Trump is not a racist

Please provide links of who found D Trump guilty, and what specific charges stuck.

Been shown on this board many times. Trump was in violation of the Fair Housing act of 1968. His rental agents admitted they had codes to keep minorities from renting, They were following Trump policy. TRumps signed the agreement the court drew and ran ads saying they were open to renting to minorities. Write that down.
Been shown on this board many times. Trump was in violation of the Fair Housing act of 1968. His rental agents admitted they had codes to keep minorities from renting, They were following Trump policy. TRumps signed the agreement the court drew and ran ads saying they were open to renting to minorities. Write that down.

Post #38.

You got your ass kicked on this one last May. Why do you insist on another?

If you are going to pick an arbitrary post number as the supposed post that contains all the evidence, I would suggest using an odd number. Odd numbers sound more authentic.
Been shown on this board many times. Trump was in violation of the Fair Housing act of 1968. His rental agents admitted they had codes to keep minorities from renting, They were following Trump policy. TRumps signed the agreement the court drew and ran ads saying they were open to renting to minorities. Write that down.

There is a new thread on this board that you are going to love, and that new thread is where all of your information should be posted.
If you are going to pick an arbitrary post number as the supposed post that contains all the evidence, I would suggest using an odd number. Odd numbers sound more authentic.

Gave you the post with the info, dumfuck. Are you unable to find that post as well?

Domer, kicking your ass for a year.
Trump's not racist, but, please don't assign Mexican judges to his civil cases.

Nah just Mexican judges with ties to La Raza.

The San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association (SDLRLA), the group which Trump University lawsuit Judge Gonzalo Curiel is a member of, considers various pro-illegal immigrant organizations as part of its “community.”

The SDLRLA’s website includes a side-panel on their site titled “Community” which includes links to a variety of groups, including the National Council of La Raza.

“Please note, the San Diego Lawyers Association is not affiliated with the National La Raza Council,” the president of the SDLRLA, Luis O. Osuna, told The Daily Caller in a statement. However, this link is not the only connection between the SDLRLA and the National Council of La Raza. The San Diego previously publicized a La Raza announcement in 2012 about gay marriage.
The SDLRLA is also an affiliate of the Hispanic National Bar Association. The former president of this group, Rafael Santiago, was on the board of the National Council of La Raza. La Raza views itself as a non-radical Latino advocacy group, but Hispanic civil rights leader Cesar Chavez called the movement “anti-gringo.”

However, the NCLR is not the only group the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association associates with that takes issues with Trump and his policies. Another group linked as part of the SDLRLA’s community is Reality Changers, which provides scholarships to low-income youth, some of which are illegal immigrants. It was previously reported by TheDC that Judge Curiel was on a selection committee that gave a scholarship to an illegal alien.

MANA de San Diego is also listed on the community page of the SDLRLA and likewise to Reality Changers they offer scholarships to illegal immigrant youth. Another group in the “community” is MALDEF. MALDEF previously spearheaded a lawsuit against several colleges for denying admission to illegal aliens.

Alliance San Diego is likewise linked to by the SDLRLA and a recent post on their site is, “Latinos allege excessive policing after Trump protests.” Alliance San Diego has come out strongly in support of Obama’s executive actions providing amnesty.

Another group that SDLRLA considers part of their community is Border Angels. The founder of Border Angels opposed the most recent immigration reform bill, Gang of Eight, because “it is not humane, as it would double the size of the Border Patrol and double the size of the wall.”

San Diego Dream Team is another organization linked to the SDLRLA. The group recently tweeted out their displeasure with deportation raids from the Obama administration. “San Diego will NOT stand for hate, militarization of our communities/separation of families#StopTheHate #HereToStay,” the group wrote on May 27.

