Trump Inauguration: D.C braced for 900,000 Protesters

Once again, you refer to conservatives (KKK, Jim Crow, slavery, etc).

You're a conservative

You bat shit crazy moon bats always try to use yer media control to revise actual history, (kinda like ya create fake news today), n' pervert language ta falsely label Americans ya don't agree with.

Modern limited gubment pro individual Liberty Cornservatives, (like me), have a great deal in common with the classical Liberals who founded this great Republic where slavery was by far the biggest challenge that would cost this Republic over 600,000 lives in battle.

You modern Liberals are big time Statists who hate the limits on gubment as codified in our founding documents that we modern Cornservatives, (classical Liberals), hold dear.

Modern Liberals are the same anti individual Liberty, pro Statist anti Constitution Fascists that were the supporters of slavery as dim wit Democrats in the 1850's, and when they got beaten on the battlefield by Cornservative, (classical Liberal), Republicans, pushed for jim crow laws and founded the kkk, as institutions of the actual dim wit Democrat party of Statists, (who always use gubment as their weapon of choice to hammer those they disagree with).

That is real history: not made of moon bat shit that you spew.

As pro Statist racist Progressive dim wit Democrats, (Woodrow Wilson et al) you moon bats got us into a worthless European war, set up the Federal Reserve ta lever us up and grow nanny gubment.

Then FDR came along and showed you moon bats how ta pack the Supreme Court with tyrants in black robes who would overlook the plain language in the tenth amendment n' then ya really got to grow nanny gubment as the Marxists ya actually are.
You bat shit crazy moon bats always try to use yer media control to revise actual history, (kinda like ya create fake news today), n' pervert language ta falsely label Americans ya don't agree with.

Modern limited gubment pro individual Liberty Cornservatives, (like me), have a great deal in common with the classical Liberals who founded this great Republic where slavery was by far the biggest challenge that would cost this Republic over 600,000 lives in battle.

You modern Liberals are big time Statists who hate the limits on gubment as codified in our founding documents that we modern Cornservatives, (classical Liberals), hold dear.

Modern Liberals are the same anti individual Liberty, pro Statist anti Constitution Fascists that were the supporters of slavery as dim wit Democrats in the 1850's, and when they got beaten on the battlefield by Cornservative, (classical Liberal), Republicans, pushed for jim crow laws and founded the kkk, as institutions of the actual dim wit Democrat party of Statists, (who always use gubment as their weapon of choice to hammer those they disagree with).

That is real history: not made of moon bat shit that you spew.

As pro Statist racist Progressive dim wit Democrats, (Woodrow Wilson et al) you moon bats got us into a worthless European war, set up the Federal Reserve ta lever us up and grow nanny gubment.

Then FDR came along and showed you moon bats how ta pack the Supreme Court with tyrants in black robes who would overlook the plain language in the tenth amendment n' then ya really got to grow nanny gubment as the Marxists ya actually are.

KKK, slavery, Jim Crow. All supported by conservatives.

You're a conservative.
The Congressional Resistance Grows as Dozens of House Members Boycott Trump’s Inauguration
More than 10 percent of House members have now announced they will protest rather than celebrate on Inauguration Day.

The congressional boycott of Donald Trump’s inauguration has gone viral, as dozens of Democratic House members (the count hit 50 Tuesday afternoon) have now announced that will skip Friday’s swearing-in ceremony. Most of the dissenters have offered variations on the message that Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chair Raul Grijalva delivered on the floor of the House early last week:

“The majority of voters rejected Trump—they deserve respect,” said Grijalva in the January 13 announcement that he would skip Trump’s inauguration to march in Tucson with the purpose of “reaffirming and renewing this democracy.”

Trump’s goals are far less lofty.The president-elect just wants an Inauguration Day crowd that fosters fantasies of unity and popular support. Trump needs official acceptance to sustain the dubious claim that he has a mandate to govern.

With more than ten percent of House members declaring that they will not participate in the inaugural ceremonies, Trump is being denied the image of mass approval that he so desperately desires. House Democrats are steering energy and attention away from the inauguration and toward protests, which many of them will join, against a president who lost the popular vote but continues to promote extreme policies and nominees.

