Trump extends olive branch to kneelers

This photo (Ms Merkel posted it on her own Twiiter acct) says it all. Actual World Leader speaking down to petulant man-child Wannabe World Leader #nevergonnamakeit. She has the aspect of an exasperated mother of a willful naughty toddler, trying to speak sense to said toddler, doesn't she? The sense of pity and annoyance is loud and clear.

One thing a kraut head of state is not—and will never be—is a world leader.
Its been MONTHS since Trump had his tantrum and said fire the bastards.. He's a bit late to play this gotcha game.

Ahhh, but he is playing it and playing it well

What are the players going to do about his offer? Ignore it? Claim like you that he isn't serious? Do you really think they will win that argument?

If after the President has offered to hear their complaints they just continue their childish protest, they will be seen as churlish imbeciles who aren't really interested in the cause they claim to care about.

Again, Trump plays his enemies like a fiddle. They can't even see when they are getting played
I really should give you even more credit for coming out with the truth. If you look at Christie's replys and Kudzu's, they demonstrate that they have the same amount of respect for these things as you do. And the truth comes out... Commies don't give a shit about these things, which is why they are so willing to shit on them. They do not give a shit about how many flags I had to see draped over soldier caskets, or what those guys paid the ultimate price for. Like dogs, they think only about "me right now." Yep, it will provoke plenty of attention when commies shit on the flag we love, but it will NEVER make me feel compelled to extend an olive branch. It will NEVER make me feel compelled to consider whatever political agenda they are protesting about. At least you and the commies on this thread aren't pretending that they care about the flag. Thank you though, for the extra motivation to volunteer in more election campaigns. More donations, more phone calls, more door to door.

If you were criticizing people for burning the flag, spitting on the flag, urinating on the flag etc. then we could talk about disrespect. Instead you're whining about sitting v. standing and standing v. kneeling. It's ludicrous, just like the man you put into office, with his big mouth and faux patriotism.

If only you had as much respect for people as you do for symbols. Yet you're good with trump disrespecting veterans and pandering to his base with his boorish comments about patriotism. You've stayed silent about a question I asked you twice already: Do you agree with trump's statement "You have to stand proudly for the national anthem or you shouldn't be playing, you shouldn't be there, maybe you shouldn't be in the country." Your silence tells me all I need to know about your fixation on symbols rather than people.

I'm sure John McCain and Humayan Khan also saw their comrades die in battle and go home in flag-draped coffins. Khan, a Muslim, made the ultimate sacrifice for his country and because you hate Muslims you probably thought "it's a start." So don't whine to me about being "a Commie" and "shitting on symbols." Your hate and trump's hate are motivating people like me to keep fighting for this country's return to sanity.
This photo (Ms Merkel posted it on her own Twiiter acct) says it all. Actual World Leader speaking down to petulant man-child Wannabe World Leader #nevergonnamakeit. She has the aspect of an exasperated mother of a willful naughty toddler, trying to speak sense to said toddler, doesn't she? The sense of pity and annoyance is loud and clear.


I love that picture! It totally captures His Peevishness in all his glory. :D
Read that earlier today.... outstanding!

19. "We're like the piggy bank that everybody is robbing."
Ronald Reagan on America: A shining city on a hill.
George H.W. Bush on America: A thousand points of light.
Donald Trump on America: The piggy bank that everybody is robbing.

20. "And so we are talking to many countries. We're talking to all countries."
So are we talking to many countries? Or all the countries? I need some clarity!

21. "So when we try and bring our piece up a little bit so that it's not so bad, and then they go up -- right -- the difference is they do so much more business with us than we do with them that we can't lose that."
Man, this reads just like an economics textbook.

He is so out of his depth with this president thing. Every time he opens his mouth he heaps more embarrassment on the country.
What a quaint and excellent phrase... and analogy! That's why he seldom does pressies.... his inner mean little imbecile can't be reined in. Isn't it so wonderful to be represented by an angry 3-yr-old brat?

Speaking of reins.... congrats to Triple Crown winner and super athlete Justify, and rider and trainer on today's historic win.

I like that phrase too, although in these parts we say "sh*thouse rat." :D

Ditto on Justify. What a stellar piece of horseflesh!