Curiel is a member of a group called San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association (SDLRLA). SDLRLA’s website identifies National Council of La Raza (NCLR), a race-baiting leftist group that strongly condemns Trump’s immigration policy proposals, as part of its “community.” The group is affiliated with the Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) which called Trump “racist” last year for promising to secure the border and vowed to target Trump’s “business interests” with boycotts.
Nah just Mexican judges with ties to La Raza.

The San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association (SDLRLA), the group which Trump University lawsuit Judge Gonzalo Curiel is a member of, considers various pro-illegal immigrant organizations as part of its “community.”

The SDLRLA’s website includes a side-panel on their site titled “Community” which includes links to a variety of groups, including the National Council of La Raza.

“Please note, the San Diego Lawyers Association is not affiliated with the National La Raza Council,” the president of the SDLRLA, Luis O. Osuna, told The Daily Caller in a statement. However, this link is not the only connection between the SDLRLA and the National Council of La Raza. The San Diego previously publicized a La Raza announcement in 2012 about gay marriage.
The SDLRLA is also an affiliate of the Hispanic National Bar Association. The former president of this group, Rafael Santiago, was on the board of the National Council of La Raza. La Raza views itself as a non-radical Latino advocacy group, but Hispanic civil rights leader Cesar Chavez called the movement “anti-gringo.”

However, the NCLR is not the only group the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association associates with that takes issues with Trump and his policies. Another group linked as part of the SDLRLA’s community is Reality Changers, which provides scholarships to low-income youth, some of which are illegal immigrants. It was previously reported by TheDC that Judge Curiel was on a selection committee that gave a scholarship to an illegal alien.

MANA de San Diego is also listed on the community page of the SDLRLA and likewise to Reality Changers they offer scholarships to illegal immigrant youth. Another group in the “community” is MALDEF. MALDEF previously spearheaded a lawsuit against several colleges for denying admission to illegal aliens.

Alliance San Diego is likewise linked to by the SDLRLA and a recent post on their site is, “Latinos allege excessive policing after Trump protests.” Alliance San Diego has come out strongly in support of Obama’s executive actions providing amnesty.

Another group that SDLRLA considers part of their community is Border Angels. The founder of Border Angels opposed the most recent immigration reform bill, Gang of Eight, because “it is not humane, as it would double the size of the Border Patrol and double the size of the wall.”

San Diego Dream Team is another organization linked to the SDLRLA. The group recently tweeted out their displeasure with deportation raids from the Obama administration. “San Diego will NOT stand for hate, militarization of our communities/separation of families#StopTheHate #HereToStay,” the group wrote on May 27.

Curiel is a member of a group called San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association (SDLRLA). SDLRLA’s website identifies National Council of La Raza (NCLR), a race-baiting leftist group that strongly condemns Trump’s immigration policy proposals, as part of its “community.” The group is affiliated with the Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) which called Trump “racist” last year for promising to secure the border and vowed to target Trump’s “business interests” with boycotts.

La Raza, the bar association, idiot. Why is reading so difficult for you?
I recently started an introduction thread, and was welcomed with a much appreciated hazing from the lefties here. Sweet! My kinda forum. Anyway, I saw a couple challenges from the lefties here to engage in a debate about anything. Anyway, I will open with one of my favorite debates that I have done on a half dozen other political boards, which is about evidence that Trump is a racist. Some of you may have seen my threads about this on DP, TPF, USMB, OR PF. If not, I will make you aware that I have won this debate on all those boards, and that they are available if any lefties want to research them to see how to beat me.

Ok, here is the challange. I assert that Trump is not a racist, even though the lefty media has painted him as such, and even though the general consensus of the left is that he is. I assert that there is absolutely ZERO evidence that proves he is a racist. I challange any lefty to present evidence here on this thread that proves that he is a racist. A quote in coorect context of something that Trump really did say would work, but not an allegation from another party that he said something racist. A lawsuit is not evidence either, since it is still an allegation until a legal decision is made. The other critical thing that absolutely must be clarified is which specific race Trump believes to be inferior to his own. Race must be involved for there to be racism.