Your hopes and blame don't address the facts. Obama is scandal free because he took his ethical obligations seriously.

You obviously drink the cool aid don't ya?

Who's bought n' paid for AG lied under oath about 'fast n' furious' that had a cost of American law enforcement lives?

Who's bought n' paid for Secretary of State sacrificed American lives in Libya n' lied about a fake news video fer Obamaprompter's political gain?

Who used the IRS to win re-election in 2012?

Who's bought n' paid for AG met BJ on the tarmac in Arizona ta fix the crooked Queen's felonies?

I have a bridge fer sale ya may wish ta purchase, n' it floats: Einstein.

The state run media did everything possible to bury news n' create fake news n' circle the wagons, butt: corruption and scandal did in fact happen, if ya have even minimal brain function.

Trump is currently thumbing his nose at his presidential ethical obligation and legal obligation under the emoluments clause.

I voted fer Dumpster knowing that he was a bidnessman with international assets, (as did most of Dumpster's 60 million voters).

If his sons and daughters run his bidness, (as he plans), that should satisfy legal obligations under said emoluments clause, (and Congress can act), if need be.

Yer crooked Queen had far greater issues with said clause then Dumpster does, n' thank GOD she lost!

Whereas Gloria Allred is all over Dump, she never had dick to go after Obama.

Gloria Allred is a moon bat who would never have a problem with any dim wit Democrat, (the political party of felony and treason), pol's conduct.

That said: I think the Dumpster helped to create this problem for himself, so I don't have much sympathy for him on this issue, (one of the many reasons he wasn't my first choice fer POTUS), and will likely face many politically motivated lawsuits from TARD infected dim wit Democrats, (as would have the Clinton crime family, BTW).

In either election outcome, (from Novermber 8th), the victorious individual would have prolly had that problem with lawsuits, (Allred doesn't sue dim wit Democrats), in case ya didn't know.

And there was no Intel dossier of Russian blackmail on Obama, fake or otherwise.

There was always an unresolved question about how Obamaprompter got a passport in the early 1980s allowing travel to Pakistan when it was illegal fer American citizens ta get such access with their American passports.

There was also the unresolved matter of felon Tony Rezko arranging Saddam's 'oil fer food' funding of Obamaprompter's Hyde Park Mansion, that the state run media failed to properly vet.

Sorry you can't address actual facts.

What facts haven't I addressed?

But that is the low intelligence conservative makeup. You are stupid, that's why you have stupid opinions, stupid posts, spout cliche tropes.

I have never claimed to be the sharpest tool in the ol' shed. That said: I'm sharp enough ta crush you like a friggin' bug.

I am liberal, that's why I concentrate on fact in support of superior political beliefs.

Now paste your canned post, ignorant right wing racist drooler.

Modern Liberal/Progressives are Marxist/Statist/Fascist termites, (who luv ta chew on their own house), n' you are real full of yer sanctimonious look down that long snarky nose self alrighty... burp...
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KKK, slavery, Jim Crow. All supported by conservatives.

Nope: all institutionalized, (that is actual approved policies of the actual political party that is always on the wrong side of American history), the dim wit Democrat party of termites.

You're a conservative.

Yup, and proud of it: dummer the TARD infested swallower.

Modern Cornservatives, (like me), value individual Liberty for all people regardless of skin color, and limited gubment as provided for in the documents that are the foundation of this great Republic.
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Nope: all institutionalized, (that is actual approved policies of the actual political party that is always on the wrong side of American history), the dim wit Democrat party of termites.

Yup, and proud of it: dummer the TARD infested swalower.

Modern Cornservatives, (like me), value individual Liberty for all people regardless of skin color, and limited gubment as provided for in the documents that are the foundation of this great Republic.

Ahh, NOW we are referring to MODERN parties. The irony is thick!

KKK, slavery, Jim Crow. NOT modern Democratic Party. Perpetuated by conservatives.
Ahh, NOW we are referring to MODERN parties. The irony is thick!

KKK, slavery, Jim Crow. NOT modern Democratic Party. Perpetuated by conservatives.

You dim wit Democrats have always used state run media to twist the language and revise history to further yer Marxist/Statist ambitions.

