Trump is not a racist

Yes folks, Trump was accused of racism his whole career. This thread is wrong. From his discrimination suits ,his Central park 5 lies ,his horrible birtherism ,his endless insulting remarks about Obama and his family all the way to his racist remarks about people of color now. It is resolved that Forest Trump is a racist and there is no disputing it.
Yes folks, Trump was accused of racism his whole career. This thread is wrong. From his discrimination suits ,his Central park 5 lies ,his horrible birtherism ,his endless insulting remarks about Obama and his family all the way to his racist remarks about people of color now. It is resolved that Forest Trump is a racist and there is no disputing it.

This is not the thread for accusations, allegations, or dismissed and dropped cases.

How about cases where he was found guilty of discrimination and fined. Appealed and lost? Is there room in this thread and that empty head of yours for that?
This is not the thread for accusations, allegations, or dismissed and dropped cases.

Oh, just offhand dismiss all the incredible pile of information and testimonies if it hides what Trump is. What I said is the easily proven factual stuff. I did not include his casino managers having to move black workers around to avoid Trump when he came to the casinos. But his racism was proven in court in 1973. His birtherism and statements against Obama are public knowledge, His actions in the Central Park 5 are blatant racism. Nope thread settled. Trump is a racist.
How about cases where he was found guilty of discrimination and fined. Appealed and lost? Is there room in this thread and that empty head of yours for that?

If you can find the correct case, it will count as evidence. A lawsuit is not evidence by itself, it needs the correct verdict as well. Below is a quote from wikipedia about the 200k fine in 1991, and why something like that does not count as evidence:

Trump Plaza was fined $200,000 in 1991 by the New Jersey Casino Control Commission for moving African American and female employees from craps tables in order to accommodate high roller Robert LiButti, a mob figure and alleged John Gotti associate, who was said to fly into fits of racist rage when he was on losing streaks.[29] There is no indication that Trump was ever questioned in that investigation, he was not held personally liable, and Trump denies even knowing what LiButti looked like.[29]

Obviously, as the left leaning wiki points out, the fine here cannot be evidence that Donald Trump believes his race to be superior.
I did not include his casino managers having to move black workers around to avoid Trump when he came to the casinos.

That means you are not burdened with having to produce evidence of this "allegation".

Do you believe that there is a number of allegations that can ever equal evidence of guilt?
If you can find the correct case, it will count as evidence. A lawsuit is not evidence by itself, it needs the correct verdict as well. Below is a quote from wikipedia about the 200k fine in 1991, and why something like that does not count as evidence:

Obviously, as the left leaning wiki points out, the fine here cannot be evidence that Donald Trump believes his race to be superior.

Already posted in this thread.
If you can find the correct case, it will count as evidence. A lawsuit is not evidence by itself, it needs the correct verdict as well. Below is a quote from wikipedia about the 200k fine in 1991, and why something like that does not count as evidence:

Obviously, as the left leaning wiki points out, the fine here cannot be evidence that Donald Trump believes his race to be superior.

Wikipedia....fucking moronic.
You are the one who accurately said "accused", right there in post 601. Accused does not equal guilty.

Not a court case. It us a compilation of a lifetime of blatant discrimination and racial hatred.He is a racist. He did lose a court case showing he was discriminating. If he stopped there, we could relax about it, but he has shown who he is since, and you are looking away.

Are you a racist? Did you have to prove it in a court somewhere? Who besides Trump does? When he ran a full page ad demanding the central park 5 to get the death penalty, was that a trial? Then when cleared by DNA, he still said they were guilty. Who does that., but a bigot. Sorry but accusations, which are logical responses to his actions are the proof. People said he was a racist after his actions in the central park 5. What possible court case was appropriate? Your response is wrong.
You are the one who accurately said "accused", right there in post 601. Accused does not equal guilty.

When you are accused over and over, it is generally true. Accused is good because when Trump took an ad asking for the central park 5 to get the death penalty, it was not a crime. It was racism though. When Trump pounded birtherism for 5 years ,he wasn't committing a crime. But he was being a racist. This is just Trump being a hater his whole life. Your premise is totally wrong.
Not a court case. It us a compilation of a lifetime of blatant discrimination and racial hatred.He is a racist. He did lose a court case showing he was discriminating. If he stopped there, we could relax about it, but he has shown who he is since, and you are looking away.

Are you a racist? Did you have to prove it in a court somewhere? Who besides Trump does? When he ran a full page ad demanding the central park 5 to get the death penalty, was that a trial? Then when cleared by DNA, he still said they were guilty. Who does that., but a bigot. Sorry but accusations, which are logical responses to his actions are the proof. People said he was a racist after his actions in the central park 5. What possible court case was appropriate? Your response is wrong.

When you are accused over and over, it is generally true. Accused is good because when Trump took an ad asking for the central park 5 to get the death penalty, it was not a crime. It was racism though. When Trump pounded birtherism for 5 years ,he wasn't committing a crime. But he was being a racist. This is just Trump being a hater his whole life. Your premise is totally wrong.
