Trump Is Constitutionally Barred From Holding Office.

And, a proof there are those that want to keep Trump from being able to run...

Most of them are republicans that know Trump does not stand a chance.
There Can Be No Saving the Republican Party
Not a day goes by in which I don’t read a tweet, editorial, column or pontification yearning for someone to save the GOP. However well-intended, this is counterproductive and delusional. The Republican Party cannot be saved; the media needs to accept that a mercy-killing of the GOP is necessary for a valid and responsible conservative party to rise in its place.
An accusation isn't a conviction.

Nominate the asshole, democrats could not be happier.

64% of Americans will not vote for Trump in 2024: Poll Results
Though Donald Trump enjoys an improved standing among Republicans, the result of the general elections might be shocking for him, warns an AP-NORC poll. 74% of Americans, mostly Republicans, say they would support him in November 2024. However, 53% of them would definitely NOT support him if he is the nominee. Another 11% say they would probably not support him in November 2024. These percentages amount to a whopping 64% of Americans who would not vote for Trump in 2024.
No, he's fighting for the democratic party now and doing everything he can to destroy the republican party.:)

yeah you people tried to tell us he would help the demmycrats in 2016.......the never Trumpers were stupid enough to fall for it........after his tax cuts and court appointments no one should be stupid enough to fall for it twice......I think cawhacko and 3D are our only never Trumpers.....perhaps they can tell us if they are still that stupid......we know YOU don't believe it or you wouldn't be trying to stop want the Republicans destroyed......
Nominate the asshole, democrats could not be happier.

you won't be that happy if one of these bogus cases gets dismissed before the election or, heaven help you, he gets found not guilty before then.......then we will see an 84 map again.....

one thing you can count on.......we will have the bank records from the Biden family LLCs before the end of the year.......if money can be tracked from even one of these foreign countries to a bill paid by Hunter for Joe you won't be voting for Joe in one will.....
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Trump has done neither, Sock.
It is applicable to all officers of the United States, including the President.
This includes Biden, who HAS given comfort and aid to the enemy in time of war (treason), and Democrats, who burn and loot and pillage cities, and who organized the Jan 6th riots.
Bulverism. Bigotry.
Bulverism fallacy. Bigotry.
Bulverism. Bigotry. False Authority.
bigotry, bulverism,