Trump Is Constitutionally Barred From Holding Office.

By your standard, Al Gore should be a co-defendant. His election contest ended up in the Supreme Court after weeks of fighting in Florida where he sent a whole pack of lawyers to argue for recount after recount, and haggle over every ballot and whether it should count and how.

Your claim is no more valid than his.

Bullshit. Al Gore contested that election and accepted the results as soon as the court ruled and never made any attempt to steal it illegally. Trump sent his army to the capitol to stop the confirmation, lost 60 fucking court cases, tried to coerce states to find votes for him, threatened them, tried to put in place a fake scheme to steal it and after years is still claiming he won. There is no fucking comparison whatsoever.
A combination of bribes and treachery.

Anything specific, Terry? Did Biden gather them enmasse and order them to assault Congress or they'd not have a country anymore? Did he send a team of lawyers to key counties to alter the vote so that he'd win?
Again I agree but its impossible to conform to the constitution if you dont understand what the constitution says. That requires interpretation.
No. It only requires reading it. You do not need to interpret anything.
If you write something I need to interpret it to understand it.
No. It only requires reading it.
Im not sure how you reach a state of understanding something without interpreting it.
Read it. The Constitution is plainly written. No 'interpretation' is necessary. Democrats use 'interpretation' to try to change meaning all the time. They try to nullify the meaning of words this way.
No, he doesn't have to be found guilty of anything.
Yes he does.
Trump isn't going to be on the GA ballot and once he is off, other states will have every right to follow.
Ah...another hopeful 'prediction'. He's effectively already won the nomination, ya dumb dog.
Hopefully the right will nominate the shithead before we have a dozen or so states say he isn't going to be on their ballot.
And that scares you.
The states make this determination and the federal govt cannot force a state to include someone on their ballot even if they wanted to.
Yes they can.
No question about that but those people are republicans.

The officials in Georgia who collectively determine who is qualified to be on Georgia’s presidential ballot are Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger, Governor Brian Kemp and former Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan.

They are all republicans and unless Trump is found innocent of all charges he will not appear on the GA ballot. If Trump gets his court date postponed he won't be on the GA ballot.

Attempted proof by name dropping. It doesn't matter who the Secretary of State or the Governor is. They MUST follow federal law.
We shall see, I said long ago that this looks like the plan. Since the Constitution is over the Regime will simply make the proclamation. I doubt very much that SCOTUS would object, they have been successfully threatened into submission.

The Constitution has not been abolished.
Trump does not have to be found guilty of anything.
Yes he does.
New Hampshire is contemplating removing Trump from the republican primary ballot in their state. They also have every right to do it.
Unconstitutional. They have no right. See Article II, the 1st and 14th amendments, and the constitution of the State of New Hampshire.
If a state decides that Trump is ineligible there is nothing the federal govt can do to force them to have his name on their ballot.
There certainly is.
The Supreme Court cannot change the Constitution. The President is an officer of the United States.

The Supreme Court did not change the constitution. It clarified the fact that the PResident is not an officer of the United States, as the people do not elect Officers, rather Officers are appointed. I'm sorry you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about, but this is already something that the Court has determined.
The Supreme Court did not change the constitution. It clarified the fact that the PResident is not an officer of the United States, as the people do not elect Officers, rather Officers are appointed.
An officer in a republic is elected according the constitution of that republic. The Supreme Court cannot change the Constitution. They don't have authority to redefine words either.
I'm sorry you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about, but this is already something that the Court has determined.
The Court has no authority to change the Constitution.