The dim wit Democrat party of termites has always been on the wrong side of American history in 1860, 1917, 1932, and now from 2009 to now.

Historical social events like kkk, jim crow and slavery were the Fascist institutional policies of dim wit Democrats who always try to use gubment fer their weapon of choice against individual Liberty.

Hard Left Liberals (as Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statist/Fascists now define themselves) are anti-individual Liberty Fascist/Statists, where modern Cornservatives are pro Liberty limited gubment classical Liberals like the Founders of this great Republic: dummer the swallower.

I hope this helps yer feeble brain ta grasp the actual history of this country. burp...
You dim wit Democrats have always used state run media to twist the language and revise history to further yer Marxist/Statist ambitions.

The dim wit Democrat party of termites has always been on the wrong side of American history in 1860, 1917, 1932, and now from 2009 to now.

Historical social events like kkk, jim crow and slavery were the Fascist institutional policies of dim wit Democrats who always try to use gubment fer their weapon of choice against individual Liberty.

Hard Left Liberals (as Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statist/Fascists now define themselves) are anti-individual Liberty Fascist/Statists, where modern Cornservatives are pro Liberty limited gubment classical Liberals like the Founders of this great Republic: dummer the swallower.

I hope this helps yer feeble brain ta grasp the actual history of this country. burp...

1860, 1917, 1932. MODERN parties? Lol. Hoisted on your own petard, moron.

KKK, slavery, Jim Crow. NOT modern Dems. But ALWAYS conservatives.
1860, 1917, 1932. MODERN parties? Lol. Hoisted on your own petard, moron.

KKK, slavery, Jim Crow. NOT modern Dems. But ALWAYS conservatives.

Yes, all Conservatives. That is why they hate Rep. John Lewis who was one of the architects of the Civil Rights Movement.
1860, 1917, 1932. MODERN parties? Lol. Hoisted on your own petard, moron.

KKK, slavery, Jim Crow. NOT modern Dems. But ALWAYS conservatives.

Biggest bunch of bullshit that has ever tried to be foisted on the American people. Stand by your history proudly Democrat. All of it.
Biggest bunch of bullshit that has ever tried to be foisted on the American people. Stand by your history proudly Democrat. All of it.

Yep. Democrats of 1860 are identical to today's party. Same as today's Republicans are the Party of Lincoln.

Are you really as stupid as you portray yourself or do you just play the imbecile for this forum?
Not a single high level official indicted on any charges. When was the last time that happened?

Really? That's how you define scandal.....not body was indicted so it don't count? It could have something to do with the fact that Soetoro's cronies controlled the justice department, the intelligence agencies, the IRS....yada, yada,

As I said and you just demonstrated....not facing punitive action is not a demonstration of innocence. All the previously mentioned FACTS IN EVIDENCE were considered SCANDALS because all were acts that ranged from being unconstitutional to out rage felonies that the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT refused to investigate.

Take for instance the supposed investigation in Chicago by the feds...lead by a Black AG.....its no surprise that the police came under assault and was accused as being racist in their police work. Same thing for the queer in prison that got a pardon....had nothing to do with justice and time served....shim was released because of some kind of left defense of perversion. Of course Soetoro released a perverted tranny for obvious reasons.

This administration has been the most immoral, greatest defender of perversion, most skin color driven administration in US HISTORY....race baiting at every chance, attacking the police and defending the criminals.

I say.....don't let the door hit any of the bigots on the ass when they are forced out of DC.
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Biggest bunch of bullshit that has ever tried to be foisted on the American people. Stand by your history proudly Democrat. All of it.

It's CONSERVATIVE history good brother.

Regardless of party, CONSERVATIVES have always followed hate and bigotry. They followed it from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party .. which was oroginally founded as an anti-slavery party.

2016 and nothing has changed about CONSERVATIVES.
1860, 1917, 1932. MODERN parties? Lol. Hoisted on your own petard, moron.

KKK, slavery, Jim Crow. NOT modern Dems. But ALWAYS conservatives.

That's the false propaganda that truly stupid people with very little brain function buy: dummer the swallower.

Facts are FACTS, and actual history is ACTUAL HISTORY.

Does it make yer butt hwurted? LOL... burp...