Trump extends olive branch to kneelers

Is that what passes for the "respect for women" I heard that DEMOCRATS and other liberals profess?

Oh I see, we're assigning views, how utterly american. If you have an argument to make to a Dem/liberal go find one.

One box or the other, fweedumb.

Don's the president for celebrities and the aristocracy.

Not that that distinguishes him from predecessors, but really now, your illusions are nothing but that. America is what it is, the coherent understand despite the Reality America Show.
I would prefer that Trump does not extend an olive branch to any protester who is disrespecting the flag, country, or the fallen. I would not even hear, negotiate, or consider what they are protesting until they can demonstrate proper respect for the flag, the fallen, and the country. If Trump caters to the shit bag kneelers for whatever their cause is, the disrespecting the country will only become more popular. Negotiations with the NFL kneelers should be handled the way negotiations with terrorists are.
Oh I see, we're assigning views, how utterly american. If you have an argument to make to a Dem/liberal go find one. One box or the other, fweedumb. Don's the president for celebrities and the aristocracy. Not that that distinguishes him from predecessors, but really now, your illusions are nothing but that. America is what it is, the coherent understand despite the Reality America Show.

I see. You deny being a DEMOCRAT or liberal, and have no respect for women?
Until you turn blue.

I would prefer that Trump does not extend an olive branch to any protester who is disrespecting the flag, country, or the fallen. I would not even hear, negotiate, or consider what they are protesting until they can demonstrate proper respect for the flag, the fallen, and the country. If Trump caters to the shit bag kneelers for whatever their cause is, the disrespecting the country will only become more popular. Negotiations with the NFL kneelers should be handled the way negotiations with terrorists are.

Fuck the war machine and the United Corporate States.
I will bet that this is the first and last time we'll see trump talk about extending an olive branch. There will not be a follow-through and this will fall into the same abyss with his other empty proclamations.

I hope this is the last time he does this too. I don't want to see disrespect of the country, the fallen, and our flag become the new way for lefties to get what they want.