Trump is not a racist

you want to pretend the latino community was not offended by his stupid fucking taunt

now we know that you are also a racist

You are still evading the opening post, so you have lost this one. Evading does not count as a win.

If you must continue to evade providing a shred of legitimate evidence of Trump's racism, why not at least keep your evasions related to race?
Read on, ignorant douchenozzle.

It becomes wearisome doing your homework for you lazy fucktards.

Are you counting on having somebody navigate your propaganda links and then being sold on the idea that Trump is a racist without ever seeing the actual evidence? Just post what the evidence is that you found on your propaganda site here on the thread. If you had a shred of evidence, it would be plastered all over this thread, and you would not be hoping that somebody would get sold on some propaganda that is off on another site.
This thread is about racism. Race absolutely MUST be involved for there to be racism. If you are rising to the challenge of the opening post and are attempting to present evidence that Trump is a racist, you must clarify which specific race that Trump feels is inferior to his own. Most Latinos are the SAME race as Trump, so the Latino thing won't work here. Mexicans, Christians, and Muslims are not races either, which is why lefties always end up having to go back a half century to the black apartment thing. They never win that one either, since no legal decision was ever made. Even if a legal decision was made, it would have been against "Trump Management", and there would be no way to prove that President Trump was involved in it or had any knowledge of it. That does not matter though, since there was no legal decision made on it in the first place.

I am in a multi racial and multi national family myself, and I can assure you that it is offensive when lefties make bigoted implications that Latinos or Mexicans are a race. Please don't do this in the future. Not all Latinos are offended by Trump either.

This thread is about racism. Race absolutely MUST be involved for there to be racism. If you are rising to the challenge of the opening post and are attempting to present evidence that Trump is a racist, you must clarify which specific race that Trump feels is inferior to his own. Most Latinos are the SAME race as Trump, so the Latino thing won't work here. Mexicans, Christians, and Muslims are not races either, which is why lefties always end up having to go back a half century to the black apartment thing. They never win that one either, since no legal decision was ever made. Even if a legal decision was made, it would have been against "Trump Management", and there would be no way to prove that President Trump was involved in it or had any knowledge of it. That does not matter though, since there was no legal decision made on it in the first place.

I am in a multi racial and multi national family myself, and I can assure you that it is offensive when lefties make bigoted implications that Latinos or Mexicans are a race. Please don't do this in the future. Not all Latinos are offended by Trump either.

Ahhh, an anal retentive hair splitter as well. Racism has connotations beyond your narrow definition, Cletus. You know that (probably) but play the role of asshat. You do it well.
Are you counting on having somebody navigate your propaganda links and then being sold on the idea that Trump is a racist without ever seeing the actual evidence? Just post what the evidence is that you found on your propaganda site here on the thread. If you had a shred of evidence, it would be plastered all over this thread, and you would not be hoping that somebody would get sold on some propaganda that is off on another site.

I posted the link to the settlement, cretin. Having some comprehension problems, Rufus?
This thread is about racism. Race absolutely MUST be involved for there to be racism. If you are rising to the challenge of the opening post and are attempting to present evidence that Trump is a racist, you must clarify which specific race that Trump feels is inferior to his own. Most Latinos are the SAME race as Trump, so the Latino thing won't work here. Mexicans, Christians, and Muslims are not races either, which is why lefties always end up having to go back a half century to the black apartment thing. They never win that one either, since no legal decision was ever made. Even if a legal decision was made, it would have been against "Trump Management", and there would be no way to prove that President Trump was involved in it or had any knowledge of it. That does not matter though, since there was no legal decision made on it in the first place.

I am in a multi racial and multi national family myself, and I can assure you that it is offensive when lefties make bigoted implications that Latinos or Mexicans are a race. Please don't do this in the future. Not all Latinos are offended by Trump either.


Don't tell that idiot, Granule, who thinks you're on the money. He not only thinks Arabs and Mexicans are a separate race, he believes each Native American tribe constitutes a separate race. That makes about 560+ races in the US alone.
I posted the link to the settlement, cretin. Having some comprehension problems, Rufus?

The challenge in the opening post clearly requests that the evidence be presented on this thread. A link is not evidence, but is required to back up the evidence that you present. Go extrapolate the quote that is the smoking gun, and present it here.
The challenge in the opening post clearly requests that the evidence be presented on this thread. A link is not evidence, but is required to back up the evidence that you present. Go extrapolate the quote that is the smoking gun, and present it here.

The link is the PDF of the settlement, you lazy fucktard. Have your mom read it to you if you are incapable.
The link is the PDF of the settlement, you lazy fucktard. Have your mom read it to you if you are incapable.

