Trump Inauguration: D.C braced for 900,000 Protesters

I'm still laughing at your idiotic meeting notes@ cimment from your previous post. You are, no doubt, one of the dumbest cuntwhistle I've ever encountered. Did you get through 8th grade? Ever get your G.E.D?

Yep. Democrats WERE the slavers. Except, as I've pointed out numerous times, you slack jawed fucking Neanderthal, they were CONSERVATIVES. What is so fucking difficult for a fucking nipplehead like you to comprehend about that concept?

Dense fucking asswipe.

you're free to continue to wallow in your stupidity, it just makes me laugh at you all the more. BAC has a good signature line you should read. it suits you to a fucking TEEEEEEEEE
Let's try to make that a million protesters!


If that many show up....that will be way more than attended the Barry Soetoro crowing or...err.. crowing...way more. Proving that President Trump indeed is a mover and shaker. How many protesters showed for Soetoro? See? Mr Trump outdoes everything the left does. 900K a new record in!
you're free to continue to wallow in your stupidity, it just makes me laugh at you all the more. BAC has a good signature line you should read. it suits you to a fucking TEEEEEEEEE

Here's a small history lesson for you, whistledick. Since you're an illiterate cocksucker, have someone read it to you and explain it. CONSERVATIVES, motherfucker.

"The Democrats were the party of minimal government and libertarianism on the domestic front. The party was consistently hostile to the causes of social reform, such as temperance, education reform, women's rights, and, most unequivocally, abolitionism.The party supported western expansion and after Polk's term this expansion was linked to extending territory for the expansion of slavery."
and this is why you're the second stupidest MFer on this board, next to desh. your idiocy is magnified 20x by your extremely limited ability to navigate between left and right, not even conciously acknowledging that Libertarians is an actual concept. No, what you do is make up in your own mind what you want to believe, then categorize all others as RW morons because your fucked up reality demands it or you'd lose your mind.

Now, let me repeat this....the Democrats are the slavers, the oppressors, the racists and race baiters. YOU are just like them, one of them. So FUCK YOU, fuck off, and enjoy the inaugural festivities like a cup of broken glass

Fuck YOU and your laughable "consistency of language", dumbfuck. It doesn't matter whether a dullard like you thinks it's democratic or not, it's the DEMOCRATIC Party.

What a fucking dimwit. Are you vying for Text Driver's spot as forum stupid fuck? You're getting close.

Sorry, it's the DEMOCRAT PARTY, for the reasons stated and you can't refute logically. LOL
Fuck YOU and your laughable "consistency of language", dumbfuck. It doesn't matter whether a dullard like you thinks it's democratic or not, it's the DEMOCRATIC Party.

What a fucking dimwit. Are you vying for Text Driver's spot as forum stupid fuck? You're getting close.



Sorry, it's the DEMOCRAT PARTY, for the reasons stated and you can't refute logically. LOL

Like talking to a five year old. Refute it logically? What the fuck kind of idiot are you? It's not a logical argument, cuntwipe. It's the proper name of the party.

Congrats, shit-for-brains. You've gained the crown for stupid motherfucker of the day. Keep it up if you want the weekly and monthly award.

Q: Is it the “Democratic” Party or the “Democrat” Party?
A: The proper term is “Democratic Party.”
Like talking to a five year old. Refute it logically? What the fuck kind of idiot are you? It's not a logical argument, cuntwipe. It's the proper name of the party.

Congrats, shit-for-brains. You've gained the crown for stupid motherfucker of the day. Keep it up if you want the weekly and monthly award.

Q: Is it the “Democratic” Party or the “Democrat” Party?
A: The proper term is “Democratic Party.”

You're argument is a fallacy: 'because we say so'. LOL
Like talking to a five year old. Refute it logically? What the fuck kind of idiot are you? It's not a logical argument, cuntwipe. It's the proper name of the party.

Congrats, shit-for-brains. You've gained the crown for stupid motherfucker of the day. Keep it up if you want the weekly and monthly award.

Q: Is it the “Democratic” Party or the “Democrat” Party?
A: The proper term is “Democratic Party.”

Hmmm. So what is the correct pronunciation? The slaveocrat party or the slaveocratic party?