Trump is not a racist

Trump and father have a history of racism,

My opening post did not specify Trump or his father, it only specified Trump. I hereby clarify President Trump, and not his father. Either way though, you have declared that President Trump "has a history of racism." Do you have any evidence of this? I saw all the propaganda and allegations that you posted, but do you have any evidence?
My opening post did not specify Trump or his father, it only specified Trump. I hereby clarify President Trump, and not his father. Either way though, you have declared that President Trump "has a history of racism." Do you have any evidence of this? I saw all the propaganda and allegations that you posted, but do you have any evidence?

You avoid the suit that was brought against the Orange Clown and Daddy. I referenced the settlement.
Arguing whether Trump is a racist is actually beside the point, we can't get into his being and check the racist block. He like people who exhibit racist tendencies always have some excuse or rationale. The more serious thing about Trump is the man is a habitual liar and appears often the buffoon. And he smiles while being stupid. He has dead men alive and some seeing things they couldn't see. What sort of person is this? If your wife husband children relatives friends acquaintances talked the way he does you'd surely wonder, or be sad you raised fools and your friends are fools reflecting on you too as another fool. Is America truly this dumb today? When I read the right wing posts I have to conclude, yes, a large segment of America has allowed stupidly, a stupidity that serves certain interests to cloud their thinking and their voting.

I may have already posted info below.

Trump and father have a history of racism, I'm not sure why that is a concern though, lots of Americans are racists. People should be concerned with just how ignorant Trump is, that is the scary part. Being a racist is kinda common and today more sophisticated in that it is pretend rational.

"A unique challenge posed to free expression by President Trump is his propensity to lie. President Trump’s tendency to make statements that are verifiably false has been well-documented in the press. Both The Toronto Star and The Washington Post keep running tallies of the President’s falsehoods; as of April 26 the Star had counted 212 “bald-faced lies, exaggerations and deceptions the President of the United States of America has said, so far,” and The Post had listed 414 “false or misleading claims.” He lies so much that it has spurred efforts to create a more precise terminology to refer to the variety of falsehoods he utters—“untruths,” “debunked claims,” “claims with no evidence,” “unverified claims,” and plain old lies."

Read his book. "Donald Trump's ignorance is becoming more evident with each passing day" David Cay Johnston

"While these facts might seem unrelated, each points to a fundamental truth about Trump that I have been trying to get people to understand since he announced his latest presidential campaign in June 2015: Trump doesn’t know anything."

And what are these "racist tendencies" that he's exhibiting??
You are correct so far. It is indisputable that the general consensus of the left is that Trump is a racist, yet the lefties are all evading this flawed notion. None of them have been able to come out and admit that the flawed notion exists on the left, and none of them have been able to substantiate the flawed notion. When you combine these two things, it exposes a flawed political position, which is why they must evade. They do not realize that it is self evident that evading is a cowardly way of admitting that the dogma of their ideology is flawed.

I'm still trying to figure out if they're being obtuse or are just willingly naïve. :dunno:
I'm still trying to figure out if they're being obtuse or are just willingly naïve. :dunno:

Every lefty on this thread has defended the notion that Trump is a racist, and it is demonstrated by the way they evade admitting that the notion of Trump being a racist exists or that it is flawed. They know good and well that this flawed lefty notion exists, and that there is no evidence to support it. When they post anything besides substantiating evidence or admitting that the notion exists and is flawed, they are automatically defending the flawed notion. Every time one of them evades, they do more damage to the credibility of the lefty ideology.
I recently started an introduction thread, and was welcomed with a much appreciated hazing from the lefties here. Sweet! My kinda forum. Anyway, I saw a couple challenges from the lefties here to engage in a debate about anything. Anyway, I will open with one of my favorite debates that I have done on a half dozen other political boards, which is about evidence that Trump is a racist. Some of you may have seen my threads about this on DP, TPF, USMB, OR PF. If not, I will make you aware that I have won this debate on all those boards, and that they are available if any lefties want to research them to see how to beat me.

Ok, here is the challange. I assert that Trump is not a racist, even though the lefty media has painted him as such, and even though the general consensus of the left is that he is. I assert that there is absolutely ZERO evidence that proves he is a racist. I challange any lefty to present evidence here on this thread that proves that he is a racist. A quote in coorect context of something that Trump really did say would work, but not an allegation from another party that he said something racist. A lawsuit is not evidence either, since it is still an allegation until a legal decision is made. The other critical thing that absolutely must be clarified is which specific race Trump believes to be inferior to his own. Race must be involved for there to be racism.

