Trump defends order: ‘It’s not a Muslim ban’

It's a dishonest question, you Christian-trashing hoodlum. The problem is the radicalizing of Muslims, not what the refugees are doing. Like I said: give it some time.

The refugee is the first step and the policy only gets better from there. Stop crying, you fucking wimp. Things are only going to get better. ;)

Fuck you and your "first step". The domestics have been the source of terrorism, not the refugees.

Ignorant Trumptard
Shitty line of thinking. FIRST you cut the flow from the outside, then you go to work on the inside. You have to look at the big picture, diapers. Something you degenerates refuse to do.
The diapers look pretty shitty in the big picture I'm looking at. Is that your diaper?
Note to Lefttards:

Douchebag Donald can only sign an executive order placing a travel ban on these seven nations, because, only these names appear in federal legislation. If he added Saudi Arabia to the list, it would be an unlawful order. Sure, there are reasons why we would never extend the ban to SA (like when Obama tried to veto the 9/11 litigation bill). As always, however, your grasp of the Constitution and presidential powers, fails.
Note to Lefttards:

Douchebag Donald can only sign an executive order placing a travel ban on these seven nations, because, only these names appear in federal legislation. If he added Saudi Arabia to the list, it would be an unlawful order. Sure, there are reasons why we would never extend the ban to SA (like when Obama tried to veto the 9/11 litigation bill). As always, however, your grasp of the Constitution and presidential powers, fails.

Lo siento ese, no es verdad. Trump absolutely can put any country on that list. Congress can override him but he doesn't need a specific act of Congress in order enact a travel ban or change the immigration rules because the executive has already been given that power.
Fuck you and your "first step". The domestics have been the source of terrorism, not the refugees.

Ignorant Trumptard
I see, so refugees are immune to terroristic impulses.


OK, pervert. Which scumbag has been educating your dumbass?
I see, so refugees are immune to terroristic impulses.


OK, pervert. Which scumbag has been educating your dumbass?

When I see your name, I always expect a stupid fucking comment. You have never failed to deliver.

Look at the numbers, you fucking moron. Since 9/11, zero terrorist incidents in the US from these places. Homegrown and legit visas? Yes.

What educates me, cunt? Unlike your willfully ignorant ass, the truth.
SA has the long established US special relationship started by FDR.

Really? Would this be the special relationship where they didn't even establish diplomatic relations with us until after the outcome of the war in Europe was obvious? And then after that they nationalized their oil fields and turned the spigot off on us, twice? And then were completely ineffectual dealing with ME terrorism in the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's? And then to top it off they turned a blind eye to members of their own royal family funding terrorism that eventually resulted in 15 of their citizens killing over 2,000 Americans? And after that instead of dealing with the problem they decided to launch a PR campaign instead and lecture us? That special relationship? Saddam Hussein was a better ally than Saudi Arabia.

we act in concert with SA & the Gulf states for regional power projection ( our naval bases) as well as to counter Iranian expansionism.

No, we act. They damn well better give us whatever we need to protect their worthless asses.

I'm sure you know just how far Iran has extended it's influence. Not only is it a direct supporter of Hezbollah - it's expeditionary forces
( Qods) are all over Iraq and now Syria - these are actual Iranian troops -not some Shi'a proxie - although Iran does drive the proxie war too

Of course. Do allies usually fuck each other? Because that's what we're doing to Saudi Arabia in Syria. We're actually helping Iran in Syria. We're committed to removing Assad, destabilizing a national government, and we're also going after ISIS. We're working Iran's agenda, not that of our "special" allies the Saudi's.

also SA has been going after AQ in it's own country, as well as the Houthi's in Yemen, and AQAP in Yemen.

No, they have not been going after al-queda in their own country. What they have been doing is going after individuals who have criticized the royal family. You know why OBL was banned from re-entering Saudi Arabia? Not because of terrorism, they had no problem with his activities and he did a lot of fund-raising in Saudi Arabia, including from members of the royal family who are our "special" friends. The reason he was banned, the only reason he was banned, is because he criticized the royal family/ruling elite and called them tools of the Great Satan. How many members of the royal famly have been imprisoned or executed because they supported al-queda?

They are a keystone of our mideast foreign policy.without them Russia and Iran would be completely unchecked

Russia and Iran are completely unchecked right now. Iran is getting exactly what it wants...well, except for the end of Israel, they haven't gotten that yet.

