Trump is not a racist

The case was not dropped. It was settled with legally binding actions required by puss boy. Actions which he failed to do and was hauled back into court to make sure he did them.

Nope. just pointing out your deficiencies in thought and logic. That is OK though. You fit right in with the rest of the trumpchumps.

And you fit right in with the other infantile name callers on here.
And you fit right in with the other infantile name callers on here.

Hey I thought all you trumpchumps were into "telling it like it is." If you support Trump you are obviously chump. So calling you a trumpchump isn't calling you a name it is an apt description of who you are.
and you've been proven to be just another lib'rul cunt......when you're ready to discuss facts instead of your lies, feel free to get back to me......

I am always ready to talk facts. You just either don't know them or pretend they don't exist. So you are just another trumpchump.