Trump Inauguration: D.C braced for 900,000 Protesters

900 year old men? lol

Old Testament is largely allegorical / New Testament is not - new testament is teachings of Jesus, if not all the actual words.

"Jesus was a Buddhist monk" is said because of the emphasis on compassion/love/charity -which was a complete break away from Roman-Greek gods.

It's why Christianity has relevance today,but worship of gods is not.
But that will never happen because he is charismatic and loved.

Hope Chewbacca and her two homely gutter whores fumigate the White House before leaving.

No, Obama is more popular, leaves scandal free because he took his ethical canon scrupulously, whereas your old fat man with the huge ass is already riddled with scandal and will be sued every day from day one for his continuing violations including but not limited to the emoluments clause, his sexual assaults, and probably conspiracy with Russian intelligence to take down Hillary in exchange for opposition to NATO.

It's going to be fun to watch him implode under the weight of office and his personality disorders.
No, Obama is more popular, leaves scandal free because he took his ethical canon scrupulously, whereas your old fat man with the huge ass is already riddled with scandal and will be sued every day from day one for his continuing violations including but not limited to the emoluments clause, his sexual assaults, and probably conspiracy with Russian intelligence to take down Hillary in exchange for opposition to NATO.

It's going to be fun to watch him implode under the weight of office and his personality disorders.
No, Obama is more popular, leaves scandal free because he took his ethical canon scrupulously, whereas your old fat man with the huge ass is already riddled with scandal and will be sued every day from day one for his continuing violations including but not limited to the emoluments clause, his sexual assaults, and probably conspiracy with Russian intelligence to take down Hillary in exchange for opposition to NATO.

It's going to be fun to watch him implode under the weight of office and his personality disorders.

You TARD infected moon bats really want the worst possible outcome for this great Republic don't ya?

I hope the American people, (including low information types who don't follow politics), take note of the childish sore loser conduct of all you Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statist/Fascist termites n' vote the dim wit Democrat party (the party of slavery, kkk, jim crow, treason, felony, and sovereign bankruptcy), out of existence.

You TARD infected moon bats really want the worst possible outcome for this great Republic don't ya?

I hope the American people, (including low information types who don't follow politics), take note of the childish sore loser conduct of all you Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statist/Fascist termites n' vote the dim wit Democrat party (the party of slavery, kkk, jim crow, treason, felony, and sovereign bankruptcy), out of existence.

Once again, you refer to conservatives (KKK, Jim Crow, slavery, etc).

You're a conservative

You TARD infected moon bats really want the worst possible outcome for this great Republic don't ya?

I hope the American people, (including low information types who don't follow politics), take note of the childish sore loser conduct of all you Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statist/Fascist termites n' vote the dim wit Democrat party (the party of slavery, kkk, jim crow, treason, felony, and sovereign bankruptcy), out of existence.

Your hopes and blame don't address the facts. Obama is scandal free because he took his ethical obligations seriously. Trump is currently thumbing his nose at his presidential ethical obligation and legal obligation under the emoluments clause. Whereas Gloria Allred is all over Dump, she never had dick to go after Obama. And there was no Intel dossier of Russian blackmail on Obama, fake or otherwise.

Sorry you can't address actual facts. But that is the low intelligence conservative makeup. You are stupid, that's why you have stupid opinions, stupid posts, spout cliche tropes. I am liberal, that's why I concentrate on fact in support of superior political beliefs.

Now paste your canned post, ignorant right wing racist drooler.
I saw a documentary last night, Front Line, about Obama's presidency.

I had forgotten how amazingly huge and inspiring the inaugurations were. People were sleeping in tents because hotel rooms were sold out as far away as Richmond. If you look at the video the crowd reached all the way to the Lincoln Memorial.

The crowd might be that big this time but... more than half will be protesting not supporting.
The Congressional Resistance Grows as Dozens of House Members Boycott Trump’s Inauguration
More than 10 percent of House members have now announced they will protest rather than celebrate on Inauguration Day.

The congressional boycott of Donald Trump’s inauguration has gone viral, as dozens of Democratic House members (the count hit 50 Tuesday afternoon) have now announced that will skip Friday’s swearing-in ceremony. Most of the dissenters have offered variations on the message that Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chair Raul Grijalva delivered on the floor of the House early last week:

“The majority of voters rejected Trump—they deserve respect,” said Grijalva in the January 13 announcement that he would skip Trump’s inauguration to march in Tucson with the purpose of “reaffirming and renewing this democracy.”

Trump’s goals are far less lofty.The president-elect just wants an Inauguration Day crowd that fosters fantasies of unity and popular support. Trump needs official acceptance to sustain the dubious claim that he has a mandate to govern.

With more than ten percent of House members declaring that they will not participate in the inaugural ceremonies, Trump is being denied the image of mass approval that he so desperately desires. House Democrats are steering energy and attention away from the inauguration and toward protests, which many of them will join, against a president who lost the popular vote but continues to promote extreme policies and nominees.
Your hopes and blame don't address the facts. Obama is scandal free because he took his ethical obligations seriously. Trump is currently thumbing his nose at his presidential ethical obligation and legal obligation under the emoluments clause. Whereas Gloria Allred is all over Dump, she never had dick to go after Obama. And there was no Intel dossier of Russian blackmail on Obama, fake or otherwise.