There is also a new border fence between Iraq and SA - so any jihadists ( and SA does not accept refugees from Syria)
can' simply cross into SA from Iraq's southern border

Our special ally isn't taking refugees from a war they encouraged? Wow, they're great friends of ours. And a fence? That's going to solve something? After we collapsed Iraq the Iranians moved in there and they control that place lock stock and barrel. But the Saudis built a fence so...we've got that going for us.
Really? Would this be the special relationship where they didn't even establish diplomatic relations with us until after the outcome of the war in Europe was obvious? And then after that they nationalized their oil fields and turned the spigot off on us, twice? And then were completely ineffectual dealing with ME terrorism in the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's? And then to top it off they turned a blind eye to members of their own royal family funding terrorism that eventually resulted in 15 of their citizens killing over 2,000 Americans? And after that instead of dealing with the problem they decided to launch a PR campaign instead and lecture us? That special relationship? Saddam Hussein was a better ally than Saudi Arabia.

No, we act. They damn well better give us whatever we need to protect their worthless asses.

Of course. Do allies usually fuck each other? Because that's what we're doing to Saudi Arabia in Syria. We're actually helping Iran in Syria. We're committed to removing Assad, destabilizing a national government, and we're also going after ISIS. We're working Iran's agenda, not that of our "special" allies the Saudi's.

No, they have not been going after al-queda in their own country. What they have been doing is going after individuals who have criticized the royal family. You know why OBL was banned from re-entering Saudi Arabia? Not because of terrorism, they had no problem with his activities and he did a lot of fund-raising in Saudi Arabia, including from members of the royal family who are our "special" friends. The reason he was banned, the only reason he was banned, is because he criticized the royal family/ruling elite and called them tools of the Great Satan. How many members of the royal famly have been imprisoned or executed because they supported al-queda?

Russia and Iran are completely unchecked right now. Iran is getting exactly what it wants...well, except for the end of Israel, they haven't gotten that yet.

Our special ally isn't taking refugees from a war they encouraged? Wow, they're great friends of ours. And a fence? That's going to solve something? After we collapsed Iraq the Iranians moved in there and they control that place lock stock and barrel. But the Saudis built a fence so...we've got that going for us.

There is a Trumph hotel in Saudi Arabia.
In spite of their history of exporting terrorists to the USA, they are safe from his wrath...
President Trump on Saturday denied that his sweeping executive order barring refugees and individuals from several predominantly Muslim nations amounted to a ban on Muslims.

“It’s not a Muslim ban,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office after he signed three new directives.

The order, handed down Friday evening, sowed chaos as government agencies scrambled to implement the broad new policy.

But Trump insisted his administration was “totally prepared” to carry out the refugee and travel ban, which affects more than 100 million people around the world.

“It’s working out very nicely,” he said. “You see it at the airports, you see it all over.”

It's America first, baby, and who doesn't love that? I mean besides the jihad-joining democrats? ;)

Looks like you left wingers should have your brains impeached. There are over 50 Muslim nations around the world.....why have they not been placed on the list? Or where was the bitching when Soetoro stopped all refugee immigration from a Muslim nation for 6 months in 2011? Was he banning Islam? :palm:
Looks like you left wingers should have your brains impeached. There are over 50 Muslim nations around the world.....why have they not been placed on the list? Or where was the bitching when Soetoro stopped all refugee immigration from a Muslim nation for 6 months in 2011? Was he banning Islam? :palm:

Would Saudi Arabia be on the ban list if they didn't have a Trump hotel within their borders?
We KNOW they export terrorists to the US. There is a history, Rolph...
Would Saudi Arabia be on the ban list if they didn't have a Trump hotel within their borders?
We KNOW they export terrorists to the US. There is a history, Rolph...

Are you saying you want even more muslim countries banned? Trump has suggested as much, so you may be happy.
Are you saying you want even more muslim countries banned? Trump has suggested as much, so you may be happy.

I am illustrating exactly why a President should divest himself of all international business associations.
The list is based on Trumph's business dealings, not of actual threats to the US.
I am illustrating exactly why a President should divest himself of all international business associations.
The list is based on Trumph's business dealings, not of actual threats to the US.

I see where your mistake is. The list is Obama's.

Now. Are you complaining because of Trump's travel ban, or because you think he should add to it?
I see where your mistake is. The list is Obama's.

Now. Are you complaining because of Trump's travel ban, or because you think he should add to it?

The EO is Trumph's, Queenie...
Obama is not involved...

BTW...How do you feel about the federal judge who has already shot down several parts of Trumph's E O?
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Would Saudi Arabia be on the ban list if they didn't have a Trump hotel within their borders?
We KNOW they export terrorists to the US. There is a history, Rolph...

Trump owns no business. And if he did its no conflict...even if he owned a dozen properties anywhere he wished to locate them...unless you can prove that the Trump business is getting paid more than is customary for the type business engaged. That would be a steep hill to climb...considering that not one business is in Donald John Trumps' name.;)

The left barking up this tree is much like your Recount Surprise, The December Surprise, and the Russian behind every bush Surprise. LMAO
Would Saudi Arabia be on the ban list if they didn't have a Trump hotel within their borders?
We KNOW they export terrorists to the US. There is a history, Rolph...

Are you speaking of the Saudi Arabia that's not taking any refugees and built a wall on their border?