Trump found guilty on all charges

Yes they were. The left are good liars. Those were quick decisions by 12 people., on what, 34 charges?
It took us 2 weeks on 4 charges, in a federal court.
Everyone knows Trump is a criminal scumbag. Trump always brags about getting away with crime.
Yes they were. The left are good liars. Those were quick decisions by 12 people., on what, 34 charges?
It took us 2 weeks on 4 charges, in a federal court.
So you disagree with the decision. That is understandable and within your right. I disagreed with the Rittenhouse decision but didn't cry and pitch a fit like some people are doing in regards to this.
The prosecution throws charges on top of charges, hoping some or most will stick. You should know that, you've testified many hundreds of times.
(Lol! I still gotta laugh)
Few , very few times will every charge stick, and just some of them is all this DA was hoping for. And in reality, it's rare, if it ever happens.
Not to Donald Trump. Every charge. Guilty. Those charges never happened before, in any aspects to anyone, let alone a former president (who happens to be running again, and leading). Interesting...
When one of those jurors open their mouth in the future and are found out to have a biased opinion......
The ones that don’t stick, morons, are the ones that return a “not guilty” verdict. The DA didn’t just get some of them, he got EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM.

Why did they never happen before? Because no fucking ex-President has fucked a porn star, paid her money to cover it up and called it legal expenses in order to influence an election.

Let us know when that’s happened before, will you?
Yes they were. The left are good liars. Those were quick decisions by 12 people., on what, 34 charges?
It took us 2 weeks on 4 charges, in a federal court.
The illegal payments themselves were a slam dunk and decided immediately. There was no doubt from the paper trail.

The decision on corroborating Cohen’s testimony took a bit longer, but was decided when they reviewed Peckers testimony.

Legally, this was an easy case to decide. Emotionally, I’m sure the jurors now fear for themselves and their families.
The prosecution throws charges on top of charges, hoping some or most will stick. You should know that, you've testified many hundreds of times.
(Lol! I still gotta laugh)
Few , very few times will every charge stick, and just some of them is all this DA was hoping for. And in reality, it's rare, if it ever happens.
Not to Donald Trump. Every charge. Guilty. Those charges never happened before, in any aspects to anyone, let alone a former president (who happens to be running again, and leading). Interesting...
When one of those jurors open their mouth in the future and are found out to have a biased opinion......
And yet Republi'cans' investigate and investigate and investigate. From Bill to Hillary Clinton, to Obama and now Joe. Special prosecutors, 10+ Congress committee investigations. Trumps own AG. And they just cannot find any charges to throw that can stick. They get laughed out of court when they try to force something. Even in Trump judge courts

And yet Trump and other Republi'can' leaders seem to have charges that not only stick but that see them found guilty by the boat load. Even when it is a republi'can' investigator taking them to Republican judges, in the courts.

Instead of spending so much time crying about consequences for crimes RB, just pick people who will do less crime. This does not have to be that hard but if you guys keep pushing criminals into power then suck it up and live with what follows.

And yet Republi'cans' investigate and investigate and investigate. From Bill to Hillary Clinton, to Obama and now Joe. Special prosecutors, 10+ Congress committee investigations. Trumps own AG. And they just cannot find any charges to throw that can stick. They get laughed out of court when they try to force something. Even in Trump judge courts

And yet Trump and other Republi'can' leaders seem to have charges that not only stick but that see them found guilty by the boat load. Even when it is a republi'can' investigator taking them to Republican judges, in the courts.

Instead of spending so much time crying about consequences for crimes RB, just pick people who will do less crime. This does not have to be that hard but if you guys keep pushing criminals into power then suck it up and live with what follows.

November is coming, beware of the people.
So you disagree with the decision. That is understandable and within your right. I disagreed with the Rittenhouse decision but didn't cry and pitch a fit like some people are doing in regards to this.
There was a thread with lots of crying from the left. I'm sure you participated.
We base almost all of our conclusions and decisions on the laws of probability because we frequently lack information.
Math errors: Failure to declare boundary. Failure to declare randX.
Logic errors: Argument from randU fallacy. Attempted proof by randU.
Trump has lost wo civil cases and one criminal case in the last year alone. The odds of all 36 jurors being partisan Democrats in those cases is infinitesimally small and utterly implausible. The probabilities are almost certain some of those 36 jurors were Republicans and independents, and it would have only taken one of their votes to prevent Trump from a conviction.
Failure to declare boundary. Failure to declare randX. Argument from randU fallacy. Attempted proof by randU. Discard of history.

The jury was tainted by the judge, Sybil. The judge broke the law AGAIN. You have STILL never specified any crime.
But we are talking to people who believe Trump and his campaign can go to court 60+ times over "rigged elections" and lose all 60 because the Courts are rigged.
Chanting this randU won't work. Stop making shit up.
Courts with Trump appointed judges.
Merchan is not a Trump appointed judge, is heavily biased, and has broken the law several times during this case, including tainting the jury.
We are talking to people who believe EVERY SINGLE Trump loss, even going back to 2016 primaries was "rigged" even when he won them, simply because at points he was not leading.
Trump has never lost an election.
MAGA isn't a person.
are beyond ration and reason
You are describing Democrats. You can't blame your problems on Republicans or Trump supporters.
It changes nothing when it comes to November, however...People played close attention to how this clown show played out for Joe....(is that a convected felon? Thanks Whoppie!!):ROFLMAO:

I have no doubt that Trump supporters would happily elect a convicted felon.
For many, it's just supporting one of their own.

I viscerally hate Trump, but I vote for policy positions, not people.
That's why I'd take a bullet to the head before voting for him.