Trump extends olive branch to kneelers

Fuck the flag, it's cloth.

Fuck the anthem and the pledge, those are homages to the power of the corporate state.

I really should give you even more credit for coming out with the truth. If you look at Christie's replys and Kudzu's, they demonstrate that they have the same amount of respect for these things as you do. And the truth comes out... Commies don't give a shit about these things, which is why they are so willing to shit on them. They do not give a shit about how many flags I had to see draped over soldier caskets, or what those guys paid the ultimate price for. Like dogs, they think only about "me right now." Yep, it will provoke plenty of attention when commies shit on the flag we love, but it will NEVER make me feel compelled to extend an olive branch. It will NEVER make me feel compelled to consider whatever political agenda they are protesting about. At least you and the commies on this thread aren't pretending that they care about the flag. Thank you though, for the extra motivation to volunteer in more election campaigns. More donations, more phone calls, more door to door.
The reason we call you righties is because you're hypocrites.

Glad to see that you do not deny that political discussion revolves around the disrespect of the flag and not whatever agenda they were protesting about. This means you can see how badly they failed. I suspect that you don't really care as much about the agenda as much as you enjoy seeing our flag getting shit on. It probably gives you the warm fuzzies like seeing a righty on the road side changing a flat tire. Nope, their agenda is not relevant to either side of the political war.
I really should give you even more credit for coming out with the truth. If you look at Christie's replys and Kudzu's, they demonstrate that they have the same amount of respect for these things as you do. And the truth comes out... Commies don't give a shit about these things, which is why they are so willing to shit on them. They do not give a shit about how many flags I had to see draped over soldier caskets, or what those guys paid the ultimate price for. Like dogs, they think only about "me right now." Yep, it will provoke plenty of attention when commies shit on the flag we love, but it will NEVER make me feel compelled to extend an olive branch. It will NEVER make me feel compelled to consider whatever political agenda they are protesting about. At least you and the commies on this thread aren't pretending that they care about the flag. Thank you though, for the extra motivation to volunteer in more election campaigns. More donations, more phone calls, more door to door.

Oh I'm sorry, were you under the impression that you were being reached out to?

No, your illusions were being corrected, that's all. Please do volunteer, your electoral process is an illusion, just like your economic system and your political system. I like the thought of having you flailing about at that, spending your energy there, knowing that a cabal of Goldman Sachs execs is always in your white house regardless of electoral outcomes. It is of no matter to me whether americans are subjugated by corporatist democrats or corporatist republicans. It all winds up at the same ultimate destination.

With any/all outside the aristocracy evermore enslaved into poverty, debt peonage and wage slavery.

If you would like people to feel differently about the symbol of your society, think about changing your society.

It would fall into place for you organically.

But that is not the american way. We always require someone on the bottom suffering. It's who we are.
Glad to see that you do not deny that political discussion revolves around the disrespect of the flag and not whatever agenda they were protesting about. This means you can see how badly they failed. I suspect that you don't really care as much about the agenda as much as you enjoy seeing our flag getting shit on. It probably gives you the warm fuzzies like seeing a righty on the road side changing a flat tire. Nope, their agenda is not relevant to either side of the political war.

You suspect a lot but you're wrong. I served under our flag. Wore the uniform. Stood at attention when required and even when it wasn't. As a member of the military you should know better than most that you served to protect our Constitution and the rights it gives each and every American. The right to peacefully protest is right there among our other rights. You can have your opinion about how people protest or when they protest or even consider them lowlife commies if it makes you feel better but what you can't do is take that right away from them so suck it up buttercup.

They haven't failed. You just want to believe they have because they are protesting in a way you disagree with. YOU are the one focused on how they are protesting and not on what they are protesting. You could use a little self reflection while you're busy pointing a finger at everyone else's "agenda".
I really should give you even more credit for coming out with the truth. If you look at Christie's replys and Kudzu's, they demonstrate that they have the same amount of respect for these things as you do. And the truth comes out... Commies don't give a shit about these things, which is why they are so willing to shit on them. They do not give a shit about how many flags I had to see draped over soldier caskets, or what those guys paid the ultimate price for. Like dogs, they think only about "me right now." Yep, it will provoke plenty of attention when commies shit on the flag we love, but it will NEVER make me feel compelled to extend an olive branch. It will NEVER make me feel compelled to consider whatever political agenda they are protesting about. At least you and the commies on this thread aren't pretending that they care about the flag. Thank you though, for the extra motivation to volunteer in more election campaigns. More donations, more phone calls, more door to door.

Trump has shown his utter distain for POWS and the families of fallen soldiers. Your pretend patriotism is nauseating.
Glad to see that you do not deny that political discussion revolves around the disrespect of the flag and not whatever agenda they were protesting about. This means you can see how badly they failed. I suspect that you don't really care as much about the agenda as much as you enjoy seeing our flag getting shit on. It probably gives you the warm fuzzies like seeing a righty on the road side changing a flat tire. Nope, their agenda is not relevant to either side of the political war.

Did it bother you when Trump said he only liked the guys who weren't captured?
I have a better handle on how I feel about Trump than you do, but you are free to make assumptions about this veteran. At the moment, I do not feel content with the idea of Trump negotiating with those dirtbags and opening the door to even more of the same type of tactics. I absolutely do not approve of having the flag, the fallen, and our constitution weaponized by the left for political gain, so I absolutely do not condone extending an olive branch unless it is to prod one of those kneelers off the field.

I see. So you are one of those veterans who would only die for the right to say what you believe if it is the same as what *you* believe. In other words, you were in for the money, which we can respect since no one does a hard job for free. But now you're going to slap ppl in the face with the flag and bash them over the head with a print out of the anthem.... if what they say isn't what you think.... but play Noble Patriotic Veteran for all its worth.

I already thanked you for your service with my tax dollars, so no need to say more about your service.
Oh for the love of God what a snowflake meltdown. Never can deal with the points and go at that, so this is all ya got, shmearing.

"Commie unamurikan".

Honesty on you is a waste.

Bow americans, bow to the power of the corporate state.

Ev doesn't represent the corporate state. He represents the fascist military-industrial complex. Quite well, don't you think?
trump ditched the G-7 early. He had a hissy fit when the others refused to acknowledge his "superiority." :nodyes:

This photo (Ms Merkel posted it on her own Twiiter acct) says it all. Actual World Leader speaking down to petulant man-child Wannabe World Leader #nevergonnamakeit. She has the aspect of an exasperated mother of a willful naughty toddler, trying to speak sense to said toddler, doesn't she? The sense of pity and annoyance is loud and clear.