I am already very familiar with it, which is why I know that you will NEVER post what Trump was found guilty of. You are referring to a dead end, which is why you can't post what he was found guilty of.
I am already very familiar with it, which is why I know that you will NEVER post what Trump was found guilty of. You are referring to a dead end, which is why you can't post what he was found guilty of.


Save your bullshittery for somebody else, pally boy. It doesn't wash with me. Try to answer the question I posed in #38 instead of your diversionary horse feces.

Save your bullshittery for somebody else, pally boy. It doesn't wash with me. Try to answer the question I posed in #38 instead of your diversionary horse feces.

Still no evidence posted here. Just so you know, you will NEVER post any actual evidence here. Every post that you leave here will evade posting the actual evidence. BTW, there is no question in post 38, but I addressed it for you in post 52. You knew that though, and were just evading the fact that you have not extrapolated and summarized the smoking gun to post here to show me a thing or two.
Still no evidence posted here. Just so you know, you will NEVER post any actual evidence here. Every post that you leave here will evade posting the actual evidence. BTW, there is no question in post 38, but I addressed it for you in post 52. You knew that though, and were just evading the fact that you have not extrapolated and summarized the smoking gun to post here to show me a thing or two.

I gave you the evidence in post #38, moron. That you fail to comprehend it is on your shoulders, not mine. Perhaps you can find it on tape and have someone explain the significance of the settlement to you. Obviously, that has escaped you.

Re: the question. It looks like you're going to be a sniveling little nitpicker, so I'll pose it again, punk.

Feel free to comment on how an entity like Trump Management that DID NOT routinely employ discriminatory practices would have to jump through so many hoops. Comprende, Rufus?
Feel free to comment on how an entity like Trump Management that DID NOT routinely employ discriminatory practices would have to jump through so many hoops. Comprende, Rufus?

This thread is not about Trump management, it is about Trump. Even if it was about Trump management though, it sounds like you are saying that there is no evidence, but that one could make certain assumptions based on the settlement. Is this right? No evidence in the settlement either?

You will NEVER post any evidence here. Your next post will only be like this one that does not contain the evidence. All you can do is tell me where it supposedly is, you will not be able to copy and paste the smoking gun and post it here.
Ok, it looks like the lefties have conceded on this one. No evidence posted. There is no evidence that Trump is a racist, and the lefty notion that he is one is busted.
I recently started an introduction thread, and was welcomed with a much appreciated hazing from the lefties here. Sweet! My kinda forum. Anyway, I saw a couple challenges from the lefties here to engage in a debate about anything. Anyway, I will open with one of my favorite debates that I have done on a half dozen other political boards, which is about evidence that Trump is a racist. Some of you may have seen my threads about this on DP, TPF, USMB, OR PF. If not, I will make you aware that I have won this debate on all those boards, and that they are available if any lefties want to research them to see how to beat me.

Ok, here is the challange. I assert that Trump is not a racist, even though the lefty media has painted him as such, and even though the general consensus of the left is that he is. I assert that there is absolutely ZERO evidence that proves he is a racist. I challange any lefty to present evidence here on this thread that proves that he is a racist. A quote in coorect context of something that Trump really did say would work, but not an allegation from another party that he said something racist. A lawsuit is not evidence either, since it is still an allegation until a legal decision is made. The other critical thing that absolutely must be clarified is which specific race Trump believes to be inferior to his own. Race must be involved for there to be racism.

Almost every lefty in the past has presented links to allegations that Trump is a racist, but none have ever been evidence. There is a lot of low hanging fruit on google, such as the HuffPo 13 items that Trump is a racist, but none of the propaganda is evidence. Ok lefties, let's see what you've got.

I don't care if he is a racist or not.

I make virtually no distinction between actual racists, and people who provide them safe harbor and make common cause with them.
Trump Management had to train employees about their obligations under the Fair Housing Act and to launch a two-year marketing program to inform the community about their fair housing practices, including giving a weekly list of vacancies to the New York Urban League Open Housing Center, among other requirements.

When vacancies opened up in buildings where fewer than 10 percent of the tenants were black or Hispanic, the center would then have three days to submit applications from minority clients who wanted those apartments. If qualified, they were to get preference by agreeing to advertise vacancies in newspapers that served the black community. Trump was also required to advertise vacancies in press outlets serving minority communities.

But, of course, we must trust Trump when he says "Believe me, I'm the least racist person on earth."

Do you know when Trump is lying? Actually, almost always. But especially when he says "believe me."

You wanna play this game?

Let's talk about hurricane Katrina relief and how the feds handled it. Let's talk about "training".
I don't care if he is a racist or not.

I make virtually no distinction between actual racists, and people who provide them safe harbor and make common cause with them.

I bet this would be a great response to some other thread, but not this one. This thread is specifically for posting evidence that Trump is a racist.