Trump Inauguration: D.C braced for 900,000 Protesters

Common sense is very uncommon.

That's sort of what I meant. Someone with the best grades may have the best grades but that doesn't make them smart just someone with a lot of knowledge. However, unless the vast amount of knowledge can be put to use in a way where the person can function, the best use of that knowledge would be on a game show.
That's sort of what I meant. Someone with the best grades may have the best grades but that doesn't make them smart just someone with a lot of knowledge. However, unless the vast amount of knowledge can be put to use in a way where the person can function, the best use of that knowledge would be on a game show.

I like that.
Go bitchslap your Grammar teacher AND your Government teacher. Then go back to your school district and ask for your money back. They fucked you inthe ass on your education. And you failed them miserably. Then bitchslap your parents for letting you fail that badly.

It's not "I said so" you fucking idiot. It's the correct and proper name of the party. It always has been.

But go ahead and demonstrate that you are a willfully ignorant rube.

You're sorting to the "because I said so" logical fallacy. And of course your usual ad homs. LOL
Bit of a sexist there also? A racist sexist? How do you do that being a liberal?

Question: Do you ever recognize that among those on the right .. do you call them out about it?

.. and if those things are important to you .. how do you support Donald Trump?
Question: Do you ever recognize that among those on the right .. do you call them out about it?

.. and if those things are important to you .. how do you support Donald Trump?

Yes I do. And you know that. As far as Trump, I am going to give him the same chance I give every President. Many things I have not liked about all of them. However, they all were the President. Got to at least give the fairly elected President a chance BAC.
Yes I do. And you know that. As far as Trump, I am going to give him the same chance I give every President. Many things I have not liked about all of them. However, they all were the President. Got to at least give the fairly elected President a chance BAC.

Yes I do. And you know that. As far as Trump, I am going to give him the same chance I give every President. Many things I have not liked about all of them. However, they all were the President. Got to at least give the fairly elected President a chance BAC.
I'll give him a chance, but I don't like his odds. His cabinet picks suck for the most part, but I am still interested in seeing if he can pull off his better economy and better healthcare.
I'll give him a chance, but I don't like his odds. His cabinet picks suck for the most part, but I am still interested in seeing if he can pull off his better economy and better healthcare.

The bad thing about campaign promises is one is expected to live up to them. The economy for the most part is on an upward trend. Feeding it more should keep it going up. That whole healthcare thing, well, the Republicans better have something better for those that have it now. One cannot talk shit about things like that and not expect a severe backlash. You show what a decent person you are giving someone a chance to prove themselves first. If they do not, stomp em!
I'll give him a chance, but I don't like his odds. His cabinet picks suck for the most part, but I am still interested in seeing if he can pull off his better economy and better healthcare.

You're a better person than me. I've criticized trump because of everything nasty, ignorant and dishonest that he's said and done that made the news. I don't expect him to change along with his new address. In fact I expect him to become worse than ever once he officially takes office. The man will have to morph into Pope Francis before I give him one iota of respect.
he is racist as they come, only seeing things from colored glasses. There is nothing good about a person whose views are always about skin color first

Nah. He is not racist DD. He speaks his mind about some white folks. Not all. And when he does, he has a reason. He does not classify a group of people just based on their color. Plenty of people speak their mind about people of different cultures on all sides. That is not racism. That is disagreement. Where is gets to be racism is when anyone groups entire populations of peoples and hates them just because of who they are. That is just ignorant. You know all this DD. You are a good man also.
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I hear the that Trump's first act as potus will be reaching across the isle in order to mend a great divide between the 60+ democrat representatives and the new administration...those that did not show up for the peaceful transfer of power.....he will leave each a gift on their respective seats on the hill.....a box of 'pampers' per chair. :good4u:

The best thing Trump could do is call each one of those Congressmen to the WH individually. Offer them an olive branch, tell them he wants to work with them. Take the high road and put the ball in their court. And make it known. Hopefully they take that offer an try and work with him.