Almost every lefty in the past has presented links to allegations that Trump is a racist, but none have ever been evidence. There is a lot of low hanging fruit on google, such as the HuffPo 13 items that Trump is a racist, but none of the propaganda is evidence. Ok lefties, let's see what you've got.

Hello Evmetro,

Greetings from a newbie.

Here is a story by The Hill which contains evidence of Trump racial discrimination against blacks:

"The court documents detail the experience of a husband and wife who rented properties, who said they had been told the Trump Management Co. “wanted to rent only to Jews and Executives’ and ‘discouraged rental to blacks,’” according to the Post. “The couple told the government’s lawyers that they were advised that ‘a racial code was in effect, blacks being referred to as ‘No. 9.’”"
Hello Evmetro,

Greetings from a newbie.

Here is a story by The Hill which contains evidence of Trump racial discrimination against blacks:

"The court documents detail the experience of a husband and wife who rented properties, who said they had been told the Trump Management Co. “wanted to rent only to Jews and Executives’ and ‘discouraged rental to blacks,’” according to the Post. “The couple told the government’s lawyers that they were advised that ‘a racial code was in effect, blacks being referred to as ‘No. 9.’”"

There is another thread for these kinds of allegations, accusations, and dismissed cases:

This thread is meant for actual evidence.
Hello Evmetro,

Greetings from a newbie.

Here is a story by The Hill which contains evidence of Trump racial discrimination against blacks:

"The court documents detail the experience of a husband and wife who rented properties, who said they had been told the Trump Management Co. “wanted to rent only to Jews and Executives’ and ‘discouraged rental to blacks,’” according to the Post. “The couple told the government’s lawyers that they were advised that ‘a racial code was in effect, blacks being referred to as ‘No. 9.’”"

Hello Evmetro,

Greetings from a newbie.

Here is a story by The Hill which contains evidence of Trump racial discrimination against blacks:

"The court documents detail the experience of a husband and wife who rented properties, who said they had been told the Trump Management Co. “wanted to rent only to Jews and Executives’ and ‘discouraged rental to blacks,’” according to the Post. “The couple told the government’s lawyers that they were advised that ‘a racial code was in effect, blacks being referred to as ‘No. 9.’”"

case was dropped by the government when they decided they couldn't win.......
case was dropped by the government when they decided they couldn't win.......

Not true. Trump settled and had to make changes to end discriminatory practices. His high priced lawyers bargained and got no admission of guilt as long as Trump properties change their ways.

New York Times

"The judge dismissed both the countersuit and the contempt-of-court charge. After nearly two years of legal wrangling, the Trumps gave up and signed a consent decree.

As is customary, it did not include an admission of guilt. But it did include pages of stipulations intended to ensure the desegregation of Trump properties."
Not true. Trump settled and had to make changes to end discriminatory practices. His high priced lawyers bargained and got no admission of guilt as long as Trump properties change their ways.

New York Times

"The judge dismissed both the countersuit and the contempt-of-court charge. After nearly two years of legal wrangling, the Trumps gave up and signed a consent decree.

As is customary, it did not include an admission of guilt. But it did include pages of stipulations intended to ensure the desegregation of Trump properties."

These guys have been told multiple times just exactly what you are saying. It does no good.
Not true. Trump settled and had to make changes to end discriminatory practices. His high priced lawyers bargained and got no admission of guilt as long as Trump properties change their ways.

New York Times

"The judge dismissed both the countersuit and the contempt-of-court charge. After nearly two years of legal wrangling, the Trumps gave up and signed a consent decree.

As is customary, it did not include an admission of guilt. But it did include pages of stipulations intended to ensure the desegregation of Trump properties."

Everybody in the country has had comply with new housing laws.

That same article also complains from a lefty biased point of view, that:

The Trumps effectively wore the government down. The original consent decree expired before the Justice Department had accumulated enough evidence to press its new case.