Trump extends olive branch to kneelers

Trump needs to be told to stop "shoulding" on people. For those who value liberty and the right to express themselves understand that this form of leadership is detrimental to these principles.
I hope this is the last time he does this too. I don't want to see disrespect of the country, the fallen, and our flag become the new way for lefties to get what they want.

Like I say, I stopped participating in homages to the predatory corporate state decades ago.

And half of that is due to what I see on “the left”, the other half based upon what I see on “ the right”.

Fuck the nfl

But of course, them too, haven’t paid any attention to the nfl for decades. I don’t have anything to do with professional sports, would never advertise for them by wearing their gear either.

Socialist billionaire owners build their palaces on extracted public funding. I try to avoid subsidizing our predatory aristocracy when I can.

So yes, fuck the nfl too, no one needs them.
Lefties don't let righties define disrespect.

We’d better all start thinking for ourselves. One group think team is no different than the other; the masses must be kept quibbling amongst themselves lest they cast their united collective gaze toward the power structure that abuses them all.
Like I say, I stopped participating in homages to the predatory corporate state decades ago.

And half of that is due to what I see on “the left”, the other half based upon what I see on “ the right”.


I can remember being in my young 20s and returning to the states after a long deployment. Even though my family and the military had taught me how to respect our flag and country, I laughed when I saw a couple of the senior sailors (I was US Navy) get down on their knees and kiss the ground the moment we stepped out of our plane on USA soil. I was too young to appreciate their patriotic actions, but it all became clear after serving for years all over the world. There is no place like the USA.
We’d better all start thinking for ourselves. One group think team is no different than the other; the masses must be kept quibbling amongst themselves lest they cast their united collective gaze toward the power structure that abuses them all.

Finally a post that I can agree with.
I can remember being in my young 20s and returning to the states after a long deployment. Even though my family and the military had taught me how to respect our flag and country, I laughed when I saw a couple of the senior sailors (I was US Navy) get down on their knees and kiss the ground the moment we stepped out of our plane on USA soil. I was too young to appreciate their patriotic actions, but it all became clear after serving for years all over the world. There is no place like the USA.

Isn't it odd that millions of Americans aren't trying to sneak into other countries illegally? If things are as dire as liberals claim, why don't they become refugees?
Lefties don't let righties define disrespect.

Yet another reason why I don't want Trump to negotiate with the kneelers. Lefties would rather redefine what disrespect means than to take any responsibility for it. The meaning of disrespect is already established, it is what it is.
Yet another reason why I don't want Trump to negotiate with the kneelers. Lefties would rather redefine what disrespect means than to take any responsibility for it. The meaning of disrespect is already established, it is what it is.

What you call disrespect is protected symbolic speech. Supposedly what you and others fought for.

In any case I don't see trump "negotiating" with kneelers. It's just an empty gesture to try and take the focus off all his blunders this week.
Yet another reason why I don't want Trump to negotiate with the kneelers. Lefties would rather redefine what disrespect means than to take any responsibility for it. The meaning of disrespect is already established, it is what it is.

I strongly suspect that if Trump knelt while the Anthem was being played and said he was protesting racial injustice, lefties would question his patriotism.

Liberals have already called his love of our country into question, claiming he doesn't know the words to a patriotic song.

Their "reverence" for symbolic patriotism seems to be highly situational.