Trump goes down!

It could also be a trump faithful terrorist sacrificing themselves in a false flag operation. The Trump faithful is a cult, so that possibility isn't out of the question. trump shaking his fist and acting brave after an actual attempt on his life is way out of character. trump is nothing but a bully and a coward.
Since we now know Crooks was a registered republican, he could have been a mainstream voter who hated how trump remade the party into his own image.
This may not have been about Trump...or politics at all.

The kid might have wanted "death by cop"...and what better way than by having the FBI or SS do it.
When you think things cannot get worse...........This reminds me of the the sixties when things like this happened more frequently. I deplore it. Angry words cause people to do insane things. Hopefully we learn wtf this kid was thinking about trying to kill Trump. I remember well the JFK killing along with King and RFK. They shook America to its core.
If it's common knowledge you should be able to find something easily, moron. You're just a big fat liar.

Btw, THOMAS CROOKS WAS A REGISTERED REPUBLICAN. So you filthy magats can stop blaming dems for this shooting NOW.
If you don't know, you are just too dumb to bother with. :palm:

He did not act like a republican. It was just a "cover" to infiltrate the rally.
Since we now know Crooks was a registered republican, he could have been a mainstream voter who hated how trump remade the party into his own image.
The trumptards will just dismiss his Republican registration, call him a "RINO" and use that as a way to call him a "libtard". Recent history has shown actual facts have never stood in the way of the trumptard cult's gaslighting.
The trumptards will just dismiss his Republican registration, call him a "RINO" and use that as a way to call him a "libtard". Recent history has shown actual facts have never stood in the way of the trumptard cult's gaslighting.
He donated to ACTBLUE the day Biden was inaugurated. A lot of Democrats registered as Republicans to try to sway the Republican primary away from Trump. So "party affiliation" is meaningless. Who did he support with him money. Money talks and bullshit walks.
He donated to ACTBLUE the day Biden was inaugurated. A lot of Democrats registered as Republicans to try to sway the Republican primary away from Trump. So "party affiliation" is meaningless. Who did he support with him money. Money talks and bullshit walks.
Trump donated to Democrats as well and invited the Clintons to his wedding. Square that circle.
Ah, yes. White victimhood - the gateway to organizations like the Nazi party and the KKK - you're right on board, dude. I pitty you!
The whole democrat party platform is just pure hatred. Hatred of the majority of the white race in America.
