Trump defends order: ‘It’s not a Muslim ban’

President Trump on Saturday denied that his sweeping executive order barring refugees and individuals from several predominantly Muslim nations amounted to a ban on Muslims.

“It’s not a Muslim ban,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office after he signed three new directives.

The order, handed down Friday evening, sowed chaos as government agencies scrambled to implement the broad new policy.

But Trump insisted his administration was “totally prepared” to carry out the refugee and travel ban, which affects more than 100 million people around the world.

“It’s working out very nicely,” he said. “You see it at the airports, you see it all over.”

It's America first, baby, and who doesn't love that? I mean besides the jihad-joining democrats? ;)

the answer is nations get special treatment when we need them for something. Saudi Arabia is relatively stable and rich so we can use them in the region and Turkey is nato. So even if they are islamic they get a pass. The other countries like Sudan dont have much to offer the world. Welcome to realpolitik.

Yeah, from a broader national security perspective it makes sense not to piss off SA, they're still useful.
Give it some time, good policy needs to have a chance to evolve.
Why would the country responsible for 9/11 have to be added to a list due to the policy's 'evolution'? Shouldn't it be at the top of the page?
A good policy would have dealt with the biggest offender by far from the beginning. If you have cancer you don't kick your treatment off by using nasal spray. Admit it, this was just poorly thought out.
"Poorly though out" supposes that there was a modicum of thought throughout the process.
Iran, in contrast, was banned despite having basically 0% chance of producing a terrorist purely just to poke them in the eye.

being islamic and middle eastern is enough to get on the ban. No need to complicate things. You get special treatment when you do stuff to get you out of the ban.

People should just get the message and stop being islamic.
Shi'a Muslims don't launch suicide attacks. It's not their style. You know all the suicide bombings that happened in Iraq? 100% were Wahabbi sunni.
being islamic and middle eastern is enough to get on the ban. No need to complicate things. You get special treatment when you do stuff to get you out of the ban.

People should just get the message and stop being islamic.

Yeah, civilizational conflict, great idea. Expand the war from a few terrorist groups to a third of the human race.
“It’s working out very nicely,” he said. “You see it at the airports, you see it all over.”

That comment is disturbingly out of touch w/ reality.
being islamic and middle eastern is enough to get on the ban. No need to complicate things. You get special treatment when you do stuff to get you out of the ban.

People should just get the message and stop being islamic.
get out of here..Your Islamaphobia is ridiculous"stuff"
How many refugees have committed acts of terrorism here versus naturally born citizens and those on approved visas?
Shitty line of thinking. FIRST you cut the flow from the outside, then you go to work on the inside. You have to look at the big picture, diapers. Something you degenerates refuse to do.
Shitty line of thinking. FIRST you cut the flow from the outside, then you go to work on the inside. You have to look at the big picture, diapers. Something you degenerates refuse to do.

Can't answer the question or wish to avoid it, punk?

The refugee ban is a red herring and a piece of meat thrown at you imbecilic Trumptards.
Can't answer the question or wish to avoid it, punk?
It's a dishonest question, you Christian-trashing hoodlum. The problem is the radicalizing of Muslims, not what the refugees are doing. Like I said: give it some time.

The refugee ban is a red herring and a piece of meat thrown at you imbecilic Trumptards.
The refugee is the first step and the policy only gets better from there. Stop crying, you fucking wimp. Things are only going to get better. ;)
the government of SA is an ally of the USA - we sell them billions of weapons,we have cooperative security agreements down to
actual cooperation on logistics!! ( look at out logistical support in Yemen).

No kidding jihadist in Syria come from all over the world -not just the middle east -the moratorium ( it's not a ban) is to prevent
infiltration by AQ/ISIS etc, into the Syrian refugee flow. There are Islamists in Syria that are AQ affiliates , and they can easily hide their "rebel" affiliation
I would have also included Afghanistan in there.

what I don't agree with is the ban on those who already have green cards ( if i understand this -hard to get accurate coverage)
sine they have already been vetted. They should change the green card to allow travel -otherwise it's fine

I wouldn't call Saudi Arabia an ally, I think client state is much more accurate. We sold a lot of grain to the Soviet Union throughout the Cold War, were they our ally? We sell weapons to a lot of countries but that doesn't make them allies. Saddam Hussein in Iraq used to be our ally but he isn't anymore. We actually worked with OBL in Afghanistan when it suited us, things change.You think Saudi Arabia is what way? Their strikes in Yemen were done purely for their own interests not ours. Are they doing anything about their royals who fund terrorism? How are they useful to us? They give us logistics support because they need us to protect them from Iran, they don't seem to be able to handle Iran at all even in neighboring Iraq and they're allegedly their enemy. 9/11 alone should have been enough to shit can our relationship with Saudi Arabia.

To your point about the rebels, I know they can hide among the refugees but they can also go back to Saudi Arabia or some other country not on the list and come in that way. If you look at what's happening in Germany and some other countries right now the problem isn't organized terror from refugees it's just a huge culture clash. For arguments sake let's say Saudi Arabia had nothing at all to do with terrorism...well where do you think terrorists are going to try to depart from? You can't talk about terrorism without talking about Saudi Arabia but Trump didn't put them on the list so the decision must be defended eh? Yeah, I'm sure Trump will get around to it later.
I wouldn't call Saudi Arabia an ally, I think client state is much more accurate. We sold a lot of grain to the Soviet Union throughout the Cold War, were they our ally? We sell weapons to a lot of countries but that doesn't make them allies. Saddam Hussein in Iraq used to be our ally but he isn't anymore. We actually worked with OBL in Afghanistan when it suited us, things change.You think Saudi Arabia is what way? Their strikes in Yemen were done purely for their own interests not ours. Are they doing anything about their royals who fund terrorism? How are they useful to us? They give us logistics support because they need us to protect them from Iran, they don't seem to be able to handle Iran at all even in neighboring Iraq and they're allegedly their enemy. 9/11 alone should have been enough to shit can our relationship with Saudi Arabia.

To your point about the rebels, I know they can hide among the refugees but they can also go back to Saudi Arabia or some other country not on the list and come in that way. If you look at what's happening in Germany and some other countries right now the problem isn't organized terror from refugees it's just a huge culture clash. For arguments sake let's say Saudi Arabia had nothing at all to do with terrorism...well where do you think terrorists are going to try to depart from? You can't talk about terrorism without talking about Saudi Arabia but Trump didn't put them on the list so the decision must be defended eh? Yeah, I'm sure Trump will get around to it later.

SA has the long established US special relationship started by FDR. we act in concert with SA & the Gulf states for regional power projection ( our naval bases) as well as to counter Iranian expansionism.

I'm sure you know just how far Iran has extended it's influence. Not only is it a direct supporter of Hezbollah - it's expeditionary forces
( Qods) are all over Iraq and now Syria - these are actual Iranian troops -not some Shi'a proxie - although Iran does drive the proxie war too

also SA has been going after AQ in it's own country, as well as the Houthi's in Yemen, and AQAP in Yemen.
They are a keystone of our mideast foreign policy.without them Russia and Iran would be completely unchecked

There is also a new border fence between Iraq and SA - so any jihadists ( and SA does not accept refugees from Syria)
can' simply cross into SA from Iraq's southern border
