Trump: "get worse before it gets better."

Can I just say, once again, how disgusting it is that you refer to responsible citizens who try to follow medical recommendations in the hopes of possibly saving lives as "lemmings"?

Sure, go ahead lol.

But if they aren’t thinking for themselves on it, lemmings they remain.
It's called math. What we've been saying all along. First come the cases. Then come the hospitalizations. Then come the deaths. We might be peaking in some areas for cases, but hospitalizations and deaths are going up. Over 1,000 dead today. Your Dear Leader is telling you it's going to get worse. Kinda sucks, doesn't it? You have been wrong about everything. It's an amazing record you've got going there.

He's like the energizer bunny of wrongness.

Seems like quite a few on the right are like that - starting w/ the Iraq War all the way through today. Mulligan after mulligan, and they keep talking self-righteously about every new issue and how they seem to know it all.
Have to wear them to get into places and I don’t want to deal with the potential drama. Though sometimes I’m 100 feet from my car when I remember I forgot it and say F* it, I’m going in, and no one says anything.

Its that mindset of you and your kind my dear, that causes this pandemic to get worse each and every day
He's like the energizer bunny of wrongness.

Seems like quite a few on the right are like that - starting w/ the Iraq War all the way through today. Mulligan after mulligan, and they keep talking self-righteously about every new issue and how they seem to know it all.

I'm very skeptical that the sun will come up in the East. I don't trust the experts on this. You lemmings go ahead and just all go along. ROTLFMFAO!!! He's on the wrong side of science, the wrong side of math, and the wrong side of history. Remarkabe.
He's like the energizer bunny of wrongness.

Seems like quite a few on the right are like that - starting w/ the Iraq War all the way through today. Mulligan after mulligan, and they keep talking self-righteously about every new issue and how they seem to know it all.
ROFL Good one. I can just picture him repeatedly slamming into a wall banging a drum.

Many on the right were against Iraq. I have the greatest respect for General Colin Powell and, he being the only combat vet versus a bunch of chickenhawks, fought hard against the Oil Men voices seeking to park the US in the middle of ME Oil Country. However, like people being waterboarded, eventually everyone breaks and Powell gave in at his UN speech. I was based in Chicago then and arguing with two other pilots, former Air Force Captains that it wasn't winning the war that was the problem but "winning the peace". It would become a quagmire. Lots of righties were against the war. Remember how Bush had to go General shopping just to find someone to lead the invasion?
It's called math. What we've been saying all along. First come the cases. Then come the hospitalizations. Then come the deaths. We might be peaking in some areas for cases, but hospitalizations and deaths are going up. Over 1,000 dead today. Your Dear Leader is telling you it's going to get worse. Kinda sucks, doesn't it? You have been wrong about everything. It's an amazing record you've got going there.


Practically all of these spikes are ‘dated’. The surge [if that’s what it is] is late in coming. We should have seen a significant surge in deaths *weeks ago*.

It’s late. What are they telling you to think about it?
Since I’m not a lemming, I prefer to come to my own conclusions about things. I don’t care what Trump said. How do you know he’s not engaging in panic Porn for political purposes?

That's exactly what he's doing, cultist. DUH.

How can anyone know COVID will get worse before it gets better? They just utter the words and it becomes Truth?

You'd better wait for your official talking points. Der VirusFuehrer has spoken. You shall not question him. Heil!
It was scripted. Trump acted like a 9 year old required by his parents to read an apology to the neighbors for running over their dog with his bicycle. He ended it as soon as he could.

I think Ivanka has read him the riot act that if he doesn't get his shit together he's going to get his ass kicked by a demented septuagenarian hair-sniffer.

Better than the current septuagenarian Putin-sniffer, I say.

Of course it was scripted. A few minutes later he answered a reporter's question and said soon it will be zero. Plus his unscripted stuff was the usual word salad of things he thinks sound powerful and cool but he mixes them so badly with poorly memorized, half-phrased things that he makes no sense.
Trump gave his talking points and only one of us is questioning them.

While you're kicking back and taking months to evaluate things like masks for yourself and fully grasp everything, the rest of us will work to end this pandemic by following basic healthcare recommendations and taking very basic precautions to protect our fellow man & slow the spread of this virus.

When you finally conclude what "works" and what we can all do better, please put a committee together to evaluate your results, and issue a lengthy report on what the recommendations are. We should have COVID well in the rearview mirror by then.
Trump gave his talking points and only one of us is questioning them.

No one is questioning them, Cultist. We're just laughing that he *finally* caved because someone told him that the writing on the fall spells out Bye Donald, so he better act like there really is a pandemic, and it's bad.

It IS pretty fucking funny though that after months of whining about masks you finally admit that you use them too. See? Did it hurt THAT bad to make your neighbors and community members feel that you are a smart, safe, caring citizen?
While you're kicking back and taking months to evaluate things like masks for yourself and fully grasp everything, the rest of us will work to end this pandemic by following basic healthcare recommendations and taking very basic precautions to protect our fellow man & slow the spread of this virus.

When you finally conclude what "works" and what we can all do better, please put a committee together to evaluate your results, and issue a lengthy report on what the recommendations are. We should have COVID well in the rearview mirror by then.

My March recommendation was to lock down the nursing homes.

Currently, 40% of COVID deaths involve nursing home residents. What was Fauci saying in March?
No one is questioning them, Cultist. We're just laughing that he *finally* caved because someone told him that the writing on the fall spells out Bye Donald, so he better act like there really is a pandemic, and it's bad.

It IS pretty fucking funny though that after months of whining about masks you finally admit that you use them too. See? Did it hurt THAT bad to make your neighbors and community members feel that you are a smart, safe, caring citizen?

I have donned the COVID catcher lol.

And you know what, I run into *many people* who are skeptical that it accomplishes much. Even as they wear them.

When will the numbers start coming down?
I have donned the COVID catcher lol.

And you know what, I run into *many people* who are skeptical that it accomplishes much. Even as they wear them.

When will the numbers start coming down?

We can look at recent history both here and across the planet for the answer. I bet you don't really want to know though, do you?
Have to wear them to get into places and I don’t want to deal with the potential drama. Though sometimes I’m 100 feet from my car when I remember I forgot it and say F* it, I’m going in, and no one says anything.

A real man would just boycott them. A hypocrite would grudgingly put the mask on but only over his mouth and bitch about it all the time waiting in line.