like Sudan dont have much to offer the world. Welcome to realpolitik.
How is Saudi Arabia not on that list?
look at the list:

somalia (what's the other one?)

what the difference between those and SA or Kuwaiit or the UAE?
The "list" is where there is civil war or governments unable to control their borders ( so called "terrorists states").

SA and the Gulf States & Egypt ( not on the list) are capable of enforcing their borders,and controlling their citizens
when they become terrorists.

SA has radicals -no doubt about it -but SA works with the USA on numerous security agreements
look at the list:

somalia (what's the other one?)

what the difference between those and SA or Kuwaiit or the UAE?
The "list" is where there is civil war or governments unable to control their borders ( so called "terrorists states").

SA and the Gulf States & Egypt ( not on the list) are capable of enforcing their borders,and controlling their citizens
when they become terrorists.

SA has radicals -no doubt about it -but SA works with the USA on numerous security agreements

The difference is half of the Saudi royal family hates us and they have a lot of money. If Iran is on that list, and they should be, then Saudi Arabia needs to be there too. Another thing to consider is many of the rebels fighting in Syria aren't Syrian.
look at the list:

somalia (what's the other one?)

what the difference between those and SA or Kuwaiit or the UAE?
The "list" is where there is civil war or governments unable to control their borders ( so called "terrorists states").

SA and the Gulf States & Egypt ( not on the list) are capable of enforcing their borders,and controlling their citizens
when they become terrorists.

SA has radicals -no doubt about it -but SA works with the USA on numerous security agreements

That's way too intelligent for any liberal to comprehend.
President Trump on Saturday denied that his sweeping executive order barring refugees and individuals from several predominantly Muslim nations amounted to a ban on Muslims.

“It’s not a Muslim ban,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office after he signed three new directives.

The order, handed down Friday evening, sowed chaos as government agencies scrambled to implement the broad new policy.

But Trump insisted his administration was “totally prepared” to carry out the refugee and travel ban, which affects more than 100 million people around the world.

“It’s working out very nicely,” he said. “You see it at the airports, you see it all over.”

It's America first, baby, and who doesn't love that? I mean besides the jihad-joining democrats? ;)

You, Trump and Infowars are lying motherfuckers. Pick whatever order you like.
The difference is half of the Saudi royal family hates us and they have a lot of money. If Iran is on that list, and they should be, then Saudi Arabia needs to be there too. Another thing to consider is many of the rebels fighting in Syria aren't Syrian.
the government of SA is an ally of the USA - we sell them billions of weapons,we have cooperative security agreements down to
actual cooperation on logistics!! ( look at out logistical support in Yemen).

No kidding jihadist in Syria come from all over the world -not just the middle east -the moratorium ( it's not a ban) is to prevent
infiltration by AQ/ISIS etc, into the Syrian refugee flow. There are Islamists in Syria that are AQ affiliates , and they can easily hide their "rebel" affiliation
I would have also included Afghanistan in there.

what I don't agree with is the ban on those who already have green cards ( if i understand this -hard to get accurate coverage)
sine they have already been vetted. They should change the green card to allow travel -otherwise it's fine