Trump is not a racist

I believe he said that HE was in New Jersey.......doesn't change the fact the Palestinians were in fact dancing in the street because of 9/11.....

Who gives a Fuck and why should they care what we think ... if you were on the out side of America looking in, you'd probably think this place is the Shit Hole.

It's all about your personal perspective and life experience ... we all don't see things in the same way ... period.
You're the one constantly calling people racists? I said you voted Obama due to skin color. That makes you stupid.

It's quite clear the more you try to defend something you keep saying is untrue that it's true. If, as you claim, it isn't true, you'd move on. That you keep getting your panties in a wad over it proves you know it is true.

Because this board is covered with racists like you. Now you move on.

We are not looking for propaganda like this, we are looking for evidence.

You need a new crop of friends, bunky....because I don't see any fact based refutation of the documented historical information in the links provided. Wailing "fake news" like your orange pated hero is NOT an adult, rational, fact based way to prove something is wrong.
...because I don't see any fact based refutation of the documented historical information in the links provided..

It is not a problem of disputing the information that you provided, the problem is that the information did not contain evidence of racism. Lots of allegations, but no evidence. Dismissed cases, but no evidence. A politically biased media trying to sell agenda, but no evidence.
No evidence is required ... if you do believe Trump is a Racist, then that's your belief ... so be it.

I won't loose any sleep over your beliefs

So your position on Trump being a racist is that it is purely faith based. Have faith in whatever the Church of CNN preaches.
It is not a problem of disputing the information that you provided, the problem is that the information did not contain evidence of racism. Lots of allegations, but no evidence. Dismissed cases, but no evidence. A politically biased media trying to sell agenda, but no evidence.

I kicked your ass on this one last May. Give it up, punk.
You have spun the lefty wheel of fortune to see which random lefty talking point to post as a reply instead of the requested evidence.

Return to the posts from last May where I provided all the evidence and handed you your sorry ass.
Trump is not only a racist, but he is the head of the surge in racism that marks the USA now. There are articles nearly every day about white guys threatening Muslims or minorities saying they are allowed to now.
Because this board is covered with racists like you. Now you move on.

It's still quite clear that what I said about why you voted is true. You can't move on. That you address is proves you know I'm correct.

If you don't like the truth that's been stated and can move me on, do so.
Return to the posts from last May where I provided all the evidence and handed you your sorry ass.

You officially surrendered back in May. I will provide the post number of where you did this, just as soon as you wrap quotes around the evidence you provided and post it here. Please be sure to exclude links to propaganda, allegations, accusations, or dismissed cases.

We all know of course, that you will never post the evidence, and that that you are just giving the big lefty wheel of fortune a spin to see what to post instead of the link that you cannot provide. I admit that your spins of the big lefty wheel of fortune are indeed grander than the typical lefty spins, but nevertheless, it all comes down to how you will only be posting something other than the evidence. Go ahead, post what the wheel lands on this time.
You officially surrendered back in May. I will provide the post number of where you did this, just as soon as you wrap quotes around the evidence you provided and post it here. Please be sure to exclude links to propaganda, allegations, accusations, or dismissed cases.

We all know of course, that you will never post the evidence, and that that you are just giving the big lefty wheel of fortune a spin to see what to post instead of the link that you cannot provide. I admit that your spins of the big lefty wheel of fortune are indeed grander than the typical lefty spins, but nevertheless, it all comes down to how you will only be posting something other than the evidence. Go ahead, post what the wheel lands on this time.

Sad little illiterate. Evidence posted in #38. What’s the problem, loser? Never did find a literate 10 year old to read it to you?

Dismissed, punk. You lost again.
Still no link, right?

Spin the big lefty wheel of fortune to see what random lefty talking point to post instead of the link. ..

Muslims are not a race.

Of course they are. The definition includes people who are separated by a common bond that separates them from others. Truth is the term race has lost scientific clout. You know what picture comes to mind when you say Muslim, don't you? Is it a blue eyed blond? When Trump wants to ban Muslims from flying, how would he do that if they were not often, distinguishable?
I believe he said that HE was in New Jersey.......doesn't change the fact the Palestinians were in fact dancing in the street because of 9/11.....

trump the lying liar changed his story on this.


Here, for example, is an article in the New York Post interviewing Trump just eight days after the attack; he makes no mention of having witnessed the alleged celebrations. And in a foreword for a book titled “Where Were You On 9/11?,” Trump makes no mention of this: “I was in my apartment in the Trump Tower [on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001]. I knew what was happening because I can see downtown to the Financial district.”

“Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”
trump the lying liar changed his story on this.


Here, for example, is an article in the New York Post interviewing Trump just eight days after the attack; he makes no mention of having witnessed the alleged celebrations. And in a foreword for a book titled “Where Were You On 9/11?,” Trump makes no mention of this: “I was in my apartment in the Trump Tower [on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001]. I knew what was happening because I can see downtown to the Financial district.”

“Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”

He lies,
trump the lying liar changed his story on this.


Here, for example, is an article in the New York Post interviewing Trump just eight days after the attack; he makes no mention of having witnessed the alleged celebrations. And in a foreword for a book titled “Where Were You On 9/11?,” Trump makes no mention of this: “I was in my apartment in the Trump Tower [on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001]. I knew what was happening because I can see downtown to the Financial district.”

“Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”
