Trump Inauguration: D.C braced for 900,000 Protesters

You failed at your claim of a logical fallacy when you wouldn't know one if it bit you in the ass. You RW morons use Argumentum ad Speculum like there's no tomorrow and still hang your hat on it when the absurdity is pointed out to you.

But your boys...when talking about what Trump will do as President...are just prescient? Not full of shit at all?
You poor, willfully ignorant slugs. Most of you can't even get the name of the Democratic Party correct, much less understand anything more complex.

You failed at your claim of a logical fallacy when you wouldn't know one if it bit you in the ass. You RW morons use Argumentum ad Speculum like there's no tomorrow and still hang your hat on it when the absurdity is pointed out to you.

But then, that kind of conscientious stupidity I s to be expected from the gullible lemmings that support a pathologically lying snake oil salesman like Trump.

It's the "Democrat Party". And no, it's not the "Republicanatic Party". The rest of your argument is also a non sequitur.
KKK, slavery, Jim Crow. Greed, profit, cheap labor, preservation of status quo. Conservative institutions.

Bull Shit. Slavery is a democrat institution, just as is the KKK, the Jim Crow it was Woodrow Wilson, the supposed Ivy League progressive that instituted Jim Cow as a condition for federal employment. It was the democrats of the early 20th century that fought tooth and nail to stop the female vote from becoming a reality. Read correctly the history of Jim Crow...introduced by southern DEMOCRATS and instituted by Woodrow Wilson, a democrat from N.J. with an Ivy League education that introduced Jim Crow as a requirement for federal hiring. Notice how the liberal source Wiki...attempts to blame this fact on Wilson's Birth from a southern state, but the fact is When Wilson introduced these laws at the federal level he was a 100% progressive democrat from New England some 57 years removed from his birth.

Next notice just who opposed Women's right to vote. It was the Republican's who championed the 19th amendment to the constitution and the democrats fought them tooth and nail from 1882 until it was finally passed in 1918. The Republicans put the act on the floor for a vote each year from 1882 on...and the democrats in congress kept defeating it.

When the Republicans began winning State Legislatures with enough numbers to win....they introduced and passed Women suffrage in several states long before the final victory at the federal level in 1918....states such as Wyoming, Iaho, Colorado...granted women the right vote easily. And we all know just how democrats control the midwest today..don't we? LMAO

The democrats had not changed their minds even in the 60s until the southern democrat bigot LBJ needed the black vote to continue to hold unto political power....and he bribed the blacks with the promise of the Great Society Welfare Giveaways. Hell...MLK was as conservative as a Black person can get...he preached family, God, and nation, and took pride in non-violent change when confronting the democrat bigots of the south.

All modern liberals are simply ignorant of the actual democrat history or are outright blatant liars. To hear them rewrite history. The southern democrats have now become southern republicans and the south is now populated with GOOD, NEW LEAF DEMOCRATS. When in reality..there are a great deal more republicans in the south today simply because the majority of American Industry as well as the majority of the well paying jobs have moved south to avoid Northern the late 60s and early 70s. The 'switched side' con is just would have to have a hole in his head to accept such Bull Shit as Truth. The real truth is documented in history.

If none of this history is ACTUAL....just debunk it with a demonstration of objective testable evidences other than some personal ad hominem insult while running away from the truth recorded in history. As far as the was the democrat party that had a former head of the KKK as a sitting senator until as recently as 2010 when Robert KKK Byrd died in office. Show us a republican representative that has held office in any subversive organization...while I can show you at least 70 members of the democrat congress, all with ties to the socialist party USA...i.e., the modern buzz word for communist party usa...also PRORESSIVE replaces socialist as it rolls off the tongue with so much ease. They have changed their titles...but the roots are all COMMUNIST in nature. Take note also how HILLARY always referred to herself not as a democrat.....but a PROGRESSIVE in the mold of Woodrow Wilson.

Take note which party attacks the Constitution when it gets in the way of their socialist agenda. Both the 1st and 2nd amendments. Which party wants to take your right to bear arms? Which party demands the right to silence any opposition spoke in public to their agenda? Which party has removed God from public view? Which party professes to the fascist view that women have the right to kill their children for personal reasons as long at that child is in the womb? Which party has recently demonstrated violence over the anger in losing a free election, beating down opposing voters, now threatening to burn houses and place acid into many HAVC systems on Jan. 20th?

