Trump defends order: ‘It’s not a Muslim ban’

When I see your name, I always expect a stupid fucking comment. You have never failed to deliver.

Look at the numbers, you fucking moron. Since 9/11, zero terrorist incidents in the US from these places. Homegrown and legit visas? Yes.

What educates me, cunt? Unlike your willfully ignorant ass, the truth.
Sorry fuckface. Today's refugee will spawn tomorrow's terrorist. And that's if the quivering piece of shit doesn't turn terrorist himself.

You see gimper76, it's in their blood. Terrorism is in their fucking blood. Just like perversion is in your blood. It doesn't matter that your precious huddled masses are here with your blessing, because once they've had a chance to kick of their shoes and stretch their legs for a while, God only knows what they will do next. One thing we know for sure, they sure as hell won't be falling in line with the "American Way".

No, bedwetter. Hell no. Trump is doing the right thing. What's really unfortunate is that he can't kick your asses out.
The order will be shot down in court and there isn't a thing the orange clown can do to save it...
Sure there is. There's lots he can do. And with the help of real Americans, Trump will be doing a lot more. Hell, he's already done more for America in his week than Hussein did for his entire 8 years!