Sorry you can't address actual facts. But that is the low intelligence conservative makeup. You are stupid, that's why you have stupid opinions, stupid posts, spout cliche tropes. I am liberal, that's why I concentrate on fact in support of superior political beliefs.

Now paste your canned post, ignorant right wing racist drooler.

Scandal Free? Really snowflake....just because someone says something does not make it true. There was no scandal with the IRS and the targeting of political opponents by Soetoro? There was no scandal with Benghazi?
There was no scandal in using the intelligence community to spy on Journalists? There was no scandal that produced the Rosengate?

There was no scandal with Soetoro's AG, HOLDER refusing to release information during a congressional investigation? There was no scandal involving covert weapons delivery to drug cartels that directly caused the death's of federal agents called the FAST AND THE FURIOUS?

There was no scandal when HHS secretary KATHLEEN SEBELIUS was caught soliciting monies from companies that HHS might investigate?

There was no scandal involving the waste of Tax payer funds for the purpose of Civil Servants partying their asses off in Las Vegas....that amounted to a total of over 800,000 dollars earmarked as (wink, wink) training expenses that was actually wasted in Vegas?

There was no scandal when it was documented that the VA big shots wasted veterans allotment funds on a Disney World junket that amounted to 6 million dollars being wasted on two such junkets listed as conferences?

There was no Scandal when...once again Sebelius opened her mouth and Violated the HATCH ACT by openly endorsing a political candidate for governor in North Carolina?

There was no scandal with the Green Energy Firm backed by the Soetoro adminstration.....Solyndra, that was sinking fast yet TAX PAYER monies was directed at this known failing firm? Thought we had forgotten about that

How about Lisa Jackson form the EPA using a fake name, Richard send fake e-mails in order to avoid attention to herself?

And of course there was no scandal when HOLDER turned a BLACK EYE toward the new black panthers when they clearly violated federal laws concerning polling place intimidation through threats of violence?

And of course there was no scandal when Barry Soetoro violated the war powers act of 1973 when he unilaterally engaged in acts of war in Libya...void of any congressional authority.

And of course senile Uncle Joe never one time made a reporter wait in a closet nor made any reporter delete press photos....nope never happened.

And of course there was never any scandal involving Obama Care passage. Axelrod never was paid 2 million dollars as an adviser in supposedly helping with Obama Care legislative passage...using the firm AKPD Message and Media...nope never happened.

And of course the COURTS have never rejected any of Soetoro's illegal acts of law called executive orders....nope no scandal when any POTUS attempts to dictate US LAW...none whatsoever.

Just where the hell have you been SNOWFLAKE over the past 8 with Mommy?
Scandal Free? Really snowflake....just because someone says something does not make it true. There was no scandal with the IRS and the targeting of political opponents by Soetoro? There was no scandal with Benghazi?
There was no scandal in using the intelligence community to spy on Journalists? There was no scandal that produced the Rosengate?

There was no scandal with Soetoro's AG, HOLDER refusing to release information during a congressional investigation? There was no scandal involving covert weapons delivery to drug cartels that directly caused the death's of federal agents called the FAST AND THE FURIOUS?

There was no scandal when HHS secretary KATHLEEN SEBELIUS was caught soliciting monies from companies that HHS might investigate?

There was no scandal involving the waste of Tax payer funds for the purpose of Civil Servants partying their asses off in Las Vegas....that amounted to a total of over 800,000 dollars earmarked as (wink, wink) training expenses that was actually wasted in Vegas?

There was no scandal when it was documented that the VA big shots wasted veterans allotment funds on a Disney World junket that amounted to 6 million dollars being wasted on two such junkets listed as conferences?

There was no Scandal when...once again Sebelius opened her mouth and Violated the HATCH ACT by openly endorsing a political candidate for governor in North Carolina?

There was no scandal with the Green Energy Firm backed by the Soetoro adminstration.....Solyndra, that was sinking fast yet TAX PAYER monies was directed at this known failing firm? Thought we had forgotten about that

How about Lisa Jackson form the EPA using a fake name, Richard send fake e-mails in order to avoid attention to herself?

And of course there was no scandal when HOLDER turned a BLACK EYE toward the new black panthers when they clearly violated federal laws concerning polling place intimidation through threats of violence?

And of course there was no scandal when Barry Soetoro violated the war powers act of 1973 when he unilaterally engaged in acts of war in Libya...void of any congressional authority.

And of course senile Uncle Joe never one time made a reporter wait in a closet nor made any reporter delete press photos....nope never happened.

And of course there was never any scandal involving Obama Care passage. Axelrod never was paid 2 million dollars as an adviser in supposedly helping with Obama Care legislative passage...using the firm AKPD Message and Media...nope never happened.

And of course the COURTS have never rejected any of Soetoro's illegal acts of law called executive orders....nope no scandal when any POTUS attempts to dictate US LAW...none whatsoever.

Just where the hell have you been SNOWFLAKE over the past 8 with Mommy?

Not a single high level official indicted on any charges. When was the last time that happened?
Genesis 7

"Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.”

perhaps you've forgotten what she claimed he said......please page up and refresh your memory......then try again....