Now which party does anyone really believe... would tell a lie to promote their evil ideology? :rolleyes:
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It's the "Democrat Party". And no, it's not the "Republicanatic Party". The rest of your argument is also a non sequitur.


Are you going to be that willfully ignorant, even when you are corrected? It's hard to believe anyone could be that fucking stupid.

The correct and proper name of the party, you fucking cretin, is the Democratic Party.

Fucking morons like you can't tell the difference between an adjective and a noun. That's what inbred home schooling does for you.
Bull Shit. Slavery is a democrat institution, just as is the KKK, the Jim Crow it was Woodrow Wilson, the supposed Ivy League progressive that instituted Jim Cow as a condition for federal employment. It was the democrats of the early 20th century that fought tooth and nail to stop the female vote from becoming a reality. Read correctly the history of Jim Crow...introduced by southern DEMOCRATS and instituted by Woodrow Wilson, a democrat from N.J. with an Ivy League education that introduced Jim Crow as a requirement for federal hiring. Notice how the liberal source Wiki...attempts to blame this fact on Wilson's Birth from a southern state, but the fact is When Wilson introduced these laws at the federal level he was a 100% progressive democrat from New England some 57 years removed from his birth.

Next notice just who opposed Women's right to vote. It was the Republican's who championed the 19th amendment to the constitution and the democrats fought them tooth and nail from 1882 until it was finally passed in 1918. The Republicans put the act on the floor for a vote each year from 1882 on...and the democrats in congress kept defeating it.

When the Republicans began winning State Legislatures with enough numbers to win....they introduced and passed Women suffrage in several states long before the final victory at the federal level in 1918....states such as Wyoming, Iaho, Colorado...granted women the right vote easily. And we all know just how democrats control the midwest today..don't we? LMAO

The democrats had not changed their minds even in the 60s until the southern democrat bigot LBJ needed the black vote to continue to hold unto political power....and he bribed the blacks with the promise of the Great Society Welfare Giveaways. Hell...MLK was as conservative as a Black person can get...he preached family, God, and nation, and took pride in non-violent change when confronting the democrat bigots of the south.

All modern liberals are simply ignorant of the actual democrat history or are outright blatant liars. To hear them rewrite history. The southern democrats have now become southern republicans and the south is now populated with GOOD, NEW LEAF DEMOCRATS. When in reality..there are a great deal more republicans in the south today simply because the majority of American Industry as well as the majority of the well paying jobs have moved south to avoid Northern the late 60s and early 70s. The 'switched side' con is just would have to have a hole in his head to accept such Bull Shit as Truth. The real truth is documented in history.

If none of this history is ACTUAL....just debunk it with a demonstration of objective testable evidences other than some personal ad hominem insult while running away from the truth recorded in history. As far as the was the democrat party that had a former head of the KKK as a sitting senator until as recently as 2010 when Robert KKK Byrd died in office. Show us a republican representative that has held office in any subversive organization...while I can show you at least 70 members of the democrat congress, all with ties to the socialist party USA...i.e., the modern buzz word for communist party usa...also PRORESSIVE replaces socialist as it rolls off the tongue with so much ease. They have changed their titles...but the roots are all COMMUNIST in nature. Take note also how HILLARY always referred to herself not as a democrat.....but a PROGRESSIVE in the mold of Woodrow Wilson.

I'll correct you again, you stupid fucking twit. Slavery, KKK and Jim Crow were institutions supported by CONSERVATIVES.

You're a conservative, aren't you? That explains your ignorance.
Please kid, can you try to express your joy at Trumps win in 3 million words or less next time?

Zero people read all of your rant, you read all of mine.

See short wins sometimes
I'll correct you again, you stupid fucking twit. Slavery, KKK and Jim Crow were institutions supported by CONSERVATIVES.

You're a conservative, aren't you? That explains your ignorance.

More left wing your retort? We are expected to believe that democrats were the conservatives up until Bob KKK Byrd's death in 2010 and Republicans were the enlightened progressives that passed women suffrage...Really? Or better yet.....there were no progressive liberals when the amendment passed congress in 1918...both party's were populated with conservatives? Confused sport?

No evidence other than the childish Nah naw. As always truth for a leftist rests with the undocumented accusation void of can't produce the evidence because you have been indoctrinated to accept a lie. Its more like some middle school slap fight between girls....I know you are but what Am I? When confronted with the simple truth....your response is like a deer standing in the highway blinded by the lights of its oncoming death.

As I predicted the only attempt to refute the documented truth concerning Democrat History? Another progressive lie....Conservatives started the KKK, JIM CROW...etc., no evidence presented other than the 'typical' ad hominem attempt to insult. When the only thing being insulted is intelligence. You can't debunk the history? Why? Because there is no refutation of the truth. LMAO

Just what grade are you in sport? 7-8th? :lies:
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Are you going to be that willfully ignorant, even when you are corrected? It's hard to believe anyone could be that fucking stupid.

The correct and proper name of the party, you fucking cretin, is the Democratic Party.

Fucking morons like you can't tell the difference between an adjective and a noun. That's what inbred home schooling does for you.

Consistency of language.

The party of Republicans is called the Republican Party. The party of Democrats is called the Democrat Party. Yes, it's really that simple.

Besides, there's nothing democratic about the Democrat Party. If so, then why did Bernie Sanders not win the nomination?
Consistency of language.

The party of Republicans is called the Republican Party. The party of Democrats is called the Democrat Party. Yes, it's really that simple.

Besides, there's nothing democratic about the Democrat Party. If so, then why did Bernie Sanders not win the nomination?

Fuck YOU and your laughable "consistency of language", dumbfuck. It doesn't matter whether a dullard like you thinks it's democratic or not, it's the DEMOCRATIC Party.

What a fucking dimwit. Are you vying for Text Driver's spot as forum stupid fuck? You're getting close.
you're wrong. as usual.

You're a moron, aren't you? That explains your ignorance.

(laughing) Hey, dumbfuck. Do something different for a change and research, if you can, when the Republicans and Democrats reversed platforms. Until then, maintain your conscientious stupidity.

Fucking dimwit
(laughing) Hey, dumbfuck. Do something different for a change and research, if you can, when the Republicans and Democrats reversed platforms. Until then, maintain your conscientious stupidity.

Fucking dimwit

hey retard, as soon as you can show us the meeting notes where the DNC and RNC got together and said 'lets fuck with the people and swap our political ideas and positions', then your argument might have merit. until then, you're a dumbfuck liar who is trying desperately to revise history in your favor.......and failing.
hey retard, as soon as you can show us the meeting notes where the DNC and RNC got together and said 'lets fuck with the people and swap our political ideas and positions', then your argument might have merit. until then, you're a dumbfuck liar who is trying desperately to revise history in your favor.......and failing.

^Willfully ignorant. Consciously stupid.

Motherfucker! I have never seen such a collection of dullards in you RW morons in my life!
^Willfully ignorant. Consciously stupid.

Motherfucker! I have never seen such a collection of dullards in you RW morons in my life!

and this is why you're the second stupidest MFer on this board, next to desh. your idiocy is magnified 20x by your extremely limited ability to navigate between left and right, not even conciously acknowledging that Libertarians is an actual concept. No, what you do is make up in your own mind what you want to believe, then categorize all others as RW morons because your fucked up reality demands it or you'd lose your mind.

Now, let me repeat this....the Democrats are the slavers, the oppressors, the racists and race baiters. YOU are just like them, one of them. So FUCK YOU, fuck off, and enjoy the inaugural festivities like a cup of broken glass
and this is why you're the second stupidest MFer on this board, next to desh. your idiocy is magnified 20x by your extremely limited ability to navigate between left and right, not even conciously acknowledging that Libertarians is an actual concept. No, what you do is make up in your own mind what you want to believe, then categorize all others as RW morons because your fucked up reality demands it or you'd lose your mind.

Now, let me repeat this....the Democrats are the slavers, the oppressors, the racists and race baiters. YOU are just like them, one of them. So FUCK YOU, fuck off, and enjoy the inaugural festivities like a cup of broken glass

I'm still laughing at your idiotic "meeting notes" comment from your previous post. You are, no doubt, one of the dumbest cuntwhistle I've ever encountered. Did you get through 8th grade? Ever get your G.E.D?

Yep. Democrats WERE the slavers. Except, as I've pointed out numerous times, you slack jawed fucking Neanderthal, they were CONSERVATIVES. What is so fucking difficult for a fucking nipplehead like you to comprehend about that concept?

Dense fucking asswipe.
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