Trump goes down!

The first act of violence against a presidential candidate comes from the Democrats
First of all, "hang Mike Pence" didn't come from Democrats. Secondly, you have no clue who did this or what their motivation was. The nut who shot Reagan was trying to impress Jody Foster.
How you can simultaneously be retarded, but, not mindless, is a about perplexing.
I'm perplexed how trumptards can simultaneously accused Biden of both being a criminal mastermind and senile at the same time while ignoring the treason, rape, and fraud from their own candidate.
You socialist pigs are always violent.

Fucking white lib nazis :palm:
You may want to wait until the investigation reveals who is responsible for the shooting and why they did it.

For all we know, some Republitard may have been trying to save the Republican party from itself, by killing the one who HI-JACKED the party- AND LED THEM DOWN INTO THE GUTTER!!

Just sayin'