Trump extends olive branch to kneelers

I hope this is the last time he does this too. I don't want to see disrespect of the country, the fallen, and our flag become the new way for lefties to get what they want.

But you are okay with Trump disrespecting veterans, Gold Star families, your fellow citizens, and trying to bend the Constitution so he can do whatever he pleases? Gimme a break.
Sorry. Taking protest advice from someone who wants no protest and follows the corporate state's wishes like a robot is prolly not gonna come to pass.

No need to take any advice from me, just compare how much discussion there is about disrespecting the flag, the fallen, and our country, compared to how much discussion there is about whatever agenda it is that the lefties were protesting about. See for yourself. They failed miserably, and even rallied resentment to whatever their cause is.
But you are okay with Trump disrespecting veterans, Gold Star families, your fellow citizens, and trying to bend the Constitution so he can do whatever he pleases? Gimme a break.

I have a better handle on how I feel about Trump than you do, but you are free to make assumptions about this veteran. At the moment, I do not feel content with the idea of Trump negotiating with those dirtbags and opening the door to even more of the same type of tactics. I absolutely do not approve of having the flag, the fallen, and our constitution weaponized by the left for political gain, so I absolutely do not condone extending an olive branch unless it is to prod one of those kneelers off the field.
No need to take any advice from me, just compare how much discussion there is about disrespecting the flag, the fallen, and our country, compared to how much discussion there is about whatever agenda it is that the lefties were protesting about. See for yourself. They failed miserably, and even rallied resentment to whatever their cause is.

That is always the power structure's shtick; get the conversation off on something else. Anyone who ever watched corporate state TV should understand that. Like how we never talk about how all these billionaire sports team owners rely upon socialism to build their palaces/cathedrals/stadiums.

Fuck the flag, it's cloth.

Fuck the anthem and the pledge, those are homages to the power of the corporate state.
I am saying Trump's offering an olive branch is bullchit... He doesn't mean it.. He already suggested that law enforcement knock heads and he couldn't take a stand against violence in Charlottesville.

It is hard to pardon dead people.
Fuck the flag, it's cloth.

Fuck the anthem and the pledge, those are homages to the power of the corporate state.

I am glad you finally came out with the truth here about how you feel about the flag, the Anthem, the pledge, and the country. I am confident that the real reason why the kneelers are demonstrating the same feelings is because it is how they really do feel. They are dark soulless commies who have no respect for these things, just like you. While I have no respect for commies, I now have a shred of respect for your honesty.
I am glad you finally came out with the truth here about how you feel about the flag, the Anthem, the pledge, and the country. I am confident that the real reason why the kneelers are demonstrating the same feelings is because it is how they really do feel. They are dark soulless commies who have no respect for these things, just like you. While I have no respect for commies, I now have a shred of respect for your honesty.

Oh for the love of God what a snowflake meltdown. Never can deal with the points and go at that, so this is all ya got, shmearing.

"Commie unamurikan".

Honesty on you is a waste.

Bow americans, bow to the power of the corporate state.
I am glad you finally came out with the truth here about how you feel about the flag, the Anthem, the pledge, and the country. I am confident that the real reason why the kneelers are demonstrating the same feelings is because it is how they really do feel. They are dark soulless commies who have no respect for these things, just like you. While I have no respect for commies, I now have a shred of respect for your honesty.

Charlatans often show up wrapped in the flag and shouting jingles.
But you are okay with Trump disrespecting veterans, Gold Star families, your fellow citizens, and trying to bend the Constitution so he can do whatever he pleases? Gimme a break.

Bingo. And Private Bone Spur also trashing McCain both before and after he was diagnosed with cancer.

When trump was campaigning and commented about liking people who weren't captured, I really thought that would be the end of him. Then he doubled down, attacking the Khan family who lost a son in bush's war. Yet American vets and military people still voted for the pig.

Now here's Evmetro seemingly ignoring those trashy comments and having a hissy fit over the anthem. Go figure.
When trump was campaigning and commented about liking people who weren't captured, I really thought that would be the end of him. Then he doubled down, attacking the Khan family who lost a son in bush's war. Yet American vets and military people still voted for the pig.

Because Hillary was worse. :D
I couldn't find a picture of you wearing two shackles. :D
