Trump Inauguration: D.C braced for 900,000 Protesters

Did you also know that, before the flood, light did not reflect and refract through water droplets in the atmosphere? lol

From your children's book;

"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind."

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND, you've still provided nothing that supports your original whine. :D
Let's try to make that a million protesters!


FAKE NEWS. nuff said.
(laughing) Just admit you can't and be done with it.

"The Bible is the word of God"
"How can you be sure it's the word of God?"
"Because the Bible tells us so"
"Why believe the Bible?
"The Bible is infallible"
"How do you know it's infallible?"...

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You keep posting an argument for nothing given by no one.....
Such a waste of time.....
Your children's story said they disembarked at Ararat. They are found solely in Australia. Are the that ignorant about geography, too?

The bible says nothing of the sort.....We've disussed this many times....I've already explained your ignore them and repeat your foolishness....
You keep posting an argument for nothing given by no one.....
Such a waste of time.....

It's really a shame how atheists spend so much time arguing about something they say they don't believe in. :palm:

If I believe in God and after I die, I find out I'm wrong; well then, I just wasted my time
If they don't believe in God and after they die, they find out they're wrong; well then, they're just wasted.
Make absolutely no mistake about this: I'm pissed. TARD is real.

I sick & tired of being right about this shite. This is the same BS as the Iraq War, with everyone telling me to calm down & that I was on the 'wrong side of history.' I knew it was stupid at the time, and it took 10 years for many others to catch up.

Electing Trump is the same BS. It's unreal to me - I get the anti-Hillary vote, but there are millions who actually believe this buffoon. And guess what? Spoiler alert here - I'm going to be right about this one, too. But only after a lot of damage has been done.

We know TARD is real, most Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statist/Fascists and or dim wit Democrats have it.

Yer just so mixed up about what's up n' what's down yer not sure what category ya fit in butt: yer a moon bat fer sure.
There will be many more than a million...
and they will have the better weather...

They'll be far from the inauguration area...roped off in Guam maybe.................

Agana Guam International Airport Forecast

Jan 20

A few tstorms. More sun than clouds.
79 / 86 °F A few tstorms. More sun than clouds.
We know TARD is real, most Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statist/Fascists and or dim wit Democrats have it.

Yer just so mixed up about what's up n' what's down yer not sure what category ya fit in butt: yer a moon bat fer sure.

Don't look now but thingy-thang just might be the second coming of Judas.
Because it's just sooooo wonderful when a right-wing pukebag white President does it.

Of course had someone even jokingly suggested that Obama might do something like that... well, we know how you and your fellow pukers would have reacted.
Like how you reacted to people who said Obama was not legitimate and you and your ilk called them racist.