Trump Inauguration: D.C braced for 900,000 Protesters

Yes, all Conservatives. That is why they hate Rep. John Lewis who was one of the architects of the Civil Rights Movement.

Who hates dim wit Democrat partisan hack John Lewis?

He seems to be the truth challenged feller full of TARD n' hate.

More Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statist/Fascist termite projection n' attempts ta read the minds of those you disagree with...

Yep. Democrats of 1860 are identical to today's party. Same as today's Republicans are the Party of Lincoln.

Are you really as stupid as you portray yourself or do you just play the imbecile for this forum?

Only you of all the other rational, intelligent Democrats on this board make that a true point.
Yep. Democrats of 1860 are identical to today's party.

The racist bigoted dim wit Democrat Fascists of 1860 used the power of the gubment to deny their fellow Americans with dark skin the personal Liberty Republicans and Cornservatives in 1860 had to fight them for to correct the massive wrong of slavery at a massive cost of life and treasure.

The dim wit Democrat Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statist/Fascist termites still try to use Statism today to try to limit individual rights and Liberty n' grow the power n' scope of nanny gubment.

Modern Liberal/Progressives are Marxist/Fascists who try to use gubment to crush Liberty, jus' like their slaver relatives did in the 1860's.

Same as today's Republicans are the Party of Lincoln.

Today's Republicans and limited gubment pro-Liberty Cornservatives, (classical Liberals), have a great deal in common with the Founders of this Republic and Abraham Lincoln: dummer the swallower. Hit the books.

Are you really as stupid as you portray yourself or do you just play the imbecile for this forum?

I've never claimed to be the sharpest tool in the ol' shed, butt: I'm smart enough ta crush a swallower like you like a friggin' cockroach... burp...

N' the Skipper is a whole lot smarter then I am: dummer the swallower.
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It's CONSERVATIVE history good brother.

Nope: Black Coal feller, it's dim wit Democrat history, (the party of slavery, jim crow and the kkk). Limited gubment Cornservatives, (classical Liberals), and Republicans are the ones who fought the dim wit Democrats in 1860 who wanted gubment forced slavery.

Facts are facts, and history is history.

Regardless of party, CONSERVATIVES have always followed hate and bigotry. They followed it from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party .. which was oroginally founded as an anti-slavery party.

Nope, false history and propaganda.

The real Fascists, bigots and racists have always been dim wit Democrats.

Facts are facts, history is history and false propaganda is false propaganda.

2016 and nothing has changed about CONSERVATIVES.

The Cornservatives of 2017 are the same classical Liberals of the late 1700's and the 1860's who value limited gubment personal freedom and Liberty for all regardless of skin color then and today.

The real anti Liberty Marxist/Fascists of 1860 or 2017 are dim wit Democrats, (the party of slavery, kkk, jim crow, treason, and felony).
Nope: Black Coal feller, it's dim wit Democrat history, (the party of slavery, jim crow and the kkk). Limited gubment Cornservatives, (classical Liberals), and Republicans are the ones who fought the dim wit Democrats in 1860 who wanted gubment forced slavery.

Facts are facts, and history is history.

Nope, false history and propaganda.

The real Fascists, bigots and racists have always been dim wit Democrats.

Facts are facts, history is history and false propaganda is false propaganda.

The Cornservatives of 2017 are the same classical Liberals of the late 1700's and the 1860's who value limited gubment personal freedom and Liberty for all regardless of skin color then and today.

The real anti Liberty Marxist/Fascists of 1860 or 2017 are dim wit Democrats, (the party of slavery, kkk, jim crow, treason, and felony).

KKK, slavery, Jim Crow. Greed, profit, cheap labor, preservation of status quo. Conservative institutions.
KKK, slavery, Jim Crow. Greed, profit, cheap labor, preservation of status quo. Conservative institutions.

Nope yer upside down lookin' at the ugly image ya see in the mirror n' projectin' yer dim wit Democrat institutional history toward others, (typical Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statist/Fascist tactic of the hard core Left).

The party of slavery, kkk, jim crow is the dim wit Democrat party of termites. That's you: dummer the swallower...
Nope: Black Coal feller, it's dim wit Democrat history, (the party of slavery, jim crow and the kkk). Limited gubment Cornservatives, (classical Liberals), and Republicans are the ones who fought the dim wit Democrats in 1860 who wanted gubment forced slavery.

Facts are facts, and history is history.

What you clearly fail to recognize is that you're talking about a period of history .. not history. You reject history because it doesn't play into your false narrative.

Nope, false history and propaganda.

The real Fascists, bigots and racists have always been dim wit Democrats.

Facts are facts, history is history and false propaganda is false propaganda.

In your defense, you're not an imbecile. You just play one on TV.

You'd have to be an actual imbecile to believe the bullshit you just posted.

The Cornservatives of 2017 are the same classical Liberals of the late 1700's and the 1860's who value limited gubment personal freedom and Liberty for all regardless of skin color then and today.

The real anti Liberty Marxist/Fascists of 1860 or 2017 are dim wit Democrats, (the party of slavery, kkk, jim crow, treason, and felony).

Somebody turn off the cameras.
Nope yer upside down lookin' at the ugly image ya see in the mirror n' projectin' yer dim wit Democrat institutional history toward others, (typical Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statist/Fascist tactic of the hard core Left).

The party of slavery, kkk, jim crow is the dim wit Democrat party of termites. That's you: dummer the swallower...


An imbecile like you can't even get the name of the party correct.

The Democratic Party that you refer to were CONSERVATIVES. You're a conservative, aren't you?
A woman in my office in SF is flying to D.C. to protest and she said her goal is to get arrested. This is a woman with a MBA from Boothe so she is no dummy either. Told her I'd look for her on the news
We know someone going there , too. She's going to march. Something to do with women's rights. Dunno, whatever.
And she's a chemical engineer.
I certainly hope these protests are more peaceful than the celebration of MLK Day in Miami.
What you clearly fail to recognize is that you're talking about a period of history .. not history. You reject history because it doesn't play into your false narrative.

In your defense, you're not an imbecile. You just play one on TV.

You'd have to be an actual imbecile to believe the bullshit you just posted.

Somebody turn off the cameras.

The history and facts I posted are in fact true, (I have not rejected history, I have pointed out spot on historical facts).

So since I view actual historical facts differently then the Leftist propaganda you have swallowed you think I'm an imbecile.

I don't think you are an imbecile, I just think yer an upside down Marxist who swallows propaganda that see's the world differently then I do.

An imbecile like you can't even get the name of the party correct.

The Democratic Party that you refer to were CONSERVATIVES. You're a conservative, aren't you?

Nope: that is the totally false history Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statist/Fascist have created so they can claim all the kkk racists that made the dim wit Democrat party the cesspool that it is are someone projected to someone else ya wanna vilify.

The dim wit Democrat party is the party of slavery, kkk, jim crow, always has been, always will be.

Conservatives are limited gubment pro Liberty classic Liberals, you modern dim wit Democrat Liberals are Marxist/Statist/Fascists

The truth makes yer butt hwurted, eh: swallower?
Go protest and get in their face......................please, make some threats against the President while you are at it, Alveda King will still be there hugging the new President