Trump extends olive branch to kneelers

What it is that kneelers are actually protesting does not matter until they can find the right time, place, and platform to present their agenda.

Protesters get to make that decision. If it was up to the "offended" party then there would be no right time, place or platform.
My personal opinions are drawn from what i regard as empirical observations over time.

Change my mind, if you can.

Why would I want to and when others express their personal opinions you call them liars. So does expressing yours make you a liar?
I will never understand how people can't abide disrespecting the flag and anthem (according to their feelings) but will vote a man into office who has spent his life disrespecting everyone and everything. Oh but wait, as long as he stands at attention, even though his wife had to remind him to place his hand over his heart, and even though he doesn't know the words and just mumbles incoherently he is doing a fantastic job of faux patriotism and that is really all that matters to some in this country. Fake it till you make it?

Either you think patriotism is measured by displays of respect for national symbols or you don't, in my view.

You don't get to logically bash Trump for "disrespecting the flag/anthem/patriotic song" and call NFL protesters patriots.
Protesters get to make that decision. If it was up to the "offended" party then there would be no right time, place or platform.

I agree with that. The entire purpose of protest is to make a political point with the most impact possible, in my view.
It's not as clear an action as you're making it out to be. What they're protesting is general inequality of treatment for an entire community, which is undeniable. This isn't Amnesty International, where they have a list of specific political prisoners. Trump is taking a simplistic view of it. It's a nice offer, but it doesn't "solve" the problem.

Nothing Trump or any president can do will "solve" the problem, as far as I can see, little Thingy.

Obama didn't seem to solve it either, did he?
Nothing Trump or any president can do will "solve" the problem, as far as I can see, little Thingy.

Obama didn't seem to solve it either, did he?

Now we're making progess, no, he didn't, he wasn't supposed to. Spoke against endless war and 2 wars to 7. See how your system works? It doesn't.
Now we're making progess, no, he didn't, he wasn't supposed to. Spoke against endless war and 2 wars to 7. See how your system works? It doesn't.

Obama made a lot of speeches and gestures that were purported to "heal the nation", didn't he?

I don't recall liberals claiming that his words and actions were empty, cynical gestures designed to score political points with his base. Do you?
Protesting during the National Anthem for whatever reason is disrespectful, but is indeed protected. Protesting at funerals and cursing at church is protected as well, but is disrespectful. It is dishonest and inaccurate to equate objections of disrespectful behavior to objections of constitutional rights, regardless of if it is in the workplace or where it really is protected.

Yes, protest should only be done with and where one has been granted permission by the United Corporate States of America. Be sure you have been appropriately permitted if applicable.
Obama made a lot of speeches and gestures that were purported to "heal the nation", didn't he?

I don't recall liberals claiming that his words and actions were empty, cynical gestures designed to score political points with his base. Do you?

Same as it ever was ain't it.
Either you think patriotism is measured by displays of respect for national symbols or you don't, in my view.

You don't get to logically bash Trump for "disrespecting the flag/anthem/patriotic song" and call NFL protesters patriots.

I didn't call NFL players anything since I didn't mention them.
Protesters get to make that decision. If it was up to the "offended" party then there would be no right time, place or platform.

There are many who have found the appropriate time, place, and platform to protest for their agenda. Protests do not have to happen during funerals, during the National Anthem, or in church, in order to make an impact. The agenda of the kneelers is not worth considering until they figure out how to present it.
There are many who have found the appropriate time, place, and platform to protest for their agenda. Protests do not have to happen during funerals, during the National Anthem, or in church, in order to make an impact. The agenda of the kneelers is not worth considering until they figure out how to present it.

That is merely your opinion. You are saying, consider our feelings before you protest at this place and this time but ignoring the feelings of the ones who feel compelled to protest. If feelings were being considered then maybe protesting wouldn't need to a thing.
There are many who have found the appropriate time, place, and platform to protest for their agenda. Protests do not have to happen during funerals, during the National Anthem, or in church, in order to make an impact. The agenda of the kneelers is not worth considering until they figure out how to present it.

Like you said, fuck the nfl and fuck "proper" protests. That's very North Korean of you.