Trump fires back at Pelosi, cancels her foreign travel..LOL My God LOL

Trump made the democrats look like fools making them drive around in circles their little bus

Almost as hilarious as when Hillary collapsed on 9/11
Pelosi and the Senate have passed bills opening the government. Daffy agreed to a couple, then changed his alleged mind . The House has passed a couple this week and the RIGHT WING REPUBLICUNT McConnell will not pass them on to Trumpy. Absolutely not Pelosi's problem. The house is actually working.

Trump didn’t change his mind. Coulter and Limbaugh took over.
Sad little fudgepacking waterboy. The best you can do is alter someone’s post.

Pathetic little spudpeeler.

Christmas is over. Gomers part time job as a gay elf has to wait again until next year. Looks like he has some temporary back up employment though:

Hard to make a deal when Pelousy won't negotiate at all pissboy.


The all came up with a deal that EVERYONE agree to...the House, the Senate, and Donald Trump.

THEY AGREED TO IT. Then Limbaugh and Ingrham threatened Trump and he folded to them.

Nobody can negotiate with someone who will not take "yes" for an answer.

Of course, people like you who intend to back this abomination no matter what...will pretend that she will not negotiate.

Okay. We'll see where this gets us.
Pelosi negotiated.

Trump is a chump.

But not as big a chump as the chumps who continue to support him.

The all came up with a deal that EVERYONE agree to...the House, the Senate, and Donald Trump.

THEY AGREED TO IT. Then Limbaugh and Ingrham threatened Trump and he folded to them.

Nobody can negotiate with someone who will not take "yes" for an answer.

Of course, people like you who intend to back this abomination no matter what...will pretend that she will not negotiate.

Okay. We'll see where this gets us.

Trump will take yes when he gets his wall. He has more leverage than you think. The only question is does he know it and will he use it?
Why are these idiot politicians traveling when there is work to be done. They shouldn’t be allowed to leave the Capital building until the issues are resolved.
Trump will take yes when he gets his wall. He has more leverage than you think. The only question is does he know it and will he use it?

We'll see.

I don't think he has as much leverage as you think. He is fast becoming a lone-wolf...with the rest of the pack hoping he goes away. He is NOT an asset for any Republican. At best, he is a possible liability. Unfortunately, they have almost no way to escape him; he's hijacked their party.

Gonna be interested to hear what he says today. I'm hoping it is a declaration of national emergency...although I suspect even he is not that dumb.

I'm sure we are all going to be listening.
She can. He even told her she could.

And when she made plans to fly commercial trump leaked them, so she had to cancel for security reasons. Wish you guys could admit that trump's just a spiteful, foot-stamping childish bully.

"US Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi has cancelled plans to visit American troops in Afghanistan due to claims the White House "leaked" her security plan. The news comes one day after Mr Trump banned the Democratic delegation from using a military aircraft for the trip.

Mrs Pelosi's spokesman said on Friday that security officials had determined that Mr Trump's announcement "had significantly increased the danger"...

...House of Representatives Speaker Pelosi's spokesman said that after Mr Trump revoked use of a military aircraft "multiple" White House officials then leaked her plan to fly Democratic members of Congress on a commercial airline to Afghanistan.

Drew Hammill said in a statement: "In the middle of the night, the State Department's Diplomatic Security Service provided an updated threat assessment detailing that the President announcing this sensitive travel had significantly increased the danger to the delegation and to the troops, security, and other officials supporting the trip."
And when she made plans to fly commercial trump leaked them, so she had to cancel for security reasons

So she said. :D

"Pelosi's spokesman said on Friday that security officials had determined that Mr Trump's announcement "had significantly increased the danger'".
And when she made plans to fly commercial trump leaked them, so she had to cancel for security reasons. Wish you guys could admit that trump's just a spiteful, foot-stamping childish bully.

"US Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi has cancelled plans to visit American troops in Afghanistan due to claims the White House "leaked" her security plan. The news comes one day after Mr Trump banned the Democratic delegation from using a military aircraft for the trip.

Mrs Pelosi's spokesman said on Friday that security officials had determined that Mr Trump's announcement "had significantly increased the danger"...

...House of Representatives Speaker Pelosi's spokesman said that after Mr Trump revoked use of a military aircraft "multiple" White House officials then leaked her plan to fly Democratic members of Congress on a commercial airline to Afghanistan.

Drew Hammill said in a statement: "In the middle of the night, the State Department's Diplomatic Security Service provided an updated threat assessment detailing that the President announcing this sensitive travel had significantly increased the danger to the delegation and to the troops, security, and other officials supporting the trip.", too, CF.
And when she made plans to fly commercial trump leaked them, so she had to cancel for security reasons. Wish you guys could admit that trump's just a spiteful, foot-stamping childish bully.

"US Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi has cancelled plans to visit American troops in Afghanistan due to claims the White House "leaked" her security plan. The news comes one day after Mr Trump banned the Democratic delegation from using a military aircraft for the trip.

Mrs Pelosi's spokesman said on Friday that security officials had determined that Mr Trump's announcement "had significantly increased the danger"...

...House of Representatives Speaker Pelosi's spokesman said that after Mr Trump revoked use of a military aircraft "multiple" White House officials then leaked her plan to fly Democratic members of Congress on a commercial airline to Afghanistan.

Drew Hammill said in a statement: "In the middle of the night, the State Department's Diplomatic Security Service provided an updated threat assessment detailing that the President announcing this sensitive travel had significantly increased the danger to the delegation and to the troops, security, and other officials supporting the trip."


What flight was she scheduled to be on and what time was it's departure scheduled for??