Trump Inauguration: D.C braced for 900,000 Protesters

I hear that Trump's first act as potus will be reaching across the isle in order to mend a great divide between the 60+ democrat representatives and the new administration...those that did not show up for the peaceful transfer of power.....he will leave each a gift on their respective seats on the hill.....a box of 'pampers' per chair. :good4u:

You're a better person than me. I've criticized trump because of everything nasty, ignorant and dishonest that he's said and done that made the news. I don't expect him to change along with his new address. In fact I expect him to become worse than ever once he officially takes office. The man will have to morph into Pope Francis before I give him one iota of respect.

The best thing Trump could do is call each one of those Congressmen to the WH individually. Offer them an olive branch, tell them he wants to work with them. Take the high road and put the ball in their court. And make it known. Hopefully they take that offer an try and work with him.

Fuck that.
They made their bed and let their intentions be known.
Now they can live with their decisions.

His crowd size was in keeping with his hand size...
