Trump is not a racist

He doesn't believe that there needs to be a ruling. As far as he is concerned, a pdf that details the case is good enough just because it exists. He will NEVER copy and paste anything from that pdf to post here, because there is nothing in it that is evidence of Trump being a racist. If there was something, he would be plastering all over this thread and taunting me with it.


You poor illiterate fuck. Why would I need to copy and paste anything from the settlement when I provided the ENTIRE thing for you? What's wrong, punk? Too lazy to read?

Spare me your "if/would" horseshit, douchenozzle. The settlement speaks for itself. Trump tried for two years to fight the charges and ended up devoting substantial resources to rectify a problem he claims to have never existed.

Go home, shitweasel. You lost on this one.
You know it's not over my head and if you want to argue details bring it puppy.

It's hardly worth the trouble, since the pdf and settlement are about Trump management, not Donald Trump. Even if there was a smoking gun against Trump management, which there isnt, one would still need to prove that Donald orchestrated or knew of it.
It's hardly worth the trouble, since the pdf and settlement are about Trump management, not Donald Trump. Even if there was a smoking gun against Trump management, which there isnt, one would still need to prove that Donald orchestrated or knew of it.

1) I like Domer

2) Ever notice how many people argue the prog point of view? They're wrong but they're still out there.
It's hardly worth the trouble, since the pdf and settlement are about Trump management, not Donald Trump. Even if there was a smoking gun against Trump management, which there isnt, one would still need to prove that Donald orchestrated or knew of it.


Once again, your illiteracy and/or laziness is evident.

The United States against Fred C. Trump, Donald Trump and Trump Management.

Orangetweet himself admitted to be heavily involved in the daily operations.

Just keep flailing, pally boy. This is amusing to me.

Once again, your illiteracy and/or laziness is evident.

The United States against Fred C. Trump, Donald Trump and Trump Management.

Orangetweet himself admitted to be heavily involved in the daily operations.

Just keep flailing, pally boy. This is amusing to me.

Details bitch.

Did you go to the same junior college as Rudy?
1) I like Domer

2) Ever notice how many people argue the prog point of view? They're wrong but they're still out there.

1) Aw shucks, Guille, I'm blushing.
2) This isn't a prog point of view. They are no "point of view". They are the facts.
It's hardly worth the trouble, since the pdf and settlement are about Trump management, not Donald Trump. Even if there was a smoking gun against Trump management, which there isnt, one would still need to prove that Donald orchestrated or knew of it.

if there was a smoking gun they would have been fined a minimum of $50k.....
No you didn't; because there was no court ruling. :D


It's called a Consent Decree, moron. The Trump's had to pay through the nose to train their employees in non-discriminatory pracrices, keep and provide records of minority group applications and rental, change its advertising and promotional practices, notify the Open Housing Center (Urban League) of vacancies, place a substantial advertisement in a paper such as the NYT one Sunday every month advertising open apartments, and so on. Quite a few more court ordered stipulations.

lo and behold, idiot, at the end of the consent order, this appears:

"The Court shall retain jursidiction of this action for all purposes" and signed by the judge and Orangetweet himself.

Read it and weep, halfwit: