Trump is not a racist

Trump is an everything-ist.

Whatever "ists" there are, and any of them you can imagine, Trump is one.

But he is first and foremost, a misanthrope.

It's called a Consent Decree, moron. The Trump's had to pay through the nose to train their employees in non-discriminatory pracrices, keep and provide records of minority group applications and rental, change its advertising and promotional practices, notify the Open Housing Center (Urban League) of vacancies, place a substantial advertisement in a paper such as the NYT one Sunday every month advertising open apartments, and so on. Quite a few more court ordered stipulations.

lo and behold, idiot, at the end of the consent order, this appears:

"The Court shall retain jursidiction of this action for all purposes" and signed by the judge and Orangetweet himself.

Read it and weep, halfwit:

Where is the part where Trump is a racist? What does it mean in the pdf where it says: "The complaint against Fred C. Trump and Donald J. Trump is dismissed against them in their personal capacity, with prejustice, as to all allegations contained therein, and predating this order."? From what I can tell, they have clearly described the case as allegations, and have clearly dismissed them.
Where is the part where Trump is a racist? What does it mean in the pdf where it says: "The complaint against Fred C. Trump and Donald J. Trump is dismissed against them in their personal capacity, with prejustice, as to all allegations contained therein, and predating this order."? From what I can tell, they have clearly described the case as allegations, and have clearly dismissed them.

I can't help you if your trolling little head is so far up your ass that you can't see reality. That decree speaks for itself in that Orangetweet had to endure considerable time and expense to correct discriminatory practices by the company he was president of and of which he was actively engaged in day to day activities.

You got your little troll ass handed to you, punk. Move on and try your horseshit elsewhere.
I can't help you if your trolling little head is so far up your ass that you can't see reality. That decree speaks for itself in that Orangetweet had to endure considerable time and expense to correct discriminatory practices by the company he was president of and of which he was actively engaged in day to day activities.

You got your little troll ass handed to you, punk. Move on and try your horseshit elsewhere.

You forgot to answer the question that you quoted. Lets stick to what the pdf really says.
I haven't received your response to my inquiry, trollboy.

For an amateur race-baiting trolltard, you sure are amusing.

Nice evasion. Still no evidence that Trump is a racist. The evidence that you brought was not even posted on this thread, but the pdf clearly called your "evidence" allegations and dismissed them. Ok, let's see your next evasion that does not include the evidence.
Nice evasion. Still no evidence that Trump is a racist. The evidence that you brought was not even posted on this thread, but the pdf clearly called your "evidence" allegations and dismissed them. Ok, let's see your next evasion that does not include the evidence.


I'll give them to you one more time, trolltard. I wonder why someone who does not engage in blatant discriminatory practices would have to jump through such hoops. Do you? I asked you that, punk, but you evade.

You're out of your league here, sonny boy. Find a children's forum to try your juvenile horseshit on.
It was the civil equivalent of a no contest plea.

According to the left's definition.

But then this must mean that Bill Clinton is a racist, even though no Court ever found him guilty, seeing as how he settle his rape accusations out of Court.

This means that Hillary enabled an admitted rapist.

Just using your "logic". :dunno:
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It's called a Consent Decree, moron. The Trump's had to pay through the nose to train their employees in non-discriminatory pracrices, keep and provide records of minority group applications and rental, change its advertising and promotional practices, notify the Open Housing Center (Urban League) of vacancies, place a substantial advertisement in a paper such as the NYT one Sunday every month advertising open apartments, and so on. Quite a few more court ordered stipulations.

lo and behold, idiot, at the end of the consent order, this appears:

"The Court shall retain jursidiction of this action for all purposes" and signed by the judge and Orangetweet himself.

Read it and weep, halfwit:

Then give the Court given consequence and instead of just parroting what you want, give a link to the actual ruling. :D

I'll give them to you one more time, trolltard. I wonder why someone who does not engage in blatant discriminatory practices would have to jump through such hoops. Do you? I asked you that, punk, but you evade.

You're out of your league here, sonny boy. Find a children's forum to try your juvenile horseshit on.

Your first link that you posted says it all: "The CLAIM of the United States is that..." A claim is not evidence that anything happened. They can claim that Trump did all kinds of bad things, but a claim is just that. He was not found guilty of anything. The case was settled, and the the allegations were dismissed.

Do you deny that the United States made claims and then dismissed them? There could be thousands upon thousands of claims or allegations against somebody, but the number of times this is been done does not imply guilt. It does not matter what kind of hoops somebody has to jump through to defend themselves in court, because this does not mean that a person is guilty. The court decides who is guilty. Not the court of lefty opinion either. This notion that somebody must be guilty because they went through a complicated legal procedure is not how things work in our country.
Then give the Court given consequence and instead of just parroting what you want, give a link to the actual ruling. :D

That IS the consent order you fucking moron. It specifies all the hoops the Trumps had to jump through as a result of their discriminatory practices.

Didn't mommy read that to you yet, illiterate twatwaddle?
Your first link that you posted says it all: "The CLAIM of the United States is that..." A claim is not evidence that anything happened. They can claim that Trump did all kinds of bad things, but a claim is just that. He was not found guilty of anything. The case was settled, and the the allegations were dismissed.

Do you deny that the United States made claims and then dismissed them? There could be thousands upon thousands of claims or allegations against somebody, but the number of times this is been done does not imply guilt. It does not matter what kind of hoops somebody has to jump through to defend themselves in court, because this does not mean that a person is guilty. The court decides who is guilty. Not the court of lefty opinion either. This notion that somebody must be guilty because they went through a complicated legal procedure is not how things work in our country.

There could be, moron. Claims could be dismissed with no action. There were consequences here, stupid fuck. Substantial ones. For 2 years, Orangetweet spent tons on a hotshot attorney that tried everything in the book. The judge called their counter suit "a waste of paper". They finally gave up and settled, having to jump through years of hoops and pay their own expenses to do so. That, from a company that adhered to all the anti-discrimination laws, huh? Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining, punk. I know better. That you don't means you're naive or stupid. I lean to stupid for you.

I see you still avoid the question, punk. Translation = defeat for you. Run along sonny. This is one more instance of your ass being handed to you on this forum. The kiddie forum calls for your return.