Almost every lefty in the past has presented links to allegations that Trump is a racist, but none have ever been evidence. There is a lot of low hanging fruit on google, such as the HuffPo 13 items that Trump is a racist, but none of the propaganda is evidence. Ok lefties, let's see what you've got.

Well, I doubt I will be buddies with leftist's anytime soon. Racism is a false paradigm narrated by Zionist Jews who are historically provable to be the biggest racists on the planet. The argument in and of itself is just another phony Globalist topic to keep the goy masses at each others throats while the workers of dirty deeds continue their program of Global control with minimum interference. Historically speaking, all races are racist in that they will work to benefit their own kind on just about any topic under the sun. Promotion of one's own race is a matter of provable historical fact; the problem begins when one race attempts to suppress, oppress, or other wise engage in activity's that will likely result in the eventual extermination of other races by policy or law. In other words, the majority race in each nation rules the day. All races have a right to promote themselves within the confines of their own nations. They do not have a right to subjugate the rest of the races to the point of extermination; which is the expressed policy of the Satanic Talmud of the Jews. Your assertion that Trump is not a racist in and of himself may very well be true. The problem with Trump is that not only does he do business with those who are, he has signified his approval by marriage connection, to the most brutal and racist people on earth.
Evading the lawsuit, I see.


Lefties have several evasion techniques that they use to evade answering questions or debating things from a losing position. Lefties dodge, deny, invert, divert, redefine, ignore, or otherwise evade, since they are fighting from a losing position. We all know that lawsuits are not evidence of anything, and you are painfully aware of this. I could file a lawsuit against you for anything, and you would just laugh and tell me "see you in court!" When you evade answering what specific legal decision was made in regard to the lawsuit that you reference, it is because you are painfully aware that no legal decision was made. You did in fact read post 27, but you cannot post an objective reply. Your only choice is to evade. You will NEVER post any evidence here that Trump is a racist, and you won't be able to summarize the legal decision that was made against Trump management. You are very skilled at hiding a pea under one of the three walnut shells, but you will never make it disappear.
Lefties have several evasion techniques that they use to evade answering questions or debating things from a losing position. Lefties dodge, deny, invert, divert, redefine, ignore, or otherwise evade, since they are fighting from a losing position. We all know that lawsuits are not evidence of anything, and you are painfully aware of this. I could file a lawsuit against you for anything, and you would just laugh and tell me "see you in court!" When you evade answering what specific legal decision was made in regard to the lawsuit that you reference, it is because you are painfully aware that no legal decision was made. You did in fact read post 27, but you cannot post an objective reply. Your only choice is to evade. You will NEVER post any evidence here that Trump is a racist, and you won't be able to summarize the legal decision that was made against Trump management. You are very skilled at hiding a pea under one of the three walnut shells, but you will never make it disappear.

I see where you can self-claim a victory. You evade and deflect and post the same bullshit ad nauseum until others just move on.

I already posted a summary of the settlement, cretin. If you wish to read the entire thing, here it is. Feel free to comment on how an entity like Trump Management that DID NOT routinely employ discriminatory practices would have to jump through these hoops.
It is not racist to eat taco bowls. If you think it is, you need to identify which race Trump feels is inferior to his own. Please elaborate on how enjoying a certain kind of food is proves that he feels that a certain race is inferior to his own.

you want to pretend the latino community was not offended by his stupid fucking taunt

now we know that you are also a racist
you want to pretend the latino community was not offended by his stupid fucking taunt

now we know that you are also a racist

This thread is about racism. Race absolutely MUST be involved for there to be racism. If you are rising to the challenge of the opening post and are attempting to present evidence that Trump is a racist, you must clarify which specific race that Trump feels is inferior to his own. Most Latinos are the SAME race as Trump, so the Latino thing won't work here. Mexicans, Christians, and Muslims are not races either, which is why lefties always end up having to go back a half century to the black apartment thing. They never win that one either, since no legal decision was ever made. Even if a legal decision was made, it would have been against "Trump Management", and there would be no way to prove that President Trump was involved in it or had any knowledge of it. That does not matter though, since there was no legal decision made on it in the first place.

I am in a multi racial and multi national family myself, and I can assure you that it is offensive when lefties make bigoted implications that Latinos or Mexicans are a race. Please don't do this in the future. Not all Latinos are offended by Trump either.