Trump Inauguration: D.C braced for 900,000 Protesters

Just gave you two. One being the official site.

Go bitchslap your mom for fucking you over in home school.

Both unacceptable:
1. Factcheck is a tool of the DNC.
2. Using the DNC as a source is simply the "because I said so" logical fallacy.

I didn't home school; was educated in public schools run by GovCo. As a liberal you should approve of my education.
Both unacceptable:
1. Factcheck is a tool of the DNC.
2. Using the DNC as a source is simply the "because I said so" logical fallacy.

I didn't home school; was educated in public schools run by GovCo. As a liberal you should approve of my education.

Go bitchslap your Grammar teacher AND your Government teacher. Then go back to your school district and ask for your money back. They fucked you inthe ass on your education. And you failed them miserably. Then bitchslap your parents for letting you fail that badly.

It's not "I said so" you fucking idiot. It's the correct and proper name of the party. It always has been.

But go ahead and demonstrate that you are a willfully ignorant rube.
A woman in my office in SF is flying to D.C. to protest and she said her goal is to get arrested. This is a woman with a MBA from Boothe so she is no dummy either. Told her I'd look for her on the news

Don't equate book learning with being smart.

A suite mate of my wife during her undergraduate years was valedictorian of her high school class. Based on what you say, most would consider her smart. Her parents purchased her a new car for high school graduation. During their sophomore year, the engine of the car locked up due to lack of oil. While I don't recall the exact quote my wife's suite mate said, it was to the effect that she knew they put oil in the car at the factory and that's all she thought needed to be done.
Don't equate book learning with being smart.

A suite mate of my wife during her undergraduate years was valedictorian of her high school class. Based on what you say, most would consider her smart. Her parents purchased her a new car for high school graduation. During their sophomore year, the engine of the car locked up due to lack of oil. While I don't recall the exact quote my wife's suite mate said, it was to the effect that she knew they put oil in the car at the factory and that's all she thought needed to be done.

Common sense is very uncommon.
Both unacceptable:
1. Factcheck is a tool of the DNC.
2. Using the DNC as a source is simply the "because I said so" logical fallacy.

I didn't home school; was educated in public schools run by GovCo. As a liberal you should approve of my education.

It's along the same lines as asking a fox with feathers in his mouth if he raided the chicken house then believing him when he said no.