Trump: "get worse before it gets better."

I have donned the COVID catcher lol.

And you know what, I run into *many people* who are skeptical that it accomplishes much. Even as they wear them.

When will the numbers start coming down?
Making it clear you are a hypocrite.

You: Hypocrisy is the contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness, while concealing real character traits or inclinations, especially with respect to religious and moral beliefs; hence, in a general sense, hypocrisy may involve dissimulation, pretense, or a sham
Better than the current septuagenarian Putin-sniffer, I say.

Of course it was scripted. A few minutes later he answered a reporter's question and said soon it will be zero. Plus his unscripted stuff was the usual word salad of things he thinks sound powerful and cool but he mixes them so badly with poorly memorized, half-phrased things that he makes no sense.
I think most Americans will agree with you. :)

LOL agreed about "word salad". I'm going to miss him. Biden won't be as funny.
Making it clear you are a hypocrite.

You: Hypocrisy is the contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness, while concealing real character traits or inclinations, especially with respect to religious and moral beliefs; hence, in a general sense, hypocrisy may involve dissimulation, pretense, or a sham

So, you are pretending you are saving other people’s lives with your mask even though you don’t have the faintest idea whether you really are—or not lol?
So, you are pretending you are saving other people’s lives with your mask even though you don’t have the faintest idea whether you really are—or not lol?

What does my opinion have to do with you being a hypocrite about masks and evading questions?
I remember Fauci and the CDC bleating that "masks don't work, don't wear them!!" :laugh:

Leftists getting ready to lose another election. "The bad orange man did it!" lmao
That's exactly what he's doing, cultist. DUH.

You'd better wait for your official talking points. Der VirusFuehrer has spoken. You shall not question him. Heil!
The funny part is that Darth, whether he knows it nor not, is dissing Trump and calling him a liar.

Trump: "I have no problem with the masks. I view it this way. Anything that potentially can help -- and that certainly can potentially help -- is a good thing."

Darth: "I’m not a lemming...I don’t care what Trump said."

Does this make Darth a Liberal communist hair-sniffer voter?
I remember Fauci and the CDC bleating that "masks don't work, don't wear them!!" :laugh:

Leftists getting ready to lose another election. "The bad orange man did it!" lmao

Do you? Can you cite that in context or do you only remember the Fox sound bite? :laugh:
He's like the energizer bunny of wrongness.

Seems like quite a few on the right are like that - starting w/ the Iraq War all the way through today. Mulligan after mulligan, and they keep talking self-righteously about every new issue and how they seem to know it all.

Darth works in an operating theatre, whereas you just serve overpriced cocktails!
No one is questioning them, Cultist. We're just laughing that he *finally* caved because someone told him that the writing on the fall spells out Bye Donald, so he better act like there really is a pandemic, and it's bad.

It IS pretty fucking funny though that after months of whining about masks you finally admit that you use them too. See? Did it hurt THAT bad to make your neighbors and community members feel that you are a smart, safe, caring citizen?

Agreed he's desperate.

Practically all of these spikes are ‘dated’. The surge [if that’s what it is] is late in coming. We should have seen a significant surge in deaths *weeks ago*.

It’s late. What are they telling you to think about it?

No, we should be seeing the surge in deaths right now. And we are. Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
My March recommendation was to lock down the nursing homes.

Currently, 40% of COVID deaths involve nursing home residents. What was Fauci saying in March?

Your "March recommendation?" The same time you were all giggly about 61?

What is 40% of 61?

Fauci has been pretty consistent: follow CDC & healthcare recommendations. Obviously, those have changed from the very beginning - but not dramatically.

Had we listened to Fauci since the start, and followed everything he said - we would be in a MUCH better position today.

I mean, remember when you were one of those preaching we should rush to re-open?