Trump extends olive branch to kneelers

He seems to have a special disdain for these two women who are smarter than him by orders of magnitude.

He's one of those "older men" who see females as collectible (and for him, discardible as well) objects, whose only function is to look good and to serve them. They are inferior to males, and the not-beauty-pageant types have not much use at all. I suspect these guys feel pretty inadequate when confronted with powerful, assertive, intelligent women like Ms. May and Ms. Merkel.
Pruitt is such a blatantly obvious grifter and user. That bit about asking an aide to find him a "used" mattress from a trump hotel... huh? A little kinky, sez I. He can just find out the mfr. and buy a brand new one. This is really weird.

Gross! Then there's the story of having himself chauffeured around to various Ritz-Carlton's in search of some special lotion that they provide the guests. This is like the fall of Rome or something.
“You have a lot of people, in the NFL in particular, but in sports leagues, they’re not proud enough to stand for our national anthem. I don’t like that,” Trump said. “We have a great country, you should stand for our national anthem. You shouldn’t go in a locker room when our national anthem is played."

I am going to ask all of those people to recommend to me, because that's what they're protesting, people that they think were unfairly treated by the justice system," he added.

Trump continued: “I’m going to ask them to recommend to me people that were unfairly treated … friends of theirs or people that they know about, and I’m going to take a look at those applications.”

Somebody just got out-maneuvered lol.

Suuuuure he will. Still going for all the Trump lies, I see.

Look up "gullible" in the dictionary. Then, look in the mirror.
He's one of those "older men" who see females as collectible (and for him, discardible as well) objects, whose only function is to look good and to serve them. They are inferior to males, and the not-beauty-pageant types have not much use at all. I suspect these guys feel pretty inadequate when confronted with powerful, assertive, intelligent women like Ms. May and Ms. Merkel.

So true. We only have to look at his remarks about Hillary or Carly Fiorina, and Carly wears his team's shirt.
Of course. Probably because she's no secret...
Ask any of her "friends" who are still here (banned for doing her dirty work for
When you get closed down for stalking and doxxing at Goodreads, that serious biz....just a matter of time until it happens here;)

Notice that Bowel woman has been the only person to use the term "uppity black ppl" when talking about the kneelers. Guess we know why she wears white robes now.

They would like to do that, but now they are in an odd position.

Trump is asking for pardon referrals from them. If the kneelers don’t come up with some, then people will wonder if they really care about injustice in our legal system; but if they do start to send referrals and Trump starts pardoning victims of injustice, then people will begin to wonder if Trump really is the devil, after all.

That’s slick.

He can only pardon federal crimes, pally boy.
Notice that Bowel woman has been the only person to use the term "uppity black ppl" when talking about the kneelers. Guess we know why she wears white robes now.

LOL....I guess we do...Let's her spew, though. The more, the better;)
(And it's always fun to share the posts where she informs everyone about where she gets all her "info"...that was "news" to a couple of
Of course. Probably because she's no secret...
Ask any of her "friends" who are still here ( those who haven't been banned for doing her dirty work for
When you get closed down for stalking and doxxing at Goodreads, that serious biz....just a matter of time until it happens here;)

Shit Toxic believes:

Trump is a great leader.
The War on Christmas was real and Trump won it for the good guys.
Black ppl are icky and criminal.
Goodreads Amazon group is closed down.
There *is* a Santa Claus!
Shit Toxic believes:

Trump is a great leader.
The War on Christmas was real and Trump won it for the good guys.
Black ppl are icky and criminal.
Goodreads Amazon group is closed down.
There *is* a Santa Claus!

Bowel movement woman believes:

Jimmy Carter was the greatest president in our history. Hillary never has lied or committed a crime.
Christians believe in a false God but Wiccans don't.
OJ was innocent because he was black, proving she is not racist.
Obama is Santa Clause.

:rofl2: Are you kidding? Nobody believes he's going to make good on this, it's all for show. The Philly Eagles left him twisting in the wind and he made a complete and public jackass out of himself at the G-7.

This is just a transparent attempt to try and regain some positive publicity. He's already said too much about kneeling for anyone to think he's being honest. :

Not everything is about Trump lol.

Now, finally, we get to see if the kneelers are honest or just grand standing. When the families of the unjustly imprisoned approach the kneelers about Trump’s offer, do they turn them down?

How do you think that’s going to fly?
Not everything is about Trump lol.

Now, finally, we get to see if the kneelers are honest or just grand standing. When the families of the unjustly imprisoned approach the kneelers about Trump’s offer, do they turn them down?

How do you think that’s going to fly?

I will bet that this is the first and last time we'll see trump talk about extending an olive branch. There will not be a follow-through and this will fall into the same abyss with his other empty proclamations.
I give Trump all kinds of credit for this.

This is going to sound like a backhanded compliment, and it probably is, but this is the 1st time I've seen him act like the adult in the room, instead of going for cheap grandstanding and just playing to his base. He's actually trying to find a SOLUTION.

If he can start doing this more, he might actually become a leader. Not counting on it, though.
“You have a lot of people, in the NFL in particular, but in sports leagues, they’re not proud enough to stand for our national anthem. I don’t like that,” Trump said. “We have a great country, you should stand for our national anthem. You shouldn’t go in a locker room when our national anthem is played."

I am going to ask all of those people to recommend to me, because that's what they're protesting, people that they think were unfairly treated by the justice system," he added.

Trump continued: “I’m going to ask them to recommend to me people that were unfairly treated … friends of theirs or people that they know about, and I’m going to take a look at those applications.”

Somebody just got out-maneuvered lol.

We agree on one point here, it's funny. Don's so dilusional he thinks people believe him. I gave up participating in homages to the power of a murderous genocidal corporate state decades ago. Fuck him, he can throw me out of the country like he hinted at doing with folks who won't stand for his punkbitchass.
I give Trump all kinds of credit for this. This is going to sound like a backhanded compliment, and it probably is, but this is the 1st time I've seen him act like the adult in the room, instead of going for cheap grandstanding and just playing to his base. He's actually trying to find a SOLUTION. If he can start doing this more, he might actually become a leader. Not counting on it, though.

I've never seen a better example of damning with faint praise, little Thingy.
