Trump extends olive branch to kneelers

Slick... NOT sincere. Remember the Central Park Five?

Media Push Discredited Myth That Trump Urged Execution of Innocent Teens

Trump not only indicated that he was not "prejudging" the case -- which contradicts many of the recent media suggestions primarily on CNN and MSNBC that he did not believe in "due process" for the accused teens -- but he even stated that he was only advocating the death penalty for criminals who were "at a certain age," and pushed for longer prison terms for juveniles.
Whatevs, Toxic. I blocked you on FB, remember? Thanks for admitting that you *do* in fact post racist stuff about black ppl on yours. We realize that you're computer illiterate so here's a handy tip: When someone blocks you on FB, they can't see your stuff either. Hate to break it to you, but you're not special enough to bother "stalking." You definitely think that *I* am though. Heheheheh.

We can always count on you for using purported mental illness as an insult. And you wonder why no one believes that you were a special education "teacher". lol</attention whore treats>

What's her name on there? #askingforafriend ;)
Media Push Discredited Myth That Trump Urged Execution of Innocent Teens

Trump not only indicated that he was not "prejudging" the case -- which contradicts many of the recent media suggestions primarily on CNN and MSNBC that he did not believe in "due process" for the accused teens -- but he even stated that he was only advocating the death penalty for criminals who were "at a certain age," and pushed for longer prison terms for juveniles.

He took out a full page newspaper ad.
“You have a lot of people, in the NFL in particular, but in sports leagues, they’re not proud enough to stand for our national anthem. I don’t like that,” Trump said. “We have a great country, you should stand for our national anthem. You shouldn’t go in a locker room when our national anthem is played."

I am going to ask all of those people to recommend to me, because that's what they're protesting, people that they think were unfairly treated by the justice system," he added.

Trump continued: “I’m going to ask them to recommend to me people that were unfairly treated … friends of theirs or people that they know about, and I’m going to take a look at those applications.”

Somebody just got out-maneuvered lol.

:rofl2: Are you kidding? Nobody believes he's going to make good on this, it's all for show. The Philly Eagles left him twisting in the wind and he made a complete and public jackass out of himself at the G-7.

This is just a transparent attempt to try and regain some positive publicity. He's already said too much about kneeling for anyone to think he's being honest. :
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Donald Trump has grown frustrated with Theresa May’s “school mistress” tone, allies of the president have told The Telegraph, as it emerged the pair will not hold formal talks at the G7 summit in Canada.

The US president is said to bristle at the Prime Minister’s approach during phone calls, with Mrs May quick to get into policy details rather than wider conversation.

One senior US diplomat said Mr Trump had expressed annoyance at Mrs May’s frequent demands, which are seen as taking advantage of the UK-US relationship.

The comments made to this newspaper chime with a report in The Washington Post on Thursday that Mr Trump sees Mrs May as too politically correct after she rebuked him over claims that parts of London have become “no-go” areas.
. . . .

Mrs May is not alone in failing to build a rapport with Mr Trump. Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, has a frosty relationship with the US president, who often swipes at her country’s trade policies.

And many Western leaders have done little to hide their anger at the US president's decisions over Iran and tariffs, going public with their criticism in recent weeks.

He seems to have a special disdain for these two women who are smarter than him by orders of magnitude.
Idiots that call him a fellow moron. We were watching a segment on Pruitt's corruption and massive spending of taxpayer money on frivolities the other night. Mr. Owl remarked that he thought he heard Trump saying he was going to drain the swamp. I replied that all he did was pour a tanker load of Miracle Gro into it.

Pruitt is such a blatantly obvious grifter and user. That bit about asking an aide to find him a "used" mattress from a trump hotel... huh? A little kinky, sez I. He can just find out the mfr. and buy a brand new one. This is really weird.
This reminds me of businesses/organizations which state if you buy this "thing" we will donate 10% (example) to Feed the World (example) and I'm always thinking, why do you need to wait for someone to buy that thing, just donate 10% to Feed the World?

The thing Trump wants them to buy before he will pardon whatever criminals they list is groveling or kissing his ass. He wants them to come to him and bow their heads instead of kneeling before the game. He could just pardon some people based on his team investigating cases that come before him like previous presidents but nope, he wants those specific players to come to him with names. It's not about those specific players and anyone they specifically know, none of them have even offered up such personal demands. It's about injustice overall in America. He and his team, and everyone else, need to work on that.

*applause* Well said.
Hahahaha.. Do you really claim you are being "stalked"?
Of course. Probably because she's no secret...
Ask any of her "friends" who are still here ( those who haven't been banned for doing her dirty work for
When you get closed down for stalking and doxxing at Goodreads, that serious biz....just a matter of time until it happens here;)