Trump: "get worse before it gets better."

Do you ever get tired of bullshitting lol?

You are consistently wrong, and your timing is impeccable. Today the US saw 1,119 deaths, the most since late May. Deaths are spiking. You truly know absolutely nothing. It's remarkable.
You are consistently wrong, and your timing is impeccable. Today the US saw 1,119 deaths, the most since late May. Deaths are spiking. You truly know absolutely nothing. It's remarkable.
And here in Houston, under reported, people dying at home.
And here in Houston, under reported, people dying at home.

This was inevitable. Someone must have finally explained it to Trump. You can play around with the numbers, but you can't hide the bodies. How these guys can continue to deny it is remarkable.
Do you? Can you cite that in context or do you only remember the Fox sound bite? :laugh:

I bet she also can't recall that during the time when they were urging ppl to stay at home, they were also telling them not to hoard masks because we had a dire shortage -- thanks to the bad orange man -- and were desperately trying to keep what was available for health care workers.

Oh. That.
This was inevitable. Someone must have finally explained it to Trump. You can play around with the numbers, but you can't hide the bodies. How these guys can continue to deny it is remarkable.

A belated and desperate attempt to save his own bacon. Notice how he doesn't emit a trace of concern or care for the people?

It will be amusing to watch how his devoted minions, like Dearth above, twist and squirm their way to a sudden mask epiphany! Watch the Incredible Stretch suddenly realize that yes, Matilda, it really IS bad and getting worse but just you wait! :laugh:

Trump does not believe that the failure of America during this pandemic is significantly his fault and neither do I...that's two.
I bet she also can't recall that during the time when they were urging ppl to stay at home, they were also telling them not to hoard masks because we had a dire shortage -- thanks to the bad orange man -- and were desperately trying to keep what was available for health care workers.

Oh. That.

Awww. Now you went and ruined it with facts, thou froward muddy-mottled clack-dish!

Thanks for the link. Please note the context. Nothing has changed except the supply chain is better. Masks prevent spreading, not catching:

Most people don’t know how to use face masks correctly, and a rush to buy masks could prevent the people who need them most — health care providers — from getting them, said Dr. Amesh Adalja, a scholar at the Center for Health Security at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

In fact the U.S. surgeon general recently urged the public to “STOP BUYING MASKS!” “They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!,” wrote Surgeon General Jerome Adams on Twitter TWTR, -0.13%
"It will probably unfortunately get worse before it gets better. Something I don't like saying about things but that's the way it is. It's the way -- it's what we have.
You look over the world. It's all over the world. And it tends to do that," he said.


I love Trump's can do optimism -even during a pandemic he never gives in with out a fight

Practically all of these spikes are ‘dated’. The surge [if that’s what it is] is late in coming. We should have seen a significant surge in deaths *weeks ago*.

It’s late. What are they telling you to think about it?

You didn’t know shit at 61 and you still don’t know shit about masks, surges or anything associated with this thing.