Trump: "get worse before it gets better."

Dutch Uncle

* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Trump gives a breath of truth even though it's three months late. Trump admits the COVID crisis will get worse before it gets better. He also claims to have invented masks and the mask-wearing procedures claimed "I have no problem with the masks. I view it this way. Anything that potentially can help -- and that certainly can potentially help -- is a good thing." Better late than never.
President Donald Trump held his first press briefing focused on the coronavirus crisis in nearly three months on Tuesday -- by himself -- without any experts from the White House task force.

"Today, I want to provide an update on our response to the China virus, and what my administration is doing to get the outbreak in the Sunbelt under control. Seems largely in Sunbelt but could be spreading," Trump said to open the briefing amid polls showing Americans sharply disapproving of how he's handled the crisis.

Comparing the U.S. to the rest of the world, he downplayed the impact of the pandemic on Americans by emphasizing it's a global problem, but he also made a rare acknowledgment of bad news ahead.

"It will probably unfortunately get worse before it gets better. Something I don't like saying about things but that's the way it is. It's the way -- it's what we have. You look over the world. It's all over the world. And it tends to do that," he said.

Trump also flip-flopped on mask-wearing:

"In somewhat of a reversal, Trump also sent a clearer message on masks, one day after tweeting a photo of himself donning one for the first time, calling it "patriotic."

"We're asking everybody that when you are not able to socially distance, wear a mask. Get a mask. Whether you like the mask or not, they have an impact. They'll have an effect, and we need everything we can get," Trump said, following months of resistance.

Asked why he doesn't wear a mask more frequently, Trump said he does when he needs it, despite only being photographed once wearing one at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

"I have the mask right here. I carry it, and I will use it gladly. No problem with it, and I've said that and I say: if you can, use the mask," Trump said, showing the mask in his hand but not putting it on. " I have no problem with the masks. I view it this way. Anything that potentially can help -- and that certainly can potentially help -- is a good thing."
A belated and desperate attempt to save his own bacon. Notice how he doesn't emit a trace of concern or care for the people?

It will be amusing to watch how his devoted minions, like Dearth above, twist and squirm their way to a sudden mask epiphany! Watch the Incredible Stretch suddenly realize that yes, Matilda, it really IS bad and getting worse but just you wait! :laugh:
A belated and desperate attempt to save his own bacon. Notice how he doesn't emit a trace of concern or care for the people?

It will be amusing to watch how his devoted minions, like Dearth above, twist and squirm their way to a sudden mask epiphany! Watch the Incredible Stretch suddenly realize that yes, Matilda, it really IS bad and getting worse but just you wait! :laugh:

Since I’m not a lemming, I prefer to come to my own conclusions about things. I don’t care what Trump said. How do you know he’s not engaging in panic Porn for political purposes?

How can anyone know COVID will get worse before it gets better? They just utter the words and it becomes Truth?
Since I’m not a lemming, I prefer to come to my own conclusions about things. I don’t care what Trump said. How do you know he’s not engaging in panic Porn for political purposes?

How can anyone know COVID will get worse before it gets better? They just utter the words and it becomes Truth?

Its not getting any better after all these months, in fact its getting much worse. So much so that no one wants an American to travel to their country. We are banned in Canada, Europe, and the Caribbean
He is your guy in the process of doing a 180. Now ya gotta wear a face covering.

Since WV is a free state I don’t have to wear the COVID catcher even though it’s mandated. It’s more of a ‘suggestion’ here. But I do wear one.

They get jack-boot with it where you live yet?
Since WV is a free state I don’t have to wear the COVID catcher even though it’s mandated. It’s more of a ‘suggestion’ here. But I do wear one.

They get jack-boot with it where you live yet?

Your leader has spoken, now goose step in order to properly please him. Had he demanded face coverings 4 months ago we wouldn't be in the shit house we are in today.
A belated and desperate attempt to save his own bacon. Notice how he doesn't emit a trace of concern or care for the people?

It will be amusing to watch how his devoted minions, like Dearth above, twist and squirm their way to a sudden mask epiphany! Watch the Incredible Stretch suddenly realize that yes, Matilda, it really IS bad and getting worse but just you wait! :laugh:

It was scripted. Trump acted like a 9 year old required by his parents to read an apology to the neighbors for running over their dog with his bicycle. He ended it as soon as he could.

I think Ivanka has read him the riot act that if he doesn't get his shit together he's going to get his ass kicked by a demented septuagenarian hair-sniffer.
Since WV is a free state I don’t have to wear the COVID catcher even though it’s mandated. It’s more of a ‘suggestion’ here. But I do wear one.

They get jack-boot with it where you live yet?
Why? Haven't you repeatedly posted that they don't work? Why are you being a hypocrite?
Its not getting any better after all these months, in fact its getting much worse. So much so that no one wants an American to travel to their country. We are banned in Canada, Europe, and the Caribbean

What do mean it’s not getting better?

This is worse than March and April? Really?

First, I'd like to be a fly on the wall at Trump's place on Election Night. Since Florida is East Coast, the evening should get interesting early.

Second, January 21st will probably be pretty normal and uneventful to the public. A key question is if Trump is gracious enough to shake Biden's hands and escort him to the office if or Trump throws a tantrum and goes to Mar-a-Lago or Trump Tower to sulk.

Trump doesn't have pets, right? He just like treating people like animals?

Why? Haven't you repeatedly posted that they don't work? Why are you being a hypocrite?

Have to wear them to get into places and I don’t want to deal with the potential drama. Though sometimes I’m 100 feet from my car when I remember I forgot it and say F* it, I’m going in, and no one says anything.
Since I’m not a lemming, I prefer to come to my own conclusions about things. I don’t care what Trump said. How do you know he’s not engaging in panic Porn for political purposes?

How can anyone know COVID will get worse before it gets better? They just utter the words and it becomes Truth?

Can I just say, once again, how regrettable it is that you refer to responsible citizens who try to follow medical recommendations in the hopes of possibly saving lives as "lemmings"?
First, I'd like to be a fly on the wall at Trump's place on Election Night. Since Florida is East Coast, the evening should get interesting early.

Second, January 21st will probably be pretty normal and uneventful to the public. A key question is if Trump is gracious enough to shake Biden's hands and escort him to the office if or Trump throws a tantrum and goes to Mar-a-Lago or Trump Tower to sulk.

You’re really sure about this, aren’t you lol.
Trump or whoever, knows this how, exactly lol.

What happened to the ‘novel’ bit?

It's called math. What we've been saying all along. First come the cases. Then come the hospitalizations. Then come the deaths. We might be peaking in some areas for cases, but hospitalizations and deaths are going up. Over 1,000 dead today. Your Dear Leader is telling you it's going to get worse. Kinda sucks, doesn't it? You have been wrong about everything. It's an amazing record you've got going there.