Trump extends olive branch to kneelers

I am saying Trump's offering an olive branch is bullchit... He doesn't mean it.. He already suggested that law enforcement knock heads and he couldn't take a stand against violence in Charlottesville.

I really hope these players take your position

Will you be advising them?

You should have George Soros run an ad saying “Trump doesn’t mean it”
I really hope these players take your position

Will you be advising them?

You should have George Soros run an ad saying “Trump doesn’t mean it”

Its been MONTHS since Trump had his tantrum and said fire the bastards.. He's a bit late to play this gotcha game.
He isn't offering you an olive branch. If the kneeling is actually meant to make a difference, they wouldn't ignore him because they "don't like him". Unless the kneeling is only personal and a publicity stunt. And meant, as I said, to just make the country a messier place...
You understand "messy", correct?

Yes. Messy is when you, Toxic, are angered when uppity black ppl speak out. If these were uppity white players kneeling to protest something -- let's say abortion, or SSM -- you'd be cheering them on.

Oh look over there! It's another RWNJ blog post about a black criminal! Quick, share it!
Its been MONTHS since Trump had his tantrum and said fire the bastards.. He's a bit late to play this gotcha game.

And only a couple weeks since he said "maybe they should leave the country." It's amazing how blind the Reichwing is to his frequent race-baiting. But yeah, Obama.
Oh, poor little Facebook, etc. stalker is at it again....
These early morning meltdowns just can't be good for your "health" dear....but, oh well;)
And only a couple weeks since he said "maybe they should leave the country." It's amazing how blind the Reichwing is to his frequent race-baiting. But yeah, Obama.

That's right.. Trump did tell them they should leave the country.. He must think he's very clever or that Americans are ridiculously stupid.
Oh, poor little Facebook, etc. stalker is at it again....
These early morning meltdowns just can't be good for your "health" dear....but, oh well;)

Whatevs, Toxic. I blocked you on FB, remember? Thanks for admitting that you *do* in fact post racist stuff about black ppl on yours. We realize that you're computer illiterate so here's a handy tip: When someone blocks you on FB, they can't see your stuff either. Hate to break it to you, but you're not special enough to bother "stalking." You definitely think that *I* am though. Heheheheh.

We can always count on you for using purported mental illness as an insult. And you wonder why no one believes that you were a special education "teacher". lol</attention whore treats>
Oh, poor little Facebook, etc. stalker is at it again....
These early morning meltdowns just can't be good for your "health" dear....but, oh well;)

If you are referring to Owl, I ain't buying it. You would be actually amazed at how many false and bogus stalking claims internet dunces float on obscure forums.
Oh, poor little Facebook, etc. stalker is at it again....
These early morning meltdowns just can't be good for your "health" dear....but, oh well;)

Hahahaha.. Do you really claim you are being "stalked"?
In all my years I have never seen anything like this Trump administration.. He's a sick vindictive bastard who has surrounded himself with idiots..

Idiots that call him a fellow moron. We were watching a segment on Pruitt's corruption and massive spending of taxpayer money on frivolities the other night. Mr. Owl remarked that he thought he heard Trump saying he was going to drain the swamp. I replied that all he did was pour a tanker load of Miracle Gro into it.
i have to admit i missed the politics on this one. good call. Basically it's put up or shut up.
They'll say "it's racist" or some such,and the media won't press them on it.

But pardon would be given if warranted -we know this about Trump

What the fuck does pardoning someone have to do with racist kops who kill unarmed Black men and go free? What the fuck does pardoning someone have to do with the entire criminal justice system being racist and corrupt?
If you are referring to Owl, I ain't buying it. You would be actually amazed at how many false and bogus stalking claims internet dunces float on obscure forums.

No she wouldn't, since she started quite a few of them herself. I blocked her on FB years ago for her penchant for finding other posters' social media feeds, copying their photos, and making new sock names out of their family members' names.... just a not-so-subtle way of letting the stalkee know that she was there. She even declared that if it's on Facebook it's "public domain" and therefore anything goes.
This reminds me of businesses/organizations which state if you buy this "thing" we will donate 10% (example) to Feed the World (example) and I'm always thinking, why do you need to wait for someone to buy that thing, just donate 10% to Feed the World?

The thing Trump wants them to buy before he will pardon whatever criminals they list is groveling or kissing his ass. He wants them to come to him and bow their heads instead of kneeling before the game. He could just pardon some people based on his team investigating cases that come before him like previous presidents but nope, he wants those specific players to come to him with names. It's not about those specific players and anyone they specifically know, none of them have even offered up such personal demands. It's about injustice overall in America. He and his team, and everyone else, need to work on that.