Trump extends olive branch to kneelers

It's not as clear an action as you're making it out to be.

What they're protesting is general inequality of treatment for an entire community, which is undeniable. This isn't Amnesty International, where they have a list of specific political prisoners.

Trump is taking a simplistic view of it. It's a nice offer, but it doesn't "solve" the problem.

Well, what’s he supposed to do?

I suppose he can appoint a commission to study it, but I have a sneaking suspicion the kneelers wouldn’t like the results and would carry on with their protests in spite of it.

People unjustly incarcerated is a real, concrete injustice. I think it’s great he let that woman out that was serving a life sentence for a non-violent crime and I’d like to see more of it.
I didn't name the forum membership list a "Community". That was the owner of JustPlainPolitics LLC.

You're on the list, therefore you're a member of our little community.

Sorry, I don't follow you, your orders, or your twisted peceptual reality.

Leave your house, go out into your community and begin what you do here.

Then you will be doing this in your community.

You sir are on an anonymous chat board.
Tell ya what, if you can find any post of mine supporting Obama, we'll say this is relevant, k? You're clrealy out of ammo here pard. When you cannot defend your shyte, you go to this stuff and start mumbling about liberals and leftists.

Is that so?

I thought you were implying that a president would be shamefully humiliated by making obeisance to "Kim" when you posted this:

Perhaps Kim will get him on his knees.

Was I drawing an incorrect inference?
All that's being discussed is how far up Don's skirt they got and what a twist his knickers are in that they will not stay in their place.

If this is the case, then they obviously failed to bring any attention to whatever their cause is. Wrong time, place, and platform. Fail.
Sorry, I don't follow you, your orders, or your twisted peceptual reality. Leave your house, go out into your community and begin what you do here. Then you will be doing this in your community. You sir are on an anonymous chat board.

Our membership is plainly described as a community, separate and distinct from other communities. That's a fact.

This is a community. Some people might try to tell you that it’s not. They might scream, not, not, not over and over and over again. They might put NOT in all caps. You might even start to believe that it's not.

But it is a community.

BTW, did you just assume my gender? :eek2:
Well, what’s he supposed to do?

People unjustly incarcerated is a real, concrete injustice. I think it’s great he let that woman out that was serving a life sentence for a non-violent crime and I’d like to see more of it.

You won't, watch.

Incarceration is a for profit business with all the lobbying and legislative efforts of any industry. Corporations can legally enslave "convicts" via "convict" labor leasing for pennies on the dollar while a taxpaying public picks up the tab for housing, food and healthcare of the workforce. Fweedumb.

While think tanks crank out draft legislation that will foster higher rates of societal crime, poverty, joblessness, homelessness, redicivism, drug use, longer sentences, and anything that will keep prisons full and profitable in a post-industrial society where there is no intent to attempt a jobs effort for all.
OK. Did you mention Trump and question his patriotism?

Actually my comment was in regards to whiny bitches who profess to love patriotism to the point that people need to respect the flag and anthem but ignore the disrespect shown to actual the man they voted for and who is now also pretending that disrespecting the flag and anthem is worse than disrespecting actual people.

Fuck you all for your hypocrisy. That's what I questioned?
I think we all see Don parading around trying to figure out what he's doing with this. He lost it with the sons-of-bitches comment. The negoes said no Don, deal with it.

Tsk, tsk. Did you know that using that term in a thread title isn't allowed in our community? You didn't even bother to spell it correctly. Are you a racist?
Actually my comment was in regards to whiny bitches who profess to love patriotism to the point that people need to respect the flag and anthem but ignore the disrespect shown to actual the man they voted for and who is now also pretending that disrespecting the flag and anthem is worse than disrespecting actual people. Fuck you all for your hypocrisy. That's what I questioned?

So you say.

In my opinion you were trying to have it both ways.
The nfl kneelers made a bad choice, since whatever their actual agenda is, it is not what gets discussed. All the political discussion is about the inappropriate time and place that they chose, not whatever it is that they are protesting. If anything, the kneelers have only rallied resentment toward whatever their cause is. They would be far better off protesting politics in a political setting.

The only ones bitchin about their kneeling are fake patriots who believe the flag and anthem deserve more respect than actual people. Those people made this protest about the flag and anthem despite how often they have been told it isn't about that. Some of "you all" have selective hearing and outrage.
Actually my comment was in regards to whiny bitches who profess to love patriotism to the point that people need to respect the flag and anthem but ignore the disrespect shown to actual the man they voted for and who is now also pretending that disrespecting the flag and anthem is worse than disrespecting actual people.

Fuck you all for your hypocrisy. That's what I questioned?

Oh he knows, he just needs to get you off onto another road.
While think tanks crank out draft legislation that will foster higher rates of societal crime, poverty, joblessness, homelessness, redicivism, drug use, longer sentences, and anything that will keep prisons full and profitable in a post-industrial society where there is no intent to attempt a jobs effort for all.

You think the government is required to create "jobs for all?"
The only ones bitchin about their kneeling are fake patriots who believe the flag and anthem deserve more respect than actual people. Those people made this protest about the flag and anthem despite how often they have been told it isn't about that. Some of "you all" have selective hearing and outrage.

Patsiots, I